module Neo4j module Core module Index # This object is returned when you call the #find method on the Node, Relationship. # The actual query is not executed until the first item is requested. # # You can perform a query in many different ways: # # @example By Hash # # Person.find(:name => 'foo', :age => 3) # # @example By Range # # Person.find(:age).between(15,35) # # @example By Lucene Query Syntax # # Car.find('wheels:"4" AND colour: "blue") # # For more information about the syntax see # # @example: By Compound Queries # # Vehicle.find(:weight).between(5.0, 100000.0).and(:name).between('a', 'd') # # You can combine several queries by <tt>AND</tt>ing those together. # # @see Neo4j::Core::Index::Indexer#index # @see Neo4j::Core::Index::Indexer#find - which returns an LuceneQuery # class LuceneQuery include Enumerable attr_accessor :left_and_query, :left_or_query, :right_not_query, :query, :order def initialize(index, index_config, query, params={}) @index = index @query = query @index_config = index_config @params = params @order = params[:sort] if params.include?(:sort) end # Implements the Ruby +Enumerable+ interface def each hits.each { |x| yield x.wrapper } end # Close hits # # Closes the underlying search result. This method should be called whenever you've got what you wanted from the result and won't use it anymore. # It's necessary to call it so that underlying indexes can dispose of allocated resources for this search result. # You can however skip to call this method if you loop through the whole result, then close() will be called automatically. # Even if you loop through the entire result and then call this method it will silently ignore any consequtive call (for convenience). # # This must be done according to the Neo4j Java Documentation: def close @hits.close if @hits @hits = nil end # @return [true, false] True if there is no search hits. def empty? hits.size == 0 end # Does simply loop all search items till the n'th is found. # @return[Neo4j::Node, Neo4j::Relationship] the n'th search item def [](index) i = 0 each { |x| return x if i == index; i += 1 } nil # out of index end # @return[Fixnum] the number of search hits def size hits.size end # Performs a range query # Notice that if you don't specify a type when declaring a property a String range query will be performed. # def between(lower, upper, lower_inclusive=false, upper_inclusive=false) raise "Expected a symbol. Syntax for range queries example: index(:weight).between(a,b)" unless Symbol === @query @query = range_query(@query, lower, upper, lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive) self end def range_query(field, lower, upper, lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive) type = @index_config.field_type(field) raise "no index on field #{field}" unless type # check that we perform a range query on the same values as we have declared with the property :key, :type => ... raise "find(#{field}).between(#{lower}, #{upper}): #{lower} not a #{type}" unless type == lower.class raise "find(#{field}).between(#{lower}, #{upper}): #{upper} not a #{type}" unless type == upper.class case lower when Fixnum Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::NumericRangeQuery.new_long_range(field.to_s, lower, upper, lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive) when Float Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::NumericRangeQuery.new_double_range(field.to_s, lower, upper, lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive) else, lower, upper, lower_inclusive, upper_inclusive) end end # Create a compound lucene query. # # @param [String] query2 the query that should be AND together # @return [Neo4j::Core::Index::LuceneQuery] a new query object # # @example # # Person.find(:name=>'kalle').and(:age => 3) # def and(query2), @index_config, query2).tap { |new_query| new_query.left_and_query = self } end # Create an OR lucene query. # # @param [String] query2 the query that should be OR together # @return [Neo4j::Core::Index::LuceneQuery] a new query object # # @example # # Person.find(:name=>'kalle').or(:age => 3) # def or(query2), @index_config, query2).tap { |new_query| new_query.left_or_query = self } end # Create a NOT lucene query. # # @param [String] query2 the query that should exclude matching results # @return [Neo4j::Core::Index::LuceneQuery] a new query object # # @example # # Person.find(:age => 3).not(:name=>'kalle') # def not(query2), @index_config, query2).tap { |new_query| new_query.right_not_query = self } end # Sort descending the given fields. # @param [Symbol] fields it should sort def desc(*fields) @order ||= [] @order += { |f| [f, :desc] } self end # Sort ascending the given fields. # @param [Symbol] fields it should sort def asc(*fields) @order ||= [] @order += { |f| [f, :asc] } self end protected def parse_query(query) version = Java::OrgApacheLuceneUtil::Version::LUCENE_30 analyzer = parser =, 'name', analyzer) parser.parse(query) end def build_and_query(query) build_composite_query(@left_and_query.build_query, query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) end def build_or_query(query) build_composite_query(@left_or_query.build_query, query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::SHOULD) end def build_not_query(query) right_query = @right_not_query.build_query query = parse_query(query) if query.is_a?(String) right_query = parse_query(right_query) if right_query.is_a?(String) composite_query = composite_query.add(query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST_NOT) composite_query.add(right_query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) composite_query end def build_composite_query(left_query, right_query, operator) #:nodoc: left_query = parse_query(left_query) if left_query.is_a?(String) right_query = parse_query(right_query) if right_query.is_a?(String) composite_query = composite_query.add(left_query, operator) composite_query.add(right_query, operator) composite_query end def build_sort_query(query) #:nodoc: java_sort_fields = @order.inject([]) do |memo, val| field = val[0] field_type = @index_config.field_type(field) type = case when Float == field_type Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::SortField::DOUBLE when Fixnum == field_type Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::SortField::LONG else Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::SortField::STRING end memo <<, type, val[1] == :desc) end sort =*java_sort_fields) end def build_hash_query(query) #:nodoc: and_query = query.each_pair do |key, value| type = @index_config.field_type(key) if type != String if Range === value and_query.add(range_query(key, value.first, value.last, true, !value.exclude_end?), Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) elsif Array === value value.each do |v| and_query.add(range_query(key, v, v, true, true), Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::SHOULD) end else and_query.add(range_query(key, value, value, true, true), Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) end else if Array === value value.each do |v| term =, v.to_s) term_query = and_query.add(term_query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::SHOULD) end else term =, value.to_s) term_query = and_query.add(term_query, Java::OrgApacheLuceneSearch::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) end end end and_query end def build_query #:nodoc: query = @query query = build_hash_query(query) if Hash === query query = build_and_query(query) if @left_and_query query = build_or_query(query) if @left_or_query query = build_not_query(query) if @right_not_query query = build_sort_query(query) if @order query end def perform_query #:nodoc: @index.query(build_query) end def hits #:nodoc: close @hits = perform_query end end end end end