# frozen_string_literal: true require 'tfw/version' require 'tfdsl' require 'json' require 'singleton' require 'fileutils' require_relative 'tfw/state' # TFW is a Terraform Wrapper which uses terraform DSL for Ruby module TFW module_function LIB_DIR = "#{__dir__}/tfw/" require "#{LIB_DIR}/setters" require "#{LIB_DIR}/module" require "#{LIB_DIR}/stack_methods" require "#{LIB_DIR}/aws_sg_workaround" WORKSPACE = './.tfw' FileUtils.mkdir_p WORKSPACE def as_json? !ENV['TFW_AS_JSON'].nil? end def get_stack_for_dir(dir, input = nil, stack = State.instance.stack) configure_methods_using_stack stack configure_input_method input files = Dir.glob "#{dir}/*.rb" files.sort.each { |f| load f } configure_methods_using_stack State.instance.stack stack end def cli(args) build_config State.instance.reset run_terraform args end def build_config FileUtils.mkdir_p WORKSPACE stack = TFW.get_stack_for_dir '.' stack_file = "#{WORKSPACE}/stack.tf" write_stack_file stack_file, stack end def run_terraform(args) old_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir WORKSPACE cmd = "terraform #{args.join ' '}" pid = fork { exec cmd } Dir.chdir old_dir trap_pids [pid] Process.wait pid $?.exitstatus end def trap_pids(pids) %w[SIGINT SIGTERM].each do |sig| Signal.trap sig do pids.each { |pid| Process.kill sig, pid } Process.waitall puts "ERROR: TFW received and forwarded #{sig} to terraform" exit 2 end end end def load_module(stack, &block) t = TFW::Module.new do instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end mstack = t.instance_variable_get '@stack' mname = t.instance_variable_get '@name' mpath = "./modules/#{mname}" FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{WORKSPACE}/#{mpath}" stack_file = "#{WORKSPACE}/#{mpath}/stack.tf" write_stack_file stack_file, mstack stack.tfmodule mname do source mpath end end def write_stack_file(stack_file, stack) [stack_file, "#{stack_file}.json"].each { |f| FileUtils.rm_f f } if as_json? stack_file = "#{stack_file}.json" File.write stack_file, pretty_json(AwsSgWorkaround.fix(stack.to_json)) else File.write stack_file, stack end end def configure_methods_using_stack(stack) silent_block do # This will trigger warnings as we are redefining methods %w[provider variable locals tfmodule datasource resource output terraform].each do |name| TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self').define_singleton_method name do |*args, &block| stack.method(name).call(*args, &block) end end end end def configure_input_method(input) silent_block do # This will trigger warnings as we are redefining methods TOPLEVEL_BINDING.eval('self').define_singleton_method('tfw_module_input') { input } end end def pretty_json(json) JSON.pretty_generate JSON.parse(json) end end def silent_block stderr, stdout = [STDERR, STDOUT].map(&:clone) [STDERR, STDOUT].each { |e| e.reopen File.new('/dev/null', 'w') } begin yield ensure { STDERR => stderr, STDOUT => stdout }.each { |k, v| k.reopen v } end end def tfw_load_module(&block) TFW.load_module(self, &block) end