require 'uri' require 'set' module Datadog module Tracing module Contrib module Utils module Quantization # Quantization for HTTP resources module HTTP PLACEHOLDER = '?'.freeze # taken from Ruby # but adjusted to parse only ://:/ components # and stop there, since we don't care about the path, query string, # and fragment components RFC3986_URL_BASE = /\A(?(?[A-Za-z][+\-.0-9A-Za-z]*):(?\/\/(?(?:(?(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~])*)@)?(?(?\[(?:(?(?:\h{1,4}:){6}(?\h{1,4}:\h{1,4}|(?(?[1-9]\d|1\d{2}|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|\d)\.\g\.\g\.\g))|::(?:\h{1,4}:){5}\g|\h{1,4}?::(?:\h{1,4}:){4}\g|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:)?\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){3}\g|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,2}\h{1,4})?::(?:\h{1,4}:){2}\g|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,3}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}:\g|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,4}\h{1,4})?::\g|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,5}\h{1,4})?::\h{1,4}|(?:(?:\h{1,4}:){,6}\h{1,4})?::)|(?v\h+\.[!$&-.0-;=A-Z_a-z~]+))\])|\g|(?(?:%\h\h|[!$&-.0-9;=A-Z_a-z~])*))(?::(?\d*))?)))(?:\/|\z)/.freeze # rubocop:disable Style/RegexpLiteral, Layout/LineLength module_function def url(url, options = {}) url!(url, options) rescue StandardError placeholder = options[:placeholder] || PLACEHOLDER options[:base] == :exclude ? placeholder : "#{base_url(url)}/#{placeholder}" end def base_url(url, options = {}) if (m = RFC3986_URL_BASE.match(url)) m[1] else '' end end def url!(url, options = {}) options ||= {} URI.parse(url).tap do |uri| # Format the query string if uri.query query = query(uri.query, options[:query]) uri.query = (!query.nil? && query.empty? ? nil : query) end # Remove any URI fragments uri.fragment = nil unless options[:fragment] == :show if options[:base] == :exclude = nil uri.port = nil uri.scheme = nil end end.to_s end def query(query, options = {}) query!(query, options) rescue StandardError options[:placeholder] || PLACEHOLDER end def query!(query, options = {}) options ||= {} options[:obfuscate] = {} if options[:obfuscate] == :internal options[:show] = options[:show] || (options[:obfuscate] ? :all : []) options[:exclude] = options[:exclude] || [] # Short circuit if query string is meant to exclude everything # or if the query string is meant to include everything return '' if options[:exclude] == :all unless options[:show] == :all && !(options[:obfuscate] && options[:exclude]) query = collect_query(query, uniq: true) do |key, value| if options[:exclude].include?(key) [nil, nil] else value = options[:show] == :all || options[:show].include?(key) ? value : nil [key, value] end end end options[:obfuscate] ? obfuscate_query(query, options[:obfuscate]) : query end # Iterate over each key value pair, yielding to the block given. # Accepts :uniq option, which keeps uniq copies of keys without values. # e.g. Reduces "foo&bar=bar&bar=bar&foo" to "foo&bar=bar&bar=bar" def collect_query(query, options = {}) return query unless block_given? uniq = options[:uniq].nil? ? false : options[:uniq] keys = delims = query.scan(/(^|&|;)/).flatten query.split(/[&;]/).collect.with_index do |pairs, i| key, value = pairs.split('=', 2) key, value = yield(key, value, delims[i]) if uniq && keys.include?(key) '' elsif key && value "#{delims[i]}#{key}=#{value}" elsif key "#{delims[i]}#{key}".tap { keys << key } # rubocop:disable Lint/DuplicateBranch else '' end # rubocop:enable Lint/DuplicateBranch end.join.sub(/^[&;]/, '') end private_class_method :collect_query # Scans over the query string and obfuscates sensitive data by # replacing matches with an opaque value def obfuscate_query(query, options = {}) options[:regex] = nil if options[:regex] == :internal re = options[:regex] || OBFUSCATOR_REGEX with = options[:with] || OBFUSCATOR_WITH query.gsub(re, with) end private_class_method :obfuscate_query OBFUSCATOR_WITH = ''.freeze # rubocop:disable Layout/LineLength OBFUSCATOR_REGEX = %r{ (?: # JSON-ish leading quote (?:"|%22)? ) (?: # common keys (?:old_?|new_?)?p(?:ass)?w(?:or)?d(?:1|2)? # pw, password variants |pass(?:_?phrase)? # pass, passphrase variants |secret |(?: # key, key_id variants api_? |private_? |public_? |access_? |secret_? )key(?:_?id)? |token |consumer_?(?:id|key|secret) |sign(?:ed|ature)? |auth(?:entication|orization)? ) (?: # '=' query string separator, plus value til next '&' separator (?:\s|%20)*(?:=|%3D)[^&]+ # JSON-ish '": "somevalue"', key being handled with case above, without the opening '"' |(?:"|%22) # closing '"' at end of key (?:\s|%20)*(?::|%3A)(?:\s|%20)* # ':' key-value spearator, with surrounding spaces (?:"|%22) # opening '"' at start of value (?:%2[^2]|%[^2]|[^"%])+ # value (?:"|%22) # closing '"' at end of value ) |(?: # other common secret values bearer(?:\s|%20)+[a-z0-9._\-]+ |token(?::|%3A)[a-z0-9]{13} |gh[opsu]_[0-9a-zA-Z]{36} |ey[I-L](?:[\w=-]|%3D)+\.ey[I-L](?:[\w=-]|%3D)+(?:\.(?:[\w.+/=-]|%3D|%2F|%2B)+)? |-{5}BEGIN(?:[a-z\s]|%20)+PRIVATE(?:\s|%20)KEY-{5}[^\-]+-{5}END(?:[a-z\s]|%20)+PRIVATE(?:\s|%20)KEY(?:-{5})?(?:\n|%0A)? |(?:ssh-(?:rsa|dss)|ecdsa-[a-z0-9]+-[a-z0-9]+)(?:\s|%20)*(?:[a-z0-9/.+]|%2F|%5C|%2B){100,}(?:=|%3D)*(?:(?:\s+)[a-z0-9._-]+)? ) }ix.freeze # rubocop:enable Layout/LineLength end end end end end end