# encoding: utf-8
# Stamps should be used when you have content that will be included multiple
# times in a document. Its advantages over creating the content anew each time
# are:
# 1. Faster document creation
# 2. Smaller final document
# 3. Faster display on subsequent displays of the repeated
# element because the viewer application can cache the rendered
# results
# The create_stamp
method does just what it says. Pass it a block
# with the content that should be generated and the stamp will be created.
# There are two methods to render the stamp on a page stamp
# stamp_at
. The first will render the stamp as is while the
# second accepts a point to serve as an offset to the stamp content.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
filename = File.basename(__FILE__).gsub('.rb', '.pdf')
Prawn::Example.generate(filename) do
create_stamp("approved") do
rotate(30, :origin => [-5, -5]) do
stroke_color "FF3333"
stroke_ellipse [0, 0], 29, 15
stroke_color "000000"
fill_color "993333"
font("Times-Roman") do
draw_text "Approved", :at => [-23, -3]
fill_color "000000"
stamp "approved"
stamp_at "approved", [200, 200]