- in_section :people - content_for :header do %h1 People .row .span4 = form_tag new_merge_path, {:method => :get, :class => 'form-search'} do = hidden_field_tag :commit, "Search" = hidden_field_tag :loser, @loser.id %ul %li = text_field_tag :search, "", :placeholder => "Email address or name", :class => "input-medium search-query" = submit_tag "Search", :class => 'btn' %p All notes, actions, phone numbers, and tags from %strong= @loser will be merged into the #{@loser.type.downcase} record you select on this screen. %p Mailing address, email, company name, and website for %strong= @loser will be discarded. %p You'll have a chance to confirm all of this before we perform the merge. .span8.super-search-results - if @people.empty?   -else %table.table.people-list - @people.each do |person| %tr %td=link_to "Select", new_merge_path(:loser => @loser, :winner => person.id), :class=>'btn btn-small' %td.name = link_to "#{person}", person_url(person) %br = person.email %td.tags = render :partial => 'shared/tags_uneditable', :locals => { :tag_list => person.tag_list } = will_paginate @people, :inner_window => 2, :outer_window => 0