Module Cms::Behaviors::InstanceMethods
In: lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb


Public Instance methods


     # File lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb, line 99
 99:       def perform_render(controller)
100:         return "Exception: #{@render_exception}" if @render_exception
101:         unless @controller
102:           # We haven't prepared to render. This should only happen when logged in, as we don't want
103:           # errors to bubble up and prevent the page being edited in that case.
104:           prepare_to_render(controller)
105:         end
107:         # Create, Instantiate and Initialize the view
108:         view_class  =      
109:         action_view =, {}, @controller)
111:         # Make helpers and instance vars available
112:         view_class.send(:include, @controller.class.master_helper_module)
113:         if $:.detect{|d| File.exists?(File.join(d, self.class.helper_path))}
114:           view_class.send(:include, self.class.helper_class)
115:         end
117:         # We want content_for to be called on the controller's view, not this inner view
118:         def action_view.content_for(name, content=nil, &block)
119:           @controller.instance_variable_get("@template").content_for(name, content, &block)
120:         end
122:         # Copy instance variables from this renderable object to it's view
123:         action_view.assigns = assigns_for_view
125:         if respond_to?(:inline_options) && self.inline_options && self.inline_options.has_key?(:inline)
126:           options = {:locals => {}}.merge(self.inline_options)
127: [:inline], options[:type]).render(action_view, options[:locals])
128:         else
129:           action_view.render(:file => self.class.template_path)
130:         end
131:       end


    # File lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb, line 84
84:       def prepare_to_render(controller)
85:         # Give this renderable a reference to the controller
86:         @controller = controller
88:         copy_instance_variables_from_controller!
90:         # This gives the view a reference to this object
91:         instance_variable_set(self.class.instance_variable_name_for_view, self)
93:         # This is like a controller action
94:         # We will call it if you have defined a render method
95:         # but if you haven't we won't
96:         render if respond_to?(:render)
97:       end


     # File lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb, line 133
133:       def  render_exception=render_exception=(exception)
134:         @render_exception = exception
135:       end

Protected Instance methods


     # File lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb, line 147
147:         def assigns_for_view
148:           (instance_variables - self.class.ivars_to_ignore).inject({}) do |h,k|
149:             h[k[1..-1]] = instance_variable_get(k)
150:             h
151:           end
152:         end


     # File lib/cms/behaviors/rendering.rb, line 138
138:         def copy_instance_variables_from_controller!
139:           if @controller.respond_to?(:instance_variables_for_rendering)
140:             @controller.instance_variables_for_rendering.each do |iv|
141:      "Copying #{iv} => #{@controller.instance_variable_get(iv).inspect}"
142:               instance_variable_set(iv, @controller.instance_variable_get(iv))
143:             end
144:           end
145:         end
