require 'with_connection' module CassandraObject module Connection extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do class_attribute :connection_spec class_eval do @@schema = nil def self.new_connection(async, servers) spec = connection_spec.dup if async require 'thrift_client/event_machine' spec[:thrift].merge!(:transport => Thrift::EventMachineTransport, :transport_wrapper => nil) end[:keyspace], servers || spec[:servers], spec[:thrift]).tap do |conn| conn.disable_node_auto_discovery! if spec[:disable_node_auto_discovery] if spec[:cache_schema] if @@schema conn.instance_variable_set '@schema', @@schema else begin @@schema = conn.schema rescue CassandraThrift::InvalidRequestException => e # initially the schema doesn't exists end end end end end def self.new_async_connection(servers=nil) new_connection true, servers end def self.new_sync_connection(servers=nil) new_connection false, servers end def self.new_async_connection_pool(servers=nil) adapter_method = do self.new_async_connection servers end spec = self.connection_spec, adapter_method "async cassandra", spec end def self.new_sync_connection_pool(servers=nil) adapter_method = do self.new_sync_connection servers end spec = self.connection_spec, adapter_method "sync cassandra", spec end @@ring = nil def self.ring @@ring ||= self.new_sync_connection.ring end def self.servers_and_ranges(datacenter) datacenter = datacenter.to_s do |t| { :start_token => t.start_token.to_i, :end_token => t.end_token.to_i == 0 ? 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff : (t.end_token.to_i - 1), :servers => { |d| d.datacenter == datacenter }.map { |d| "#{}:9160" } } end end NEGATIVE_TEST = 0x80000000000000000000000000000000 FLIP_BITS_MASK = 0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff def self.ranged_connection_pool_key_algo do |key| key = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(key.to_s).to_i(16) # # test to see if the unsigned integer is a negative singed value if (key & NEGATIVE_TEST) != 0 # need to flip all the bits # abs (key ^ FLIP_BITS_MASK) + 1 else key end end end def self.new_ranged_connection_pool(async) if self.connection_spec[:datacenter] require 'with_connection/ranged_connection_pool' default_pool = async ? new_async_connection_pool : new_sync_connection_pool ranges_and_pools = self.servers_and_ranges(self.connection_spec[:datacenter]).map do |info| pool = async ? new_async_connection_pool(info[:servers]) : new_sync_connection_pool(info[:servers]) [[:start_token], info[:end_token]), pool] end ranges_and_pools.size <= 1 ? default_pool :, default_pool, self.ranged_connection_pool_key_algo) else async ? new_async_connection_pool : new_sync_connection_pool end end @@sync_connection_pool = nil def self.sync_connection_pool @@sync_connection_pool ||= new_ranged_connection_pool(false) end @@async_connection_pool = nil def self.async_connection_pool @@async_connection_pool ||= new_ranged_connection_pool(true) end if defined?(EM) def self.connection_pool EM.reactor_running? ? self.async_connection_pool : self.sync_connection_pool end else def self.connection_pool self.sync_connection_pool end end def connection_pool self.class.connection_pool end def self.connection self.connection_pool.connection end def self.connection?; !!connection; end def self.with_connection(key=nil, read_write=nil, &block) self.connection_pool.with_connection(key, read_write, &block) end def with_connection(key=nil, read_write=nil, &block) self.class.with_connection(key, read_write, &block) end def self.disconnect! self.async_connection_pool.disconnect! if @@async_connection_pool self.sync_connection_pool.disconnect! if @@sync_connection_pool @@sync_connection_pool = nil @@async_connection_pool = nil end def disconnect! self.class.disconnect! end def connection defined?(@connection) ? @connection : singleton_class.connection end def connection? !!connection end end end module ClassMethods DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { servers: "", } DEFAULT_THRIFT_OPTIONS = { exception_class_overrides: [], } # This doesn't open a connection. It merely conifgures the connection object. def establish_connection(config) spec = config.reverse_merge(DEFAULT_OPTIONS) spec[:thrift] = (spec[:thrift] || {}).reverse_merge(DEFAULT_THRIFT_OPTIONS) spec[:thrift][:exception_class_overrides] = spec[:thrift][:exception_class_overrides].map(&:constantize) self.connection_spec = spec end end end end