require "mkmf" if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' raise NotImplementedError, "Sorry, you need at least Ruby 1.9!" end # Function derived from NArray's extconf.rb. def create_conf_h(file) #:nodoc: print "creating #{file}\n", 'w') do |hfile| header_guard = file.upcase.sub(/\s|\./, '_') hfile.puts "#ifndef #{header_guard}" hfile.puts "#define #{header_guard}" hfile.puts # FIXME: Find a better way to do this: hfile.puts "#define RUBY_2 1" if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.0' for line in $defs line =~ /^-D(.*)/ hfile.printf "#define %s 1\n", $1 end hfile.puts hfile.puts "#endif" end end def find_newer_gplusplus #:nodoc: print "checking for apparent GNU g++ binary with C++0x/C++11 support... " [9,8,7,6,5,4,3].each do |minor| ver = "4.#{minor}" gpp = "g++-#{ver}" result = `which #{gpp}` next if result.empty? CONFIG['CXX'] = gpp puts ver return CONFIG['CXX'] end false end def gplusplus_version cxxvar = proc { |n| `#{CONFIG['CXX']} -E -dM - <#{File::NULL} | grep #{n}`.chomp.split(' ')[2] } major ='__GNUC__') minor ='__GNUC_MINOR__') patch ='__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__') raise("unable to determine g++ version (match to get version was nil)") if major.nil? || minor.nil? || patch.nil? "#{major}.#{minor}.#{patch}" end if /cygwin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM CONFIG["DLDFLAGS"] << " --output-lib libnmatrix.a" end # Fix compiler pairing if CONFIG['CC'] == 'clang' && CONFIG['CXX'] != 'clang++' puts "WARNING: CONFIG['CXX'] is not 'clang++' even though CONFIG['CC'] is 'clang'.", "WARNING: Force to use clang++ together with clang." CONFIG['CXX'] = 'clang++' end if CONFIG['CXX'] == 'clang++' $CXX_STANDARD = 'c++11' else version = gplusplus_version if version < '4.3.0' && CONFIG['CXX'] == 'g++' # see if we can find a newer G++, unless it's been overridden by user if !find_newer_gplusplus raise("You need a version of g++ which supports -std=c++0x or -std=c++11. If you're on a Mac and using Homebrew, we recommend using to install a more recent g++.") end version = gplusplus_version end if version < '4.7.0' $CXX_STANDARD = 'c++0x' else $CXX_STANDARD = 'c++11' end puts "using C++ standard... #{$CXX_STANDARD}" puts "g++ reports version... " + `#{CONFIG['CXX']} --version|head -n 1|cut -f 3 -d " "` end # For release, these next two should both be changed to -O3. $CFLAGS += " -O3 " #$CFLAGS += " -static -O0 -g " $CXXFLAGS += " -O3 -std=#{$CXX_STANDARD} " #-fmax-errors=10 -save-temps #$CXXFLAGS += " -static -O0 -g -std=#{$CXX_STANDARD} " CONFIG['warnflags'].gsub!('-Wshorten-64-to-32', '') # doesn't work except in Mac-patched gcc (4.2) CONFIG['warnflags'].gsub!('-Wdeclaration-after-statement', '') CONFIG['warnflags'].gsub!('-Wimplicit-function-declaration', '') have_func("rb_array_const_ptr", "ruby.h") have_macro("FIX_CONST_VALUE_PTR", "ruby.h") have_macro("RARRAY_CONST_PTR", "ruby.h") have_macro("RARRAY_AREF", "ruby.h")