module Onebox module Engine class GithubBlobOnebox include Engine include LayoutSupport EXPAND_AFTER = 0b001 EXPAND_BEFORE = 0b010 EXPAND_NONE = 0b0 DEFAULTS = { :EXPAND_ONE_LINER => EXPAND_AFTER|EXPAND_BEFORE, #set how to expand a one liner. user EXPAND_NONE to disable expand :LINES_BEFORE => 10, :LINES_AFTER => 10, :SHOW_LINE_NUMBER => true, :MAX_LINES => 20, :MAX_CHARS => 5000 } matches_regexp(/^https?:\/\/(www\.)?github\.com.*\/blob\//) def initialize(link, cache = nil, timeout = nil) super link, cache , timeout #merge engine options from global Onebox.options interface # self.options = Onebox.options["GithubBlobOnebox"] #"::").last.to_s # self.options = Onebox.options["::").last.to_s] #We can use this a more generic approach. extract the engine class name automatically self.options = DEFAULTS # Define constant after merging options set in Onebox.options # We can define constant automatically. options.each_pair {|constant_name,value| constant_name_u = constant_name.to_s.upcase if constant_name_u == constant_name.to_s #define a constant if not already defined self.class.const_set constant_name_u.to_sym , options[constant_name_u.to_sym] unless self.class.const_defined? constant_name_u.to_sym end } end private @selected_lines_array = nil @selected_one_liner = 0 def calc_range(m,contents_lines_size) #author Lidlanca 09/15/2014 truncated = false from = /\d+/.match(m[:from]) #get numeric should only match a positive interger to = /\d+/.match(m[:to]) #get numeric should only match a positive interger range_provided = !(from.nil? && to.nil?) #true if "from" or "to" provided in URL from = from.nil? ? 1 : from[0].to_i #if from not provided default to 1st line to = to.nil? ? -1 : to[0].to_i #if to not provided default to undefiend to be handled later in the logic if to === -1 && range_provided #case "from" exists but no valid "to". aka ONE_LINER one_liner = true to = from else one_liner = false end unless range_provided #case no range provided default to 1..MAX_LINES from = 1 to = MAX_LINES truncated = true if contents_lines_size > MAX_LINES #we can technically return here end from, to = [from,to].sort #enforce valid range. [from < to] from = 1 if from > contents_lines_size #if "from" out of TOP bound set to 1st line to = contents_lines_size if to > contents_lines_size #if "to" is out of TOP bound set to last line. if one_liner @selected_one_liner = from if EXPAND_ONE_LINER != EXPAND_NONE if (EXPAND_ONE_LINER & EXPAND_BEFORE != 0) # check if EXPAND_BEFORE flag is on from = [1, from - LINES_BEFORE].max # make sure expand before does not go out of bound end if (EXPAND_ONE_LINER & EXPAND_AFTER != 0) # check if EXPAND_FLAG flag is on to = [to + LINES_AFTER, contents_lines_size].min # make sure expand after does not go out of bound end from = contents_lines_size if from > contents_lines_size #if "from" is out of the content top bound # to = contents_lines_size if to > contents_lines_size #if "to" is out of the content top bound else #no expand show the one liner solely end end if to-from > MAX_LINES && !one_liner #if exceed the MAX_LINES limit correct unless range was produced by one_liner which it expand setting will allow exceeding the line limit truncated = true to = from + MAX_LINES-1 end {:from => from, #calculated from :from_minus_one => from-1, #used for getting currect ol>li numbering with css used in template :to => to, #calculated to :one_liner => one_liner, #boolean if a one-liner :selected_one_liner => @selected_one_liner, #if a one liner is provided we create a reference for it. :range_provided => range_provided, #boolean if range provided :truncated => truncated} end #minimize/compact leading indentation while preserving overall indentation def removeLeadingIndentation str #author Lidlanca 2014 min_space=100 a_lines = str.lines a_lines.each {|l| l = l.chomp("\n") # remove new line m = l.match /^[ ]*/ # find leading spaces 0 or more unless m.nil? || l.size==m[0].size || m[0].size==0 # no match | only spaces in line | empty line m_str_length = m[0].size if m_str_length <= 1 # minimum space is 1 or nothing we can break we found our minimum min_space = m_str_length break #stop iteration end if m_str_length < min_space min_space = m_str_length end else next # SKIP no match or line is only spaces end } a_lines.each {|l| re = "^[ ]{#{min_space}}" #match the minimum spaces of the line l.gsub!(re, "") } a_lines.join end def line_number_helper(lines,start,selected) #author Lidlanca 09/15/2014 lines = removeLeadingIndentation(lines.join).lines # A little ineffeicent we could modify removeLeadingIndentation to accept array and return array, but for now it is only working with a string hash_builder =[] output_builder = [] { |line,i| lnum = (i.to_i+start) hash_builder.push({:line_number => lnum, :data=> line.gsub("\n",""), :selected=> (selected==lnum)? true: false} ) output_builder.push "#{lnum}: #{line}" } {:output=>output_builder.join(), :array=>hash_builder} end def raw options_id ="::").last.to_s #get class name without module namespace return @raw if @raw m = @url.match(/github\.com\/(?[^\/]+)\/(?[^\/]+)\/blob\/(?[^\/]+)\/(?[^#]+)(#(L(?[^-]*)(-L(?.*))?))?/mi) if m from = /\d+/.match(m[:from]) #get numeric should only match a positive interger to = /\d+/.match(m[:to]) #get numeric should only match a positive interger @file = m[:file] contents = open("{m[:user]}/#{m[:repo]}/#{m[:sha1]}/#{m[:file]}", read_timeout: timeout).read contents_lines = contents.lines #get contents lines contents_lines_size = contents_lines.size #get number of lines cr = calc_range(m,contents_lines_size) #calculate the range of lines for output selected_one_liner = cr[:selected_one_liner] #if url is a one-liner calc_range will return it # puts "SELECTED LINE" + cr[:selected_one_liner].to_s from = cr[:from] to = cr[:to] @truncated = cr[:truncated] range_provided = cr[:range_provided] one_liner = cr[:one_liner] @cr_results = cr if range_provided #if a range provided (single line or more) if SHOW_LINE_NUMBER lines_result = line_number_helper(contents_lines[], from, selected_one_liner) #print code with prefix line numbers in case range provided contents = lines_result[:output] @selected_lines_array = lines_result[:array] else contents = contents_lines[].join() end else contents = contents_lines[].join() end if contents.length > MAX_CHARS #truncate content chars to limits contents = contents[0..MAX_CHARS] @truncated = true end @raw = contents end end def data @data ||= {title: link.sub(/^https?\:\/\/github\.com\//, ''), link: link, content: raw, lines: @selected_lines_array , has_lines: !@selected_lines_array.nil?, selected_one_liner: @selected_one_liner, cr_results:@cr_results, truncated: @truncated} end end end end