require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra/base' require 'json' require 'nokogiri' require 'fileutils' require 'logger' here = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) require "#{here}/showoff_utils" require "#{here}/commandline_parser" begin require 'RMagick' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts 'image sizing disabled - install rmagick' end begin require 'pdfkit' rescue LoadError $stderr.puts 'pdf generation disabled - install pdfkit' end begin require 'rdiscount' rescue LoadError require 'bluecloth' Object.send(:remove_const,:Markdown) Markdown = BlueCloth end class ShowOff < Sinatra::Application Version = VERSION = '0.7.0' attr_reader :cached_image_size set :views, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../views' set :public, File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../public' set :verbose, false set :pres_dir, '.' set :pres_file, 'showoff.json' def initialize(app=nil) super(app) @logger = @logger.formatter = proc { |severity,datetime,progname,msg| "#{progname} #{msg}\n" } @logger.level = options.verbose ? Logger::DEBUG : Logger::WARN dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) @logger.debug(dir) showoff_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')) options.pres_dir ||= Dir.pwd @root_path = "." options.pres_dir = File.expand_path(options.pres_dir) if (options.pres_file) ShowOffUtils.presentation_config_file = options.pres_file end @cached_image_size = {} @logger.debug options.pres_dir @pres_name = options.pres_dir.split('/').pop require_ruby_files end def self.pres_dir_current opt = {:pres_dir => Dir.pwd} ShowOff.set opt end def require_ruby_files Dir.glob("#{options.pres_dir}/*.rb").map { |path| require path } end helpers do def load_section_files(section) section = File.join(options.pres_dir, section) files = if section Dir.glob("#{section}/**/*").sort else [section] end @logger.debug files files end def css_files Dir.glob("#{options.pres_dir}/*.css").map { |path| File.basename(path) } end def js_files Dir.glob("#{options.pres_dir}/*.js").map { |path| File.basename(path) } end def preshow_files Dir.glob("#{options.pres_dir}/_preshow/*").map { |path| File.basename(path) }.to_json end # todo: move more behavior into this class class Slide attr_reader :classes, :text def initialize classes = "" @classes = ["content"] + classes.strip.chomp('>').split @text = "" end def <<(s) @text << s @text << "\n" end def empty? @text.strip == "" end end def process_markdown(name, content, static=false, pdf=false) # if there are no !SLIDE markers, then make every H1 define a new slide unless content =~ /^\\n# ") end # todo: unit test lines = content.split("\n") @logger.debug "#{name}: #{lines.length} lines" slides = [] slides << (slide = until lines.empty? line = lines.shift if line =~ /^?/ slides << (slide =$1)) else slide << line end end slides.delete_if {|slide| slide.empty? } final = '' if slides.size > 1 seq = 1 end slides.each do |slide| md = '' content_classes = slide.classes # extract transition, defaulting to none transition = 'none' content_classes.delete_if { |x| x =~ /^transition=(.+)/ && transition = $1 } # extract id, defaulting to none id = nil content_classes.delete_if { |x| x =~ /^#([\w-]+)/ && id = $1 } @logger.debug "id: #{id}" if id @logger.debug "classes: #{content_classes.inspect}" @logger.debug "transition: #{transition}" # create html md += "" if seq md += "
\n" seq += 1 else md += "
\n" end sl = sl = update_image_paths(name, sl, static, pdf) md += sl md += "
\n" md += "
\n" final += update_commandline_code(md) final = update_p_classes(final) end final end # find any lines that start with a

.(something) and turn them into

def update_p_classes(markdown) markdown.gsub(/

\.(.*?) /, '

') end def update_image_paths(path, slide, static=false, pdf=false) paths = path.split('/') paths.pop path = paths.join('/') replacement_prefix = static ? ( pdf ? %(img src="file://#{options.pres_dir}/#{path}) : %(img src="./file/#{path}) ) : %(img src="/image/#{path}) slide.gsub(/img src=\"([^\/].*?)\"/) do |s| img_path = File.join(path, $1) w, h = get_image_size(img_path) src = %(#{replacement_prefix}/#{$1}") if w && h src << %( width="#{w}" height="#{h}") end src end end if defined?(Magick) def get_image_size(path) if !cached_image_size.key?(path) img = # don't set a size for svgs so they can expand to fit their container if img.mime_type == 'image/svg+xml' cached_image_size[path] = [nil, nil] else cached_image_size[path] = [img.columns, img.rows] end end cached_image_size[path] end else def get_image_size(path) end end def update_commandline_code(slide) html = Nokogiri::XML.parse(slide) parser = html.css('pre').each do |pre| pre.css('code').each do |code| out = code.text lines = out.split("\n") if lines.first.strip[0, 3] == '@@@' lang = lines.shift.gsub('@@@', '').strip pre.set_attribute('class', 'sh_' + lang.downcase) code.content = lines.join("\n") end end end html.css('.commandline > pre > code').each do |code| out = code.text code.content = '' tree = parser.parse(out) transform = do rule(:prompt => simple(:prompt), :input => simple(:input), :output => simple(:output)) do command ='code', html) command.set_attribute('class', 'command') command.content = "#{prompt} #{input}" code << command # Add newline after the input so that users can # advance faster than the typewriter effect # and still keep inputs on separate lines. code << "\n" unless output.to_s.empty? result ='code', html) result.set_attribute('class', 'result') result.content = output code << result end end end transform.apply(tree) end html.root.to_s end def get_slides_html(static=false, pdf=false) sections = ShowOffUtils.showoff_sections(options.pres_dir, @logger) files = [] if sections data = '' sections.each do |section| if section =~ /^#/ name = section.each_line.first.gsub(/^#*/,'').strip data << process_markdown(name, "\n" + section, static, pdf) else files = [] files << load_section_files(section) files = files.flatten files = { |f| f =~ /.md/ } files.each do |f| fname = f.gsub(options.pres_dir + '/', '').gsub('.md', '') data << process_markdown(fname,, static, pdf) end end end end data end def inline_css(csses, pre = nil) css_content = '' css_content end def inline_js(jses, pre = nil) js_content = '' js_content end def inline_all_js(jses_directory) inline_js(Dir.entries(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', jses_directory)).find_all{|filename| filename.length > 2 }, jses_directory) end def index(static=false) if static @title = ShowOffUtils.showoff_title @slides = get_slides_html(static) @asset_path = "./" end erb :index end def presenter erb :presenter end def clean_link(href) if href && href[0, 1] == '/' href = href[1, href.size] end href end def assets_needed assets = ["index", "slides"] index = erb :index html = Nokogiri::XML.parse(index) html.css('head link').each do |link| href = clean_link(link['href']) assets << href if href end html.css('head script').each do |link| href = clean_link(link['src']) assets << href if href end slides = get_slides_html html = Nokogiri::XML.parse("" + slides + "") html.css('img').each do |link| href = clean_link(link['src']) assets << href if href end css = Dir.glob("#{options.public}/**/*.css").map { |path| path.gsub(options.public + '/', '') } assets << css js = Dir.glob("#{options.public}/**/*.js").map { |path| path.gsub(options.public + '/', '') } assets << js assets.uniq.join("\n") end def slides(static=false) get_slides_html(static) end def onepage(static=false) @slides = get_slides_html(static) erb :onepage end def pdf(static=true) @slides = get_slides_html(static, true) @no_js = false html = erb :onepage # TODO make a random filename # takes the HTML and any options for wkhtmltopdf # run `wkhtmltopdf --extended-help` for a full list of options kit =, :page_size => 'Letter', :orientation => 'Landscape') # Save the PDF to a file file = kit.to_file('/tmp/preso.pdf') end end def self.do_static(what) what = "index" if !what # Nasty hack to get the actual ShowOff module showoff = while !showoff.is_a?(ShowOff) showoff = showoff.instance_variable_get(:@app) end name = showoff.instance_variable_get(:@pres_name) path = showoff.instance_variable_get(:@root_path) data = showoff.send(what, true) if data.is_a?(File) FileUtils.cp(data.path, "#{name}.pdf") else out = File.expand_path("#{path}/static") # First make a directory FileUtils.makedirs(out) # Then write the html file ="#{out}/index.html", "w") file.puts(data) file.close # Now copy all the js and css my_path = File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'public') ["js", "css"].each { |dir| FileUtils.copy_entry("#{my_path}/#{dir}", "#{out}/#{dir}") } # And copy the directory Dir.glob("#{my_path}/#{name}/*").each { |subpath| base = File.basename(subpath) next if "static" == base next unless || base.match(/\.(css|js)$/) FileUtils.copy_entry(subpath, "#{out}/#{base}") } # Set up file dir file_dir = File.join(out, 'file') FileUtils.makedirs(file_dir) pres_dir = showoff.options.pres_dir # ..., copy all user-defined styles and javascript files Dir.glob("#{pres_dir}/*.{css,js}").each { |path| FileUtils.copy(path, File.join(file_dir, File.basename(path))) } # ... and copy all needed image files data.scan(/img src=\".\/file\/(.*?)\"/).flatten.each do |path| dir = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.makedirs(File.join(file_dir, dir)) FileUtils.copy(File.join(pres_dir, path), File.join(file_dir, path)) end # copy images from css too Dir.glob("#{pres_dir}/*.css").each do |css_path| do |file| data = data.scan(/url\((.*)\)/).flatten.each do |path| @logger.debug path dir = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.makedirs(File.join(file_dir, dir)) FileUtils.copy(File.join(pres_dir, path), File.join(file_dir, path)) end end end end end def eval_ruby code eval(code).to_s rescue => e e.message end get '/eval_ruby' do return eval_ruby(params[:code]) if ENV['SHOWOFF_EVAL_RUBY'] return "Ruby Evaluation is off. To turn it on set ENV['SHOWOFF_EVAL_RUBY']" end get %r{(?:image|file)/(.*)} do path = params[:captures].first full_path = File.join(options.pres_dir, path) send_file full_path end get %r{/(.*)} do @title = ShowOffUtils.showoff_title what = params[:captures].first what = 'index' if "" == what if (what != "favicon.ico") data = send(what) if data.is_a?(File) send_file data.path else data end end end end