require 'erb' # Renders Erb and provide better backtrace where there's an error # # Usage: # # result = Jets::Erb.result(path, key1: "val1", key2: "val2") # class Jets::Erb class << self def result(path, variables={}) set_template_variables(variables) template = begin, trim_mode: '-').result(binding) rescue Exception => e puts e puts e.backtrace if ENV['JETS_DEBUG'] # how to know where ERB stopped? - # syntax errors have the (erb):xxx info in e.message # undefined variables have (erb):xxx info in e.backtrac error_info = e.message.split("\n").grep(/\(erb\)/)[0] error_info ||= e.backtrace.grep(/\(erb\)/)[0] raise unless error_info # unable to find the (erb):xxx: error line line = error_info.split(':')[1].to_i puts "Error evaluating ERB template on line #{line.to_s.color(:red)} of: #{path.sub(/^\.\//, '').color(:green)}" template_lines = template.split("\n") context = 5 # lines of context top, bottom = [line-context-1, 0].max, line+context-1 spacing = template_lines.size.to_s.size template_lines[top..bottom].each_with_index do |line_content, index| line_number = top+index+1 if line_number == line printf("%#{spacing}d %s\n".color(:red), line_number, line_content) else printf("%#{spacing}d %s\n", line_number, line_content) end end exit 1 unless Jets.env.test? end end def set_template_variables(variables) variables.each do |key, value| instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", value) end end end end