shared_examples_for 'an authenticated section' do |path| describe 'requires login' do before do visit path end it_behaves_like( 'a bootstrap page with an alert', 'danger', 'You must sign in or sign up to continue.' ) context 'displays a login form' do subject { page } it { should have_selector 'form.new_user input#user_email' } it { should have_selector 'form.new_user input#user_password' } end end end shared_examples_for 'a bootstrap page' do |options = {}| include ERB::Util context 'displays a page with bootstrap elements' do subject { page } if options[:title].present? it { should have_title html_escape(options[:title]) } it { should have_xpath '//h1', text: options[:title] } end it do should( have_selector( '.navbar .navbar-header .navbar-brand', text: BootstrapLeather.configuration.application_title ) ) end end end shared_examples_for( 'a bootstrap page with a dropdown navigation list' ) do |options| if options[:text] it do should have_selector 'li.dropdown a.dropdown-toggle', text: options[:text] end else it { should have_selector 'li.dropdown a.dropdown-toggle' } end end shared_examples_for 'a bootstrap page with an alert' do |type, text| subject { page } it { should have_selector ".alert.alert-#{type}", text: text } end shared_examples_for 'a bootstrap page without an alert' do |type| subject { page } it { should_not have_selector ".alert.alert-#{type}" } end shared_examples_for( 'a bootstrap page listing a collection of items' ) do |object, options = {}| options[:minimum] ||= 1 options[:plural_title] ||= object.model_name.human.pluralize(2) options[:plural_name] ||= object.table_name collection_css_id = options[:plural_name].tr('_', '-') member_css_class = options[:plural_name].singularize it_behaves_like 'a bootstrap page', title: options[:plural_title].titlecase context "displays a list of ##{collection_css_id} in .#{member_css_class}" do subject { page } it do should( have_css( "##{collection_css_id} .#{member_css_class}", minimum: options[:minimum]) ) end end end shared_examples_for( 'a bootstrap page showing an item' ) do |object, title, options = {}| options[:css_id] ||= object.table_name.singularize it_behaves_like 'a bootstrap page', title: title context "displays an item at ##{options[:css_id]}" do subject { page } it { should have_css("##{options[:css_id]}") } end end shared_examples_for 'a bootstrap form with errors' do |error_fields| subject { page } error_fields.each do |field| it_behaves_like( 'a bootstrap page with an alert', 'danger', "#{field.to_s.humanize} can't be blank" ) context 'shows which field has errors' do subject { page } it { should have_css('.form-group.has-error', text: field.to_s.humanize) } end end end