require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:cron).provider(:crontab) do let :provider do => '/bin/true') end let :resource do Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :minute => %w{0 15 30 45}, :hour => %w{8-18 20-22}, :monthday => %w{31}, :month => %w{12}, :weekday => %w{7}, :name => 'basic', :command => '/bin/true', :target => 'root', :provider => provider ) end let :resource_special do Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :special => 'reboot', :name => 'special', :command => '/bin/true', :target => 'nobody' ) end let :resource_sparse do Puppet::Type.type(:cron).new( :minute => %w{42}, :target => 'root', :name => 'sparse' ) end let :record_special do { :record_type => :crontab, :special => 'reboot', :command => '/bin/true', :on_disk => true, :target => 'nobody' } end let :record do { :record_type => :crontab, :minute => %w{0 15 30 45}, :hour => %w{8-18 20-22}, :monthday => %w{31}, :month => %w{12}, :weekday => %w{7}, :special => :absent, :command => '/bin/true', :on_disk => true, :target => 'root' } end describe "when determining the correct filetype" do it "should use the suntab filetype on Solaris" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('Solaris') expect(described_class.filetype).to eq(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeSuntab) end it "should use the aixtab filetype on AIX" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('AIX') expect(described_class.filetype).to eq(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeAixtab) end it "should use the crontab filetype on other platforms" do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('Not a real operating system family') expect(described_class.filetype).to eq(Puppet::Util::FileType::FileTypeCrontab) end end # I'd use ENV.expects(:[]).with('USER') but this does not work because # ENV["USER"] is evaluated at load time. describe "when determining the default target" do it "should use the current user #{ENV['USER']}", :if => ENV['USER'] do expect(described_class.default_target).to eq(ENV['USER']) end it "should fallback to root", :unless => ENV['USER'] do expect(described_class.default_target).to eq("root") end end describe ".targets" do let(:tabs) { [ described_class.default_target ] + %w{foo bar} } before do expect(File).to receive(:readable?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:file?).and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:writable?).and_return(true) end it "should add all crontabs as targets" do dir_expectation = receive(:foreach) tabs.each do |tab| dir_expectation = dir_expectation.and_yield(tab) end expect(Dir).to dir_expectation expect(described_class.targets).to eq(tabs) end end describe "when parsing a record" do it "should parse a comment" do expect(described_class.parse_line("# This is a test")).to eq({ :record_type => :comment, :line => "# This is a test", }) end it "should get the resource name of a PUPPET NAME comment" do expect(described_class.parse_line('# Puppet Name: My Fancy Cronjob')).to eq({ :record_type => :comment, :name => 'My Fancy Cronjob', :line => '# Puppet Name: My Fancy Cronjob', }) end it "should ignore blank lines" do expect(described_class.parse_line('')).to eq({:record_type => :blank, :line => ''}) expect(described_class.parse_line(' ')).to eq({:record_type => :blank, :line => ' '}) expect(described_class.parse_line("\t")).to eq({:record_type => :blank, :line => "\t"}) expect(described_class.parse_line(" \t ")).to eq({:record_type => :blank, :line => " \t "}) end it "should extract environment assignments" do # man 5 crontab: MAILTO="" with no value can be used to surpress sending # mails at all expect(described_class.parse_line('MAILTO=""')).to eq({:record_type => :environment, :line => 'MAILTO=""'}) expect(described_class.parse_line('FOO=BAR')).to eq({:record_type => :environment, :line => 'FOO=BAR'}) expect(described_class.parse_line('FOO_BAR=BAR')).to eq({:record_type => :environment, :line => 'FOO_BAR=BAR'}) expect(described_class.parse_line('SPACE = BAR')).to eq({:record_type => :environment, :line => 'SPACE = BAR'}) end it "should extract a cron entry" do expect(described_class.parse_line('* * * * * /bin/true')).to eq({ :record_type => :crontab, :hour => :absent, :minute => :absent, :month => :absent, :weekday => :absent, :monthday => :absent, :special => :absent, :command => '/bin/true' }) expect(described_class.parse_line('0,15,30,45 8-18,20-22 31 12 7 /bin/true')).to eq({ :record_type => :crontab, :minute => %w{0 15 30 45}, :hour => %w{8-18 20-22}, :monthday => %w{31}, :month => %w{12}, :weekday => %w{7}, :special => :absent, :command => '/bin/true' }) # A percent sign will cause the rest of the string to be passed as # standard input and will also act as a newline character. Not sure # if puppet should convert % to a \n as the command property so the # test covers the current behaviour: Do not do any conversions expect(described_class.parse_line('0 22 * * 1-5 mail -s "It\'s 10pm" joe%Joe,%%Where are your kids?%')).to eq({ :record_type => :crontab, :minute => %w{0}, :hour => %w{22}, :monthday => :absent, :month => :absent, :weekday => %w{1-5}, :special => :absent, :command => 'mail -s "It\'s 10pm" joe%Joe,%%Where are your kids?%' }) end describe "it should support special strings" do ['reboot','yearly','anually','monthly', 'weekly', 'daily', 'midnight', 'hourly'].each do |special| it "should support @#{special}" do expect(described_class.parse_line("@#{special} /bin/true")).to eq({ :record_type => :crontab, :hour => :absent, :minute => :absent, :month => :absent, :weekday => :absent, :monthday => :absent, :special => special, :command => '/bin/true' }) end end end end describe ".instances" do before :each do allow(described_class).to receive(:default_target).and_return('foobar') end describe "on linux" do before do allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:osfamily).and_return('Linux') allow(Facter).to receive(:value).with(:operatingsystem) end it "should contain no resources for a user who has no crontab" do allow(Puppet::Util).to receive(:uid).and_return(10) expect(Puppet::Util::Execution).to receive(:execute) .with('crontab -u foobar -l', { failonfail: true, combine: true }) .and_return("") expect( { |resource| resource.get('target') == 'foobar' }).to be_empty end it "should contain no resources for a user who is absent" do allow(Puppet::Util).to receive(:uid).and_return(nil) expect( { |resource| resource.get('target') == 'foobar' }).to be_empty end it "should be able to create records from not-managed records" do allow(described_class).to receive(:target_object).and_return('simple'))) parameters = do |p| h = {:name => p.get(:name)} Puppet::Type.type(:cron).validproperties.each do |property| h[property] = p.get(property) end h end expect(parameters[0][:name]).to match(%r{unmanaged:\$HOME/bin/daily.job_>>_\$HOME/tmp/out_2>&1-\d+}) expect(parameters[0][:minute]).to eq(['5']) expect(parameters[0][:hour]).to eq(['0']) expect(parameters[0][:weekday]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[0][:month]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[0][:monthday]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[0][:special]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[0][:command]).to match(%r{\$HOME/bin/daily.job >> \$HOME/tmp/out 2>&1}) expect(parameters[0][:ensure]).to eq(:present) expect(parameters[0][:environment]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[0][:user]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:name]).to match(%r{unmanaged:\$HOME/bin/monthly-\d+}) expect(parameters[1][:minute]).to eq(['15']) expect(parameters[1][:hour]).to eq(['14']) expect(parameters[1][:weekday]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:month]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:monthday]).to eq(['1']) expect(parameters[1][:special]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:command]).to match(%r{\$HOME/bin/monthly}) expect(parameters[1][:ensure]).to eq(:present) expect(parameters[1][:environment]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:user]).to eq(:absent) expect(parameters[1][:target]).to eq('foobar') end it "should be able to parse puppet managed cronjobs" do allow(described_class).to receive(:target_object).and_return('managed'))) expect( do |p| h = {:name => p.get(:name)} Puppet::Type.type(:cron).validproperties.each do |property| h[property] = p.get(property) end h end).to eq([ { :name => 'real_job', :minute => :absent, :hour => :absent, :weekday => :absent, :month => :absent, :monthday => :absent, :special => :absent, :command => '/bin/true', :ensure => :present, :environment => :absent, :user => :absent, :target => 'foobar' }, { :name => 'complex_job', :minute => :absent, :hour => :absent, :weekday => :absent, :month => :absent, :monthday => :absent, :special => 'reboot', :command => '/bin/true >> /dev/null 2>&1', :ensure => :present, :environment => [ '', 'SHELL=/bin/sh' ], :user => :absent, :target => 'foobar' } ]) end end end describe ".match" do describe "normal records" do it "should match when all fields are the same" do expect(described_class.match(record,{resource[:name] => resource})).to eq(resource) end { :minute => %w{0 15 31 45}, :hour => %w{8-18}, :monthday => %w{30 31}, :month => %w{12 23}, :weekday => %w{4}, :command => '/bin/false', :target => 'nobody' }.each_pair do |field, new_value| it "should not match a record when #{field} does not match" do record[field] = new_value expect(described_class.match(record,{resource[:name] => resource})).to be_falsey end end end describe "special records" do it "should match when all fields are the same" do expect(described_class.match(record_special,{resource_special[:name] => resource_special})).to eq(resource_special) end { :special => 'monthly', :command => '/bin/false', :target => 'root' }.each_pair do |field, new_value| it "should not match a record when #{field} does not match" do record_special[field] = new_value expect(described_class.match(record_special,{resource_special[:name] => resource_special})).to be_falsey end end end describe "with a resource without a command" do it "should not raise an error" do expect { described_class.match(record,{resource_sparse[:name] => resource_sparse}) }.to_not raise_error end end end end