System\.Data\.OleDb\.OleDbException \[Microsoft\]\[ODBC SQL Server Driver\] \[SQLServer JDBC Driver\] \[SqlException System\.Data\.SqlClient\.SqlException Unclosed quotation mark after the character string '80040e14' mssql_query\(\) Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server Incorrect syntax near Sintaxis incorrecta cerca de Syntax error in string in query expression ADODB\.Field \(0x800A0BCD\) odbc_exec\(\) Procedure or function .* expects parameter Unclosed quotation mark before the character string DB2 SQL error: \[IBM\]\[CLI Driver\]\[DB2/6000\] Sybase message: Syntax error .* in query expression Data type mismatch in criteria expression\. \[Microsoft\]\[ODBC Microsoft Access Driver\] PostgreSQL query failed: supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result pg_query\(\) \[: pg_exec\(\) \[: supplied argument is not a valid MySQL Column count doesn't match value count at row mysql_fetch_array\(\) on MySQL result index You have an error in your SQL syntax; You have an error in your SQL syntax near MySQL server version for the right syntax to use \[MySQL\]\[ODBC Column count doesn't match the used select statements have different number of columns Table '[^']+' doesn't exist com\.informix\.jdbc An illegal character has been found in the statement Warning: ibase_ \[DM_QUERY_E_SYNTAX\] has occurred in the vicinity of: java\.sql\.SQLException Unexpected end of command in statement \[Macromedia\]\[SQLServer JDBC Driver\] SQL syntax.*MySQL Warning.*mysql_.* valid MySQL result PostgreSQL.*ERROR Warning.*pg_.* valid PostgreSQL result Driver.*SQL[\-\_\ ]*Server OLE DB.*SQL Server SQL Server.*Driver Warning.*mssql_.* JET Database Engine Access Database Engine Oracle error Oracle.*Driver Warning.*oci_.* Warning.*ora_.* CLI Driver.*DB2 DB2 SQL error Exception.*Informix Warning.*sqlite_.* SQLite/JDBCDriver SQLite\.Exception System\.Data\.SQLite\.SQLiteException