#!/bin/bash #/ NAME #/ stub-prepare -- prepares a new stub #/ #/ SYNOPSIS #/ stub prepare <new_command> # figure out the project root under which bin, lib live shome="$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$BASH_SOURCE")/.." && pwd -P)" # load a jason bourne library source "$shome/bin/_treadstone" # parse the command-line # entry point function main { if [[ "$#" = 0 ]]; then logger_fatal "missing new command name" exit 1 fi local dollar='$' local nm_command="$1"; shift ln -vs stub "$shome/bin/$nm_command" cat > "$shome/libexec/$nm_command" << EOF echo arguments are ${dollar}@" EOF chmod 755 "$shome/libexec/$nm_command" logger_info "$nm_command is stubbed at bin/$nm_command" logger_info "edit libexec/$nm_command for the actual script" } require 'sub' "$BASH_SOURCE" "$@"