== 0.2.2 (2011-05-26) 68 Commits by 13 Contributors === Features & Enhancements * Arbre includes self closing tags (#100) * Controller class & action added to body as CSS classes (#99) * HAML is not required by default (#92) * Devise login now respects Devise.authentication_keys (#69) * Active Admin no longer uses ActiveRecord::Base#search (#28) * Resource's can now override the label in the menu (#48) * Subdirectories are now loaded in the Active Admin load path === Bug Fixes * Sort order now includes table name (#38) * Fixed table_for 'odd', 'even' row classes (#96) * Fixed Devise installation if AdminUser already exists (#95) * Fixed issues when ActiveAdmin.default_namespaces is false (#32) * Added styles for missing HTML 5 inputs (#31) * Fixed issue if adding empty Active Admin Comment (#21) * Fixed layout issues in FF 4 (#22) * Use Sass::Plugin.options[:css_location] instead of Rails.root (#55) === Test Suite * Update RSpec to latest & fix specs (Thanks Ben Marini & Jeremt Ruppel!) (#100) * Added tests for STI models (#52) === Contributors * Ben Marini * Bookis Smuin * Caley Woods * Doug Puchalski * Federico Romero * Greg Bell * Ian MacLeod * Jeremy Ruppel * Jordan Sitkin * Juha Suuraho * Mathieu Martin * Paul Annesley * Philippe Creux == 0.2.1 (2011-05-12) === Bug Fixes * Fixed issue with dashboard rendering a sidebar == 0.2.0 (2011-05-12) 0.2.0 is essentially an entire re-write of Active Admin. Here are some of the highlights. 250 commits. Enough said. === Features & Enhancements * Full visual redesign * Integrated Devise for authentication * Brand new view and component layer called Arbre (Project coming soon) * Added ActiveAdmin::Comments === Bug Fixes * Too many to list! Been in production for close to a year == 0.1.1 (2010-09-15) === Bug Fixes * Fixed issues running on Ruby 1.9.2 == 0.1.0 * Initial release