%script{:type => 'text/javascript', :src => '//api.filepicker.io/v1/filepicker.js'} %h3{:style => 'text-align:center;'} %a{:href => '/'}GroupDocs Ruby SDK Samples \- Sample29 .samplecontent{:style => 'padding:10px;'} %i This sample will show how to use Filepicker.io to upload document and get it's URL using Ruby SDK %br/ %br/ %span.documentation %a{:href => '/docs/sample29.html'} Builtin documentation for this sample %br/ %br/ %p %font{:color => 'red'} #{(defined? err) ? err : ''} #requestForm{:style => 'padding:20px; border:1px solid black;'} %p Click "Pick file" to select file which will be uploaded and shown in iframe %form{:name => 'gdform', :action => '/sample29', :enctype => 'multipart/form-data', :method => 'post'} %label{:for => 'client_id'} GroupDocs Client ID %br/ %input{:type=>'text', :name=>'client_id'} %br/ %label{:for => 'server_type'} Base path %br/ %input{:type=>'text', :name=>'server_type', :id => 'server_type'} %br/ %input{:id => 'gdButton', :type => 'filepicker', :data => {'fp-store-access' => "public", 'fp-apikey' => "AjhtkJk6rRLWQxanzZAFVz", 'fp-store-path' => "files/"}, :value => 'Upload file', :onChange => "upload(event.fpfile.url)", :style => 'display: block'} %span{:id => 'results_status', :style => 'color:red;display:none;' } (Please wait for ajax response) %div{:id => 'iframeDiv', :style => 'padding:20px; border:1px solid black; display: none;'} %iframe{:id=>"iframe", :frameborder=>"0", :width=>"800", :height=>"650", :src=>""} = partial :_others_samples :javascript function upload(url) { form = document.forms.gdform; var preLoad = document.getElementById("results_status"); preLoad.style.display = "block"; document.getElementById("gdButton").style.display = "none"; xhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange= function() { if (xhttp.readyState==4 && xhttp.status==200){ result = eval( "("+xhttp.responseText+")" ); iframe = result.iframe; error = result['error']; if (iframe != null) { var button = document.getElementById("gdButton").style.display = "block"; var preLoad = document.getElementById("results_status"); preLoad.style.display = "none"; var iframeDiv = document.getElementById("iframeDiv"); var iframeShow = document.getElementById("iframe"); iframeShow.setAttribute("src", iframe); iframeDiv.style.display = "block"; } else if (error != null) { var message = '