# # Author:: Fletcher Nichol () # # Copyright (C) 2014, Fletcher Nichol # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require_relative "../../kitchen" require "fileutils" unless defined?(FileUtils) require "net/ssh" unless defined?(Net::SSH) require "net/ssh/gateway" require "net/ssh/proxy/http" require "net/scp" require "timeout" unless defined?(Timeout) require "benchmark" unless defined?(Benchmark) module Kitchen module Transport # Wrapped exception for any internally raised SSH-related errors. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class SshFailed < TransportFailed; end # A Transport which uses the SSH protocol to execute commands and transfer # files. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class Ssh < Kitchen::Transport::Base kitchen_transport_api_version 1 plugin_version Kitchen::VERSION default_config :port, 22 default_config :username, "root" default_config :keepalive, true default_config :keepalive_interval, 60 default_config :keepalive_maxcount, 3 # needs to be one less than the configured sshd_config MaxSessions default_config :max_ssh_sessions, 9 default_config :connection_timeout, 15 default_config :connection_retries, 5 default_config :connection_retry_sleep, 1 default_config :max_wait_until_ready, 600 default_config :ssh_gateway, nil default_config :ssh_gateway_port, 22 default_config :ssh_gateway_username, nil default_config :ssh_http_proxy, nil default_config :ssh_http_proxy_port, nil default_config :ssh_http_proxy_user, nil default_config :ssh_http_proxy_password, nil default_config :ssh_key, nil expand_path_for :ssh_key # compression disabled by default for speed default_config :compression, false required_config :compression default_config :compression_level do |transport| transport[:compression] == false ? 0 : 6 end def finalize_config!(instance) super # zlib was never a valid value and breaks in net-ssh >= 2.10 # TODO: remove these backwards compatiable casts in 2.0 case config[:compression] when "zlib" config[:compression] = "zlib@openssh.com" when "none" config[:compression] = false end self end # (see Base#connection) def connection(state, &block) options = connection_options(config.to_hash.merge(state)) if @connection && @connection_options == options reuse_connection(&block) else create_new_connection(options, &block) end end # (see Base#cleanup!) def cleanup! if @connection logger.debug("[SSH] shutting previous connection #{@connection}") @connection.close @connection = @connection_options = nil end end # A Connection instance can be generated and re-generated, given new # connection details such as connection port, hostname, credentials, etc. # This object is responsible for carrying out the actions on the remote # host such as executing commands, transferring files, etc. # # @author Fletcher Nichol class Connection < Kitchen::Transport::Base::Connection # (see Base::Connection#initialize) def initialize(config = {}) super(config) @session = nil end # (see Base::Connection#close) def close return if @session.nil? logger.debug("[SSH] closing connection to #{self}") session.close ensure @session = nil end # (see Base::Connection#execute) def execute(command) return if command.nil? logger.debug("[SSH] #{self} (#{command})") exit_code = execute_with_exit_code(command) if exit_code != 0 raise Transport::SshFailed.new( "SSH exited (#{exit_code}) for command: [#{command}]", exit_code ) end rescue Net::SSH::Exception => ex raise SshFailed, "SSH command failed (#{ex.message})" end # (see Base::Connection#login_command) def login_command args = %w{ -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null } args += %w{ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no } args += %w{ -o IdentitiesOnly=yes } if options[:keys] args += %W{ -o LogLevel=#{logger.debug? ? "VERBOSE" : "ERROR"} } if options.key?(:forward_agent) args += %W{ -o ForwardAgent=#{options[:forward_agent] ? "yes" : "no"} } end if ssh_gateway gateway_command = "ssh -q #{ssh_gateway_username}@#{ssh_gateway} nc #{hostname} #{port}" args += %W{ -o ProxyCommand=#{gateway_command} -p #{ssh_gateway_port} } end Array(options[:keys]).each { |ssh_key| args += %W{ -i #{ssh_key} } } args += %W{ -p #{port} } args += %W{ #{username}@#{hostname} } LoginCommand.new("ssh", args) end # (see Base::Connection#upload) def upload(locals, remote) logger.debug("TIMING: scp async upload (Kitchen::Transport::Ssh)") elapsed = Benchmark.measure do waits = [] Array(locals).map do |local| opts = File.directory?(local) ? { recursive: true } : {} waits.push session.scp.upload(local, remote, opts) do |_ch, name, sent, total| logger.debug("Async Uploaded #{name} (#{total} bytes)") if sent == total end waits.shift.wait while waits.length >= max_ssh_sessions end waits.each(&:wait) end delta = Util.duration(elapsed.real) logger.debug("TIMING: scp async upload (Kitchen::Transport::Ssh) took #{delta}") rescue Net::SSH::Exception => ex raise SshFailed, "SCP upload failed (#{ex.message})" end # (see Base::Connection#download) def download(remotes, local) # ensure the parent dir of the local target exists FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(local)) Array(remotes).each do |file| logger.debug("Attempting to download '#{file}' as file") session.scp.download!(file, local) rescue Net::SCP::Error begin logger.debug("Attempting to download '#{file}' as directory") session.scp.download!(file, local, recursive: true) rescue Net::SCP::Error logger.warn( "SCP download failed for file or directory '#{file}', perhaps it does not exist?" ) end end rescue Net::SSH::Exception => ex raise SshFailed, "SCP download failed (#{ex.message})" end # (see Base::Connection#wait_until_ready) def wait_until_ready delay = 3 session( retries: max_wait_until_ready / delay, delay: delay, message: "Waiting for SSH service on #{hostname}:#{port}, " \ "retrying in #{delay} seconds" ) execute(PING_COMMAND.dup) end def rsyn_chef_repo(sandbox_path, root_path) ssh_key = options[:keys].first user = options[:user] port = options[:port] # Installing rsync if not available rsync_install_cmd = %{ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p #{port} -i #{ssh_key} #{user}@#{hostname} "which rsync || ( ( sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install rsync ) || ( sudo yum update && sudo yum -y install rsync ) || ( sudo dnf update && sudo dnf -y install rsync ) || ( sudo pkg update && sudo pkg install rsync ) || ( sudo apk update && sudo apk add rsync ) )"} `#{rsync_install_cmd}` cmd = "rsync -av -e 'ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p #{port} -i #{ssh_key}' #{sandbox_path}/ #{user}@#{hostname}:#{root_path}" logger.debug("rsync cmd is #{cmd}") `#{cmd}` end private PING_COMMAND = "echo '[SSH] Established'".freeze RESCUE_EXCEPTIONS_ON_ESTABLISH = [ Errno::EACCES, Errno::EALREADY, Errno::EADDRINUSE, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::ETIMEDOUT, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ENETUNREACH, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Errno::EPIPE, Net::SSH::Disconnect, Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed, Net::SSH::ConnectionTimeout, Net::SSH::Proxy::ConnectError, Timeout::Error ].freeze # @return [Integer] cap on number of parallel ssh sessions we can use # @api private attr_reader :max_ssh_sessions # @return [Integer] how many times to retry when failing to execute # a command or transfer files # @api private attr_reader :connection_retries # @return [Float] how many seconds to wait before attempting a retry # when failing to execute a command or transfer files # @api private attr_reader :connection_retry_sleep # @return [String] the hostname or IP address of the remote SSH host # @api private attr_reader :hostname # @return [Integer] how many times to retry when invoking # `#wait_until_ready` before failing # @api private attr_reader :max_wait_until_ready # @return [String] the username to use when connecting to the remote # SSH host # @api private attr_reader :username # @return [Integer] the TCP port number to use when connecting to the # remote SSH host # @api private attr_reader :port # @return [String] The ssh gateway to use when connecting to the # remote SSH host # @api private attr_reader :ssh_gateway # @return [String] The username to use when using an ssh gateway # @api private attr_reader :ssh_gateway_username # @return [Integer] The port to use when using an ssh gateway # @api private attr_reader :ssh_gateway_port # @return [String] The kitchen ssh proxy to use when connecting to the # remote SSH host via http proxy # @api private attr_reader :ssh_http_proxy # @return [Integer] The port to use when using an kitchen ssh proxy # remote SSH host via http proxy # @api private attr_reader :ssh_http_proxy_port # @return [String] The username to use when using an kitchen ssh proxy # remote SSH host via http proxy # @api private attr_reader :ssh_http_proxy_user # @return [String] The password to use when using an kitchen ssh proxy # remote SSH host via http proxy # @api private attr_reader :ssh_http_proxy_password # Establish an SSH session on the remote host using a gateway host. # # @param opts [Hash] retry options # @option opts [Integer] :retries the number of times to retry before # failing # @option opts [Float] :delay the number of seconds to wait until # attempting a retry # @option opts [String] :message an optional message to be logged on # debug (overriding the default) when a rescuable exception is raised # @return [Net::SSH::Connection::Session] the SSH connection session # @api private def establish_connection_via_gateway(opts) retry_connection(opts) do gateway_options = options.merge(port: ssh_gateway_port) Net::SSH::Gateway.new(ssh_gateway, ssh_gateway_username, gateway_options).ssh(hostname, username, options) end end def rsync_private(dirs_to_copy, root_path) puts("inside rsync_private with dirs_to_copy => #{dirs_to_copy} and root_path => #{root_path}") puts(" via #{ssh_gateway_username}@#{ssh_gateway}:#{ssh_gateway_port}") puts("options are #{options}ssh_gateway is #{ssh_gateway} and port is #{ssh_gateway_port}") end # Establish an SSH session on the remote host. # # @param opts [Hash] retry options # @option opts [Integer] :retries the number of times to retry before # failing # @option opts [Float] :delay the number of seconds to wait until # attempting a retry # @option opts [String] :message an optional message to be logged on # debug (overriding the default) when a rescuable exception is raised # @return [Net::SSH::Connection::Session] the SSH connection session # @api private def establish_connection(opts) retry_connection(opts) do Net::SSH.start(hostname, username, options) end end # Connect to a host executing passed block and properly handling retries. # # @param opts [Hash] retry options # @option opts [Integer] :retries the number of times to retry before # failing # @option opts [Float] :delay the number of seconds to wait until # attempting a retry # @option opts [String] :message an optional message to be logged on # debug (overriding the default) when a rescuable exception is raised # @return [Net::SSH::Connection::Session] the SSH connection session # @api private def retry_connection(opts) log_msg = "[SSH] opening connection to #{self}" log_msg += " via #{ssh_gateway_username}@#{ssh_gateway}:#{ssh_gateway_port}" if ssh_gateway logger.debug(log_msg) yield rescue *RESCUE_EXCEPTIONS_ON_ESTABLISH => e if (opts[:retries] -= 1) > 0 message = if opts[:message] logger.debug("[SSH] connection failed (#{e.inspect})") opts[:message] else "[SSH] connection failed, retrying in #{opts[:delay]} seconds " \ "(#{e.inspect})" end logger.info(message) sleep(opts[:delay]) retry else logger.warn("[SSH] connection failed, terminating (#{e.inspect})") raise SshFailed, "SSH session could not be established" end end # Execute a remote command over SSH and return the command's exit code. # # @param command [String] command string to execute # @return [Integer] the exit code of the command # @api private def execute_with_exit_code(command) exit_code = nil session.open_channel do |channel| channel.request_pty channel.exec(command) do |_ch, _success| channel.on_data do |_ch, data| logger << data end channel.on_extended_data do |_ch, _type, data| logger << data end channel.on_request("exit-status") do |_ch, data| exit_code = data.read_long end end end session.loop exit_code end # (see Base::Connection#init_options) def init_options(options) super @username = @options.delete(:username) @hostname = @options.delete(:hostname) @port = @options[:port] # don't delete from options @connection_retries = @options.delete(:connection_retries) @connection_retry_sleep = @options.delete(:connection_retry_sleep) @max_ssh_sessions = @options.delete(:max_ssh_sessions) @max_wait_until_ready = @options.delete(:max_wait_until_ready) @ssh_gateway = @options.delete(:ssh_gateway) @ssh_gateway_username = @options.delete(:ssh_gateway_username) @ssh_gateway_port = @options.delete(:ssh_gateway_port) @ssh_http_proxy = @options.delete(:ssh_http_proxy) @ssh_http_proxy_user = @options.delete(:ssh_http_proxy_user) @ssh_http_proxy_password = @options.delete(:ssh_http_proxy_password) @ssh_http_proxy_port = @options.delete(:ssh_http_proxy_port) end # Returns a connection session, or establishes one when invoked the # first time. # # @param retry_options [Hash] retry options for the initial connection # @return [Net::SSH::Connection::Session] the SSH connection session # @api private def session(retry_options = {}) if ssh_gateway @session ||= establish_connection_via_gateway({ retries: connection_retries.to_i, delay: connection_retry_sleep.to_i, }.merge(retry_options)) else @session ||= establish_connection({ retries: connection_retries.to_i, delay: connection_retry_sleep.to_i, }.merge(retry_options)) end end # String representation of object, reporting its connection details and # configuration. # # @api private def to_s "#{username}@#{hostname}<#{options.inspect}>" end end private # Builds the hash of options needed by the Connection object on # construction. # # @param data [Hash] merged configuration and mutable state data # @return [Hash] hash of connection options # @api private # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def connection_options(data) opts = { logger: logger, user_known_hosts_file: "/dev/null", hostname: data[:hostname], port: data[:port], username: data[:username], compression: data[:compression], compression_level: data[:compression_level], keepalive: data[:keepalive], keepalive_interval: data[:keepalive_interval], keepalive_maxcount: data[:keepalive_maxcount], timeout: data[:connection_timeout], connection_retries: data[:connection_retries], connection_retry_sleep: data[:connection_retry_sleep], max_ssh_sessions: data[:max_ssh_sessions], max_wait_until_ready: data[:max_wait_until_ready], ssh_gateway: data[:ssh_gateway], ssh_gateway_username: data[:ssh_gateway_username], ssh_gateway_port: data[:ssh_gateway_port], } if data[:ssh_key] && !data[:password] opts[:keys_only] = true opts[:keys] = Array(data[:ssh_key]) opts[:auth_methods] = ["publickey"] end if data[:ssh_http_proxy] options_http_proxy = {} options_http_proxy[:user] = data[:ssh_http_proxy_user] options_http_proxy[:password] = data[:ssh_http_proxy_password] opts[:proxy] = Net::SSH::Proxy::HTTP.new(data[:ssh_http_proxy], data[:ssh_http_proxy_port], options_http_proxy) end if data[:ssh_key_only] opts[:auth_methods] = ["publickey"] end opts[:password] = data[:password] if data.key?(:password) opts[:forward_agent] = data[:forward_agent] if data.key?(:forward_agent) opts[:verbose] = data[:verbose].to_sym if data.key?(:verbose) # disable host key verification. The hash key and value to use # depend on the version of net-ssh in use opts[verify_host_key_option] = verify_host_key_value opts end # # Returns the correct host-key-verification option key to use depending # on what version of net-ssh is in use. In net-ssh <= 4.1, the supported # parameter is `paranoid` but in 4.2, it became `verify_host_key` # # `verify_host_key` does not work in <= 4.1, and `paranoid` throws # deprecation warnings in >= 4.2. # # While the "right thing" to do would be to pin train's dependency on # net-ssh to ~> 4.2, this will prevent InSpec from being used in # Chef v12 because of it pinning to a v3 of net-ssh. # def verify_host_key_option current_net_ssh = Net::SSH::Version::CURRENT new_option_version = Net::SSH::Version[4, 2, 0] current_net_ssh >= new_option_version ? :verify_host_key : :paranoid end # # Returns the correct host-key-verification option value to use depending # on what version of net-ssh is in use. In net-ssh <= 5, the supported # parameter is false but in 5.0, it became `:never` # def verify_host_key_value current_net_ssh = Net::SSH::Version::CURRENT new_option_version = Net::SSH::Version[5, 0, 0] current_net_ssh >= new_option_version ? :never : false end # Creates a new SSH Connection instance and save it for potential future # reuse. # # @param options [Hash] conneciton options # @return [Ssh::Connection] an SSH Connection instance # @api private def create_new_connection(options, &block) cleanup! @connection_options = options @connection = Kitchen::Transport::Ssh::Connection.new(options, &block) end # Return the last saved SSH connection instance. # # @return [Ssh::Connection] an SSH Connection instance # @api private def reuse_connection logger.debug("[SSH] reusing existing connection #{@connection}") yield @connection if block_given? @connection end end end end