ResqueSpec ========== A test double of Resque for RSpec and Cucumber. The code was originally based on []( ResqueSpec will also fire Resque hooks if you are using them. See below. The current version works with `Resque v1.19.0` and up and `RSpec v2.5.0` and up. Install ------- Update your Gemfile to include `resque_spec` only in the *test* group (Not using `bundler`? Do the necessary thing for your app's gem management and use `bundler`. `resque_spec` monkey patches `resque` it should only be used with your tests!) group :test do gem 'resque_spec' end What is ResqueSpec? =================== ResqueSpec implements the *stable API* for Resque 1.19.x (which is `enqueue`, `enqueue_to` (*unreleased*), `dequeue`, `reserve`, the Resque hooks, and because of the way `resque_scheduler` works `Job.create` and `Job.destroy`). It does not have a test double for Redis, so this may lead to some interesting and puzzling behaviour if you use some of the popular Resque plugins (such as `resque_lock`). Resque with Specs ================= Given this scenario Given a person When I recalculate Then the person has calculate queued And I write this spec using the `resque_spec` matcher describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queued(, :calculate) end end (And I take note of the `before` block that is calling `reset!` for every spec) And I might use the `in` statement to specify the queue: describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queued(, :calculate).in(:people) end end And I might write this as a Cucumber step Then /the (\w?) has (\w?) queued/ do |thing, method| thing_obj = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}") thing_obj.class.should have_queued(, method.to_sym) end Then I write some code to make it pass: class Person @queue = :people def recalculate Resque.enqueue(Person, id, :calculate) end end You can check the size of the queue in your specs too. describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds an entry to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_queue_size_of(1) end end ResqueMailer with Specs ======================= To use with [ResqueMailer]( you should have an initializer that does *not* exclude the `test` (or `cucumber`) environment. Your initializer will probably end up looking like: # config/initializers/resque_mailer.rb Resque::Mailer.excluded_environments = [] ResqueScheduler with Specs ========================== To use with ResqueScheduler, add this require `require 'resque_spec/scheduler'` Given this scenario Given a person When I schedule a recalculate Then the person has calculate scheduled And I write this spec using the `resque_spec` matcher describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_scheduled(, :calculate) end end And I might use the `at` statement to specify the time: describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate # Is it scheduled to be executed at 2010-02-14 06:00:00 ? Person.should have_scheduled(, :calculate).at(Time.mktime(2010,2,14,6,0,0)) end end And I might use the `in` statement to specify time interval (in seconds): describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate # Is it scheduled to be executed in 5 minutes? Person.should have_scheduled(, :calculate).in(5 * 60) end end You can also check the size of the schedule: describe "#recalculate" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "adds person.calculate to the Person queue" do person.recalculate Person.should have_schedule_size_of(1) end end (And I take note of the `before` block that is calling `reset!` for every spec) And I might write this as a Cucumber step Then /the (\w?) has (\w?) scheduled/ do |thing, method| thing_obj = instance_variable_get("@#{thing}") thing_obj.class.should have_scheduled(, method.to_sym) end Then I write some code to make it pass: class Person @queue = :people def recalculate Resque.enqueue_at( + 3600, Person, id, :calculate) end end Performing Jobs in Specs ======================== Normally, ResqueSpec does not perform queued jobs within tests. You may want to make assertions based on the result of your jobs. ResqueSpec can process jobs immediately as they are queued or under your control. Performing jobs immediately --------------------------- To perform jobs immediately, you can pass a block to the `with_resque` helper: Given this scenario Given a game When I score Then the game has a score I might write this as a Cucumber step When /I score/ do with_resque do visit game_path click_link 'Score!' end end Or I write this spec using the `with_resque` helper describe "#score!" do before do ResqueSpec.reset! end it "increases the score" do with_resque do game.score! end game.score.should == 10 end end You can turn this behavior on by setting `ResqueSpec.inline = true`. Performing jobs at your discretion ---------------------------------- You can perform the first job on a queue at a time, or perform all the jobs on a queue. Use `ResqueSpec#perform_next(queue_name)` or `ResqueSpec#perform_all(queue_name)` Given this scenario: Given a game When I score And the score queue runs Then the game has a score I might write this as a Cucumber step When /the (\w+) queue runs/ do |queue_name| ResqueSpec.perform_all(queue_name) end Hooks ===== Resque provides hooks at different points of the queueing lifecylce. ResqueSpec fires these hooks when appropriate. The before and after `enqueue` hooks are always called when you use `Resque#enqueue`. If your `before_enqueue` hook returns `false`, the job will not be queued and `after_enqueue` will not be called. The `perform` hooks: before, around, after, and on failure are fired by ResqueSpec if you are using the `with_resque` helper or set `ResqueSpec.inline = true`. Important! If you are using ResqueScheduler, `Resque#enqueue_at/enqueue_in` does not fire the after enqueue hook (the job has not been queued yet!), but will fire the `perform` hooks if you are using `inline` mode. Note on Patches/Pull Requests ============================= * Fork the project. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. * Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally. * Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull) * Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches. Author ====== I made `resque_spec` because **resque** is awesome and should be easy to spec. Follow me on [Github]( and [Twitter]( Contributors ============ * Kenneth Kalmer (@kennethkalmer) : rspec dependency fix * Brian Cardarella (@bcardarella) : fix mutation bug * Joshua Davey (@joshdavey) : with_resque helper * Lar Van Der Jagt (@supaspoida) : with_resque helper * Evan Sagge (@evansagge) : Hook in via Job.create, * Jon Larkowski (@l4rk) : inline perform * James Conroy-Finn(@jcf) : spec fix * Dennis Walters (@ess) : enqueue_in support * (@RipTheJacker) : remove_delayed support * Kurt Werle (@kwerle) : explicit require spec for v020 * (@dwilkie) : initial before_enqueue support * Marcin Balinski (@marcinb) : have_schedule_size_of matcher, schedule matcher at, in * (@alexeits) : fix matcher in bug with RSpec 2.8.0 * (@ToadJamb) : encode/decode of Resque job arguments Copyright ========= Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Les Hill. See LICENSE for details.