#!/usr/bin/env PATH="/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby:${PATH}" ruby # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require 'yaml' require 'etc' require 'json' require 'erubis' require 'socket' # Make sure things make sense in our various cloud subsections, which are more # complicated than the rest. May alter the hash it's passed. def validateClouds(cfg) ok = true ['aws', 'google', 'azure'].each { |cloud| if cfg[cloud] found_default = false # Muddle up old-style single-account cloud configs into an array of # named accounts, which is what we're expecting to see nowadays. if cfg[cloud] and cfg[cloud].values.any? { |h| !h.is_a?(Hash) } puts "Converting single #{cloud} #{cfgPath} account entry to default alias" cfg[cloud] = { "default" => cfg[cloud] } cfg[cloud]["default"]["default"] = true found_default = true else missing_alias = false cfg[cloud].each_pair { |acctalias, acct| if acct["default"] if found_default puts "Multiple accounts have 'default' set in #{cloud}" ok = false end found_default = true end } end if !found_default first = cfg[cloud].keys.first puts "No default #{cloud} credentials specified in #{cfgPath}, arbitrarily designating '#{first}'" cfg[cloud][first]["default"] = true end end } ok end # Locate and load the Mu Master's configuration, typically stored in # /opt/mu/etc/mu.yaml. If ~/.mu.yaml exists, load that too and allow it to # override values from the global config. Also puts Mu's /modules directory # into the Ruby $LOAD_PATH. # @return [Hash] def loadMuConfig(default_cfg_overrides = nil) # Start with sane defaults default_cfg = { "installdir" => "/opt/mu", "libdir" => "/opt/mu/lib", "hostname" => "mu-master", "ssl" => { "cert" => "/opt/mu/var/ssl/mommacat.crt", "key" => "/opt/mu/var/ssl/mommacat.key", "chain" => "/opt/mu/var/ssl/Mu_CA.pem" }, "mu_admin_email" => "root@localhost", "allow_invade_foreign_vpcs" => false, "mu_repo" => "cloudamatic/mu.git", "public_address" => Socket.gethostname || "localhost", "banner" => "Mu Master", "scratchpad" => { "template_path" => "/opt/mu/lib/modules/scratchpad.erb", "max_age" => 3600 }, "ldap" => { "type" => "389 Directory Services", "base_dn" => "OU=Mu,DC=platform-mu", "user_ou" => "OU=Users,OU=Mu,DC=platform-mu", "group_ou" => "OU=Groups,OU=Mu,DC=platform-mu", "bind_creds" => { "vault" => "mu_ldap", "item" => "mu_bind_acct", "username_field" => "username", "password_field" => "password" }, "join_creds" => { "vault" => "mu_ldap", "item" => "mu_join_acct", "username_field" => "username", "password_field" => "password" }, "domain_name" => "platform-mu", "domain_netbios_name" => "mu", "user_group_dn" => "CN=mu-users,OU=Groups,OU=Mu,DC=platform-mu", "user_group_name" => "mu-users", "admin_group_dn" => "CN=mu-admins,OU=Groups,OU=Mu,DC=platform-mu", "admin_group_name" => "mu-admins", "dcs" => [""] } } default_cfg.merge!(default_cfg_overrides) if default_cfg_overrides if !File.exists?(cfgPath) and Process.uid == 0 puts "**** Master config #{cfgPath} does not exist, initializing *****" File.open(cfgPath, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts default_cfg.to_yaml } end global_cfg = { "config_files" => [] } if File.exists?(cfgPath) global_cfg = YAML.load(File.read(cfgPath)) global_cfg["config_files"] = [cfgPath] end home = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir username = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name if File.readable?("#{home}/.mu.yaml") and cfgPath != "#{home}/.mu.yaml" global_cfg.merge!(YAML.load(File.read("#{home}/.mu.yaml"))) global_cfg["config_files"] << "#{home}/.mu.yaml" end if !global_cfg.has_key?("installdir") if ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR'] global_cfg["installdir"] = ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR'] elsif Gem.paths and Gem.paths.home and !Dir.exists?("/opt/mu/lib") global_cfg["installdir"] = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(Gem.paths.home))+"/../../../") else global_cfg["installdir"] = "/opt/mu" end end if !global_cfg.has_key?("libdir") if ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR'] global_cfg["libdir"] = ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']+"/lib" else global_cfg["libdir"] = File.realpath(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))+"/..") end end if !global_cfg.has_key?("datadir") if username != "root" global_cfg["datadir"] = home+"/.mu" elsif global_cfg.has_key?("installdir") global_cfg["datadir"] = global_cfg["installdir"]+"/var" else global_cfg["datadir"] = "/opt/mu/var" end end exit 1 if !validateClouds(global_cfg) $LOAD_PATH << "#{global_cfg["libdir"]}/modules" return default_cfg.merge(global_cfg).freeze end # Shorthand for locating the path to mu.yaml def cfgPath home = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).dir username = Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name if Process.uid == 0 if ENV.include?('MU_INSTALLDIR') ENV['MU_INSTALLDIR']+"/etc/mu.yaml" elsif Dir.exists?("/opt/mu") "/opt/mu/etc/mu.yaml" else "#{home}/.mu.yaml" end else "#{home}/.mu.yaml" end end def cfgExists? File.exists?(cfgPath) end # Output an in-memory configuration hash to the standard config file location, # in YAML. # @param cfg [Hash]: The configuration to dump # @param comment [Hash]: A configuration blob that will be appended as a commented block def saveMuConfig(cfg, comment = nil) exit 1 if !validateClouds(cfg) puts "**** Saving master config to #{cfgPath} *****" File.open(cfgPath, File::CREAT|File::TRUNC|File::RDWR, 0644){ |f| f.puts cfg.to_yaml if comment and comment.size > 0 f.puts comment.to_yaml.sub(/^---$/, "EXAMPLE CLOUD LAYERS").gsub(/^/, "# ") end } end $MU_CFG = loadMuConfig($MU_SET_DEFAULTS)