# encoding: UTF-8 require 'helper' describe ISO_639 do it "should have full code list in ISO_639_2" do assert_equal 485, ISO_639::ISO_639_2.length end it "should have shorter code list in ISO_639_1" do assert_equal 184, ISO_639::ISO_639_1.length end it "should return nil find_by_code when code does not exist or is invalid" do assert ISO_639.find_by_code(nil).nil?, 'nil code' assert ISO_639.find_by_code('xxx').nil?, 'xxx alfa-3 not existing code' assert ISO_639.find_by_code('xx').nil?, 'xx alfa-2 not existing code' assert ISO_639.find_by_code('xxxx').nil?, 'xxxx lengthy code' assert ISO_639.find_by_code('').nil?, 'empty string code' end it "should return entry for alpha-2 code" do assert_equal ["eng", "", "en", "English", "anglais"], ISO_639.find_by_code("en") assert_equal ["eng", "", "en", "English", "anglais"], ISO_639.find("en") end it "should return entry for alpha-3 terminologic code" do assert_equal ["ger", "deu", "de", "German", "allemand"], ISO_639.find("deu") end it "should find by english name" do assert_equal ["eng", "", "en", "English", "anglais"], ISO_639.find_by_english_name("English") end it "should find by french name" do assert_equal ["eng", "", "en", "English", "anglais"], ISO_639.find_by_french_name("anglais") end %w( alpha3_bibliographic alpha3 alpha3_terminologic alpha2 english_name french_name ).each_with_index do |m, i| it "should respond to and return #{m}" do @entry = ISO_639.find("en") assert @entry.respond_to?(m) assert_equal ["eng", "eng", "", "en", "English", "anglais"][i], @entry.send(m) end end it "should return single record array by searching a unique code" do assert_equal( [["spa", "", "es", "Spanish; Castilian", "espagnol; castillan"]], ISO_639.search("es") ) end it "should return single record array by searching a unique term" do assert_equal( [["spa", "", "es", "Spanish; Castilian", "espagnol; castillan"]], ISO_639.search("spanish") ) end it "should return multiple record array by searching a common term" do assert_equal( [ ["egy", "", "", "Egyptian (Ancient)", "égyptien"], ["grc", "", "", "Greek, Ancient (to 1453)", "grec ancien (jusqu'à 1453)"] ], ISO_639.search("ancient") ) end it "should return empty array when searching a non-existent term" do assert_equal( [], ISO_639.search("bad term") ) end it "should return empty array when searching a nil term" do assert_equal [], ISO_639.search(nil) end it "should return single record array by searching a unique multi-word term" do assert_equal( [["ypk", "", "", "Yupik languages", "yupik, langues"]], ISO_639.search("yupik, langues") ) end end