prawn_document(page_layout: :portrait) do |pdf|
pdf.text "Hello World!"
pdf.text "now it is here: #{pdf.cursor}"
pdf.text "Number of Items: #{@items.count}"
pdf.font("Courier") do
pdf.text "Written in Courier because we are inside the block."
pdf.text "with html"
pdf.text strip_tags("without html LD")
pdf.text "Let's see which is the current font_size: #{pdf.font_size.inspect}"
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.font_size 16
pdf.text "Yeah, something bigger!"
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.font_size(25) { pdf.text "Even bigger!" }
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.text "Back to 16 again."
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.text "Single line on 20 using the :size option.", size: 20
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.text "Back to 16 once more."
pdf.move_down 10
pdf.font("Courier", size: 10) do
pdf.text "Yeah, using Courier 10 courtesy of the font method."
pdf.font("Helvetica", size: 12) # back to normal
pdf.text "Default color is black"
pdf.move_down 25
pdf.text "Changed to red", color: "FF0000"
pdf.move_down 25
pdf.text "CMYK color", color: [22, 55, 79, 30]
pdf.move_down 25
pdf.text "Also works with inline formatting", color: "0000FF", inline_format: true