module HawatelSearchJobs ## # = Client for a jobs search engine # # @!attribute [rw] indeed # @return [Hash] settings of API # @!attribute [rw] xing # @return [Hash] settings of API # @!attribute [rw] reed # @return [Hash] settings of API # @!attribute [rw] careerbuilder # @return [Hash] settings of API # @!attribute [rw] careerjet # @return [Hash] settings of API class Client include HawatelSearchJobs::Api # Values have to be the same name like module name of usesd APIs (HawatelSearchJobs::Api::[ApiName]) APIS = ['Indeed', 'Xing', 'Reed', 'Careerbuilder', 'CareerJet'] attr_reader :jobs_table DEFAULT = { :keywords => '', :location => '', :company => '', } def initialize APIS.each do |api| metaclasses.send(:attr_reader, api.downcase.to_sym) api_conf = HawatelSearchJobs.instance_variable_get("@"+api.downcase) if api_conf.nil? HawatelSearchJobs.configure api_conf = HawatelSearchJobs.instance_variable_get("@"+api.downcase) end instance_variable_set("@#{api.downcase}", api_conf.dup) end end def metaclasses class << self; self; end end # Search Jobs by specific criteria # @param query [Hash] # @option query [String] :keywords # @option query [String] :location # @option query [String] :company not working in Reed API # @example # HawatelSearchJobs.configure do |config| # config.indeed[:activated] = true # config.indeed[:api] = '' # config.indeed[:version] = '2' # config.indeed[:publisher] = 'secret-key' # # config.xing[:activated] = true # config.xing[:consumer_key] = 'secret-key' # config.xing[:consumer_secret] = 'secret-key' # config.xing[:oauth_token] = 'secret-key' # config.xing[:oauth_token_secret] = 'secret-key' # # config.reed[:activated] = true # config.reed[:api] = '' # config.reed[:clientid] = 'secret-key' # config.reed[:version] = '1.0' # # config.careerbuilder[:activated] = true # config.careerbuilder[:api] = '' # config.careerbuilder[:clientid] = 'secret-key' # config.careerbuilder[:version] = 'v2' # # config.careerjet[:activated] = true # config.careerjet[:api] = '' # end # # client = # client.search_jobs({:keywords => 'ruby'}) # # p client.jobs_table[:indeed] # p client.jobs_table[:xing] # p client.jobs_table[:reed] # p client.jobs_table[:careerbuilder] # p client.jobs_table[:careerjet] # # # @return [Hash] First page of result for all providers (default maximum 25 records for each page) def search_jobs(query = {}) query = DEFAULT.merge(query) @jobs_table = APIS.each do |api| api_module_name = Object.const_get('HawatelSearchJobs').const_get('Api').const_get(api) api_inst_var = instance_variable_get("@"+api.downcase) @jobs_table[api.downcase.to_sym] ={:settings => api_inst_var, :query => query}) if api_inst_var[:activated] end @jobs_table end # Get next page of result # @example # p # p client.jobs_table # @return [Hash] Next page of result for all providers (default maximum 25 records for each) def next next_result = APIS.each do |api| api_module_name = Object.const_get('HawatelSearchJobs').const_get('Api').const_get(api) api_inst_var = instance_variable_get("@"+api.downcase) api_sym_name = api.downcase.to_sym if api_inst_var[:activated] && next_result?(api_sym_name) next_result[api_sym_name] ={:settings => api_inst_var, :page => @jobs_table[api_sym_name].page + 1, :query_key => @jobs_table[api_sym_name].key}) end end return nil if next_result.empty? @jobs_table = next_result end # Sum jobs offers from specified api or count all # # @param args [Hash] # @option args [String] :api name # @example # p client.count # p client.count('indeed') # # @return [Integer] def count(api = nil) sum = 0 if api api = api.downcase api_inst_var = instance_variable_get("@"+api) if api_inst_var[:activated] sum = @jobs_table[:"#{api}"].totalResults if @jobs_table[:"#{api}"].totalResults end else APIS.each do |provider| api_inst_var = instance_variable_get("@"+provider.downcase) if api_inst_var[:activated] provider = provider.downcase sum += @jobs_table[:"#{provider}"].totalResults if @jobs_table[:"#{provider}"].totalResults end end end return sum end private def next_result?(provider) if @jobs_table[provider] && @jobs_table[provider].page && @jobs_table[provider].last && @jobs_table[provider].page < @jobs_table[provider].last true else false end end end end