Feature: Install the Gem in a Rails application Background: Given I successfully run `rails new rails_root -O --skip-gemfile` And I cd to "rails_root" Scenario: Use the gem without vendoring the gem in a Rails application When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And I should see the Rails version Scenario: Configure the notifier by hand When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use "myapikey" as an API key And I run `rails generate airbrake` Then I should receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: Configuration within initializer isn't overridden by Railtie When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.project_root = "argle/bargle" """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?param=value" Then I should receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: Try to install without an api key When I run `rails generate airbrake` Then I should see "Must pass --api-key or --heroku or create config/initializers/airbrake.rb" Scenario: Generator should support the --secure option When I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey --secure` Then my Airbrake configuration should contain the following line: """ config.secure = true """ Scenario: Configure and deploy using only installed gem When I run `capify .` And I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I run `cap -T` Then I should see "airbrake:deploy" Scenario: Try to install when the airbrake plugin still exists When I install the "airbrake" plugin And I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use "myapikey" as an API key And I run `rails generate airbrake` Then I should see "You must first remove the airbrake plugin. Please run: script/plugin remove airbrake" Scenario: Rescue an exception in a controller When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?param=value" Then I should receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: The gem should not be considered a framework gem When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I run `rake gems` Then I should see that "airbrake" is not considered a framework gem Scenario: The app uses Vlad instead of Capistrano When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `touch config/deploy.rb` And I run `rm Capfile` And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey` Then "config/deploy.rb" should not contain "capistrano" @wip Scenario: Support the Heroku addon in the generator When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I configure the Heroku shim with "myapikey" And I successfully run `rails generate airbrake --heroku` Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And I should see the Rails version And my Airbrake configuration should contain the following line: """ config.api_key = ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] """ @wip Scenario: Support the --app option for the Heroku addon in the generator When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the Heroku shim with "myapikey" and multiple app support And I run `rails generate airbrake --heroku -a myapp -t` Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And I should see the Rails version And my Airbrake configuration should contain the following line: """ config.api_key = ENV['HOPTOAD_API_KEY'] """ Scenario: Filtering parameters in a controller When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` When I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.params_filters << "credit_card_number" config.params_filters << "secret" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ session["secret"] = "blue42" params[:credit_card_number] = "red23" raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?param=value" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should not contain "red23" And the Airbrake notification should not contain "blue42" And the Airbrake notification should contain "FILTERED" Scenario: Filtering session and params based on Rails parameter filters When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` When I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I configure the application to filter parameter "secret" And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ params["secret"] = "red23" session["secret"] = "blue42" raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should not contain "red23" And the Airbrake notification should not contain "blue42" And the Airbrake notification should contain "FILTERED" Scenario: Filtering sensitive Rack variables When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` When I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError """ Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should not contain any of the sensitive Rack variables Scenario: Notify airbrake within the controller When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ session[:value] = "unicorn" notify_airbrake(RuntimeError.new("some message")) render :nothing => true """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?param=value" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should contain "unicorn" Scenario: Reporting 404s should be disabled by default When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" """ And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/this/route/does/not/exist" in the "production" environment Then I should see "The page you were looking for doesn't exist." And I should not receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: Reporting 404s should work when configured properly When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` When I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.ignore_only = [] """ And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/this/route/does/not/exist" in the "production" environment Then I should see "The page you were looking for doesn't exist" And I should receive a Airbrake notification @wip Scenario: reporting over SSL with utf8 check should work When I configure the Airbrake shim And I run `rails generate airbrake -k myapikey -t` When I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.secure = true """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?utf8=✓" Then I should receive a Airbrake notification Scenario: It should also send the user details When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I have set up authentication system in my app that uses "current_user" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should contain user details When I have set up authentication system in my app that uses "current_member" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should contain user details Scenario: It should also send custom user attributes When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT config.user_attributes = [:id, :name, :email, :username] """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I have set up authentication system in my app that uses "current_user" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should contain the custom user details Scenario: It should warn the user that she's using unsupported attributes for current user When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT config.user_attributes = [:id, :name, :email, :username, :shoe_size] """ And I run `rails runner config/boot.rb` Then I should see "Unsupported user attribute: 'shoe_size'" And I should not see "Unsupported user attribute: 'id'" Scenario: It should log the notice when failure happens When Airbrake server is not responding And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index?param=value" in the "production" environment Then I should see "Notice details:" And I should see "some message" Scenario: It should send the framework info When I configure the Airbrake shim And I configure the notifier to use the following configuration lines: """ config.api_key = "myapikey" config.logger = Logger.new STDOUT """ And I define a response for "TestController#index": """ raise RuntimeError, "some message" """ And I route "/test/index" to "test#index" And I perform a request to "http://example.com:123/test/index" in the "production" environment Then I should receive a Airbrake notification And the Airbrake notification should contain the framework information Scenario: Middleware should be correctly placed When I list the application's middleware and save it into a file Then the Airbrake middleware should be placed correctly