#!/usr/bin/ruby # This script will send a jabber message to a list of JID given on stdin. $:.unshift '../../../../../lib' require 'optparse' require 'xmpp4r' include Jabber #Jabber::debug = true # - message in file # - subject in command line # - JID list on stdin # settings jid = JID::new('bot@localhost/Bot') password = 'bot' filename = 'message.txt' subject = "Message de test" OptionParser::new do |opts| opts.banner = 'Usage: mass_sender.rb -j jid -p password' opts.separator '' opts.on('-j', '--jid JID', 'sets the jid') { |j| jid = JID::new(j) } opts.on('-p', '--password PASSWORD', 'sets the password') { |p| password = p } opts.on('-f', '--filename MESSAGE', 'sets the filename containing the message') { |f| filename = f } opts.on('-s', '--subject SUBJECT', 'sets the subject') { |s| subject = s } opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') { puts opts exit } opts.parse!(ARGV) end body = IO::read(filename).chomp cl = Client::new(jid, false) cl.connect cl.auth(password) exit = false sent = [] cl.add_message_callback do |m| if m.type != :error if !sent.include?(m.from) cl.send(Message::new(m.from, "Je suis un robot. Si tu souhaites contacter un administrateur du serveur, envoie un message à lucas@nussbaum.fr ou rejoins la salle jabberfr@chat.jabberfr.org.")) sent << m.from end if m.body == 'exitnowplease' cl.send(Message::new(m.from, "Exiting ...")) exit = true end cl.send(Message::new('lucas@nussbaum.fr', "From #{m.from}: #{m.body.to_s}")) end end cl.send(Presence::new) m = Message::new(nil, body) STDIN.each_line { |l| l.chomp! m.set_to(JID::new(l).to_s) cl.send(m) } while not exit do cl.process(1) end cl.close