module Vips class Image # @!method self.system(cmd_format, **opts) # Run an external command. # @param cmd_format [String] Command to run # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Array] :im Array of input images # @option opts [String] :out_format Format for output filename # @option opts [String] :in_format Format for input filename # @option opts [Vips::Image] :out Output Output image # @option opts [String] :log Output Command log # @return [nil, Hash Object>] Hash of optional output items # @!method add(right, **opts) # Add two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method subtract(right, **opts) # Subtract two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method multiply(right, **opts) # Multiply two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method divide(right, **opts) # Divide two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method relational(right, relational, **opts) # Relational operation on two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param relational [Vips::OperationRelational] relational to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method remainder(right, **opts) # Remainder after integer division of two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method boolean(right, boolean, **opts) # Boolean operation on two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param boolean [Vips::OperationBoolean] boolean to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method math2(right, math2, **opts) # Binary math operations. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param math2 [Vips::OperationMath2] math to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method complex2(right, cmplx, **opts) # Complex binary operations on two images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param cmplx [Vips::OperationComplex2] binary complex operation to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method complexform(right, **opts) # Form a complex image from two real images. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand image argument # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.sum(im, **opts) # Sum an array of images. # @param im [Array] Array of input images # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method invert(**opts) # Invert an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method linear(a, b, **opts) # Calculate (a * in + b). # @param a [Array] Multiply by this # @param b [Array] Add this # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output should be uchar # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method math(math, **opts) # Apply a math operation to an image. # @param math [Vips::OperationMath] math to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method abs(**opts) # Absolute value of an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sign(**opts) # Unit vector of pixel. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method round(round, **opts) # Perform a round function on an image. # @param round [Vips::OperationRound] rounding operation to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method relational_const(relational, c, **opts) # Relational operations against a constant. # @param relational [Vips::OperationRelational] relational to perform # @param c [Array] Array of constants # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method remainder_const(c, **opts) # Remainder after integer division of an image and a constant. # @param c [Array] Array of constants # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method boolean_const(boolean, c, **opts) # Boolean operations against a constant. # @param boolean [Vips::OperationBoolean] boolean to perform # @param c [Array] Array of constants # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method math2_const(math2, c, **opts) # Binary math operations with a constant. # @param math2 [Vips::OperationMath2] math to perform # @param c [Array] Array of constants # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method complex(cmplx, **opts) # Perform a complex operation on an image. # @param cmplx [Vips::OperationComplex] complex to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method complexget(get, **opts) # Get a component from a complex image. # @param get [Vips::OperationComplexget] complex to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method avg(**opts) # Find image average. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Float] Output value # @!method min(**opts) # Find image minimum. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :size Number of minimum values to find # @option opts [Integer] :x Output Horizontal position of minimum # @option opts [Integer] :y Output Vertical position of minimum # @option opts [Array] :out_array Output Array of output values # @option opts [Array] :x_array Output Array of horizontal positions # @option opts [Array] :y_array Output Array of vertical positions # @return [Float, Hash Object>] Output value, Hash of optional output items # @!method max(**opts) # Find image maximum. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :size Number of maximum values to find # @option opts [Integer] :x Output Horizontal position of maximum # @option opts [Integer] :y Output Vertical position of maximum # @option opts [Array] :out_array Output Array of output values # @option opts [Array] :x_array Output Array of horizontal positions # @option opts [Array] :y_array Output Array of vertical positions # @return [Float, Hash Object>] Output value, Hash of optional output items # @!method deviate(**opts) # Find image standard deviation. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Float] Output value # @!method stats(**opts) # Find many image stats. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output array of statistics # @!method hist_find(**opts) # Find image histogram. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :band Find histogram of band # @return [Vips::Image] Output histogram # @!method hist_find_ndim(**opts) # Find n-dimensional image histogram. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :bins Number of bins in each dimension # @return [Vips::Image] Output histogram # @!method hist_find_indexed(index, **opts) # Find indexed image histogram. # @param index [Vips::Image] Index image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Combine] :combine Combine bins like this # @return [Vips::Image] Output histogram # @!method hough_line(**opts) # Find hough line transform. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :width horizontal size of parameter space # @option opts [Integer] :height Vertical size of parameter space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hough_circle(**opts) # Find hough circle transform. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :scale Scale down dimensions by this factor # @option opts [Integer] :min_radius Smallest radius to search for # @option opts [Integer] :max_radius Largest radius to search for # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method project(**opts) # Find image projections. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Array<] Sums of columns, Sums of rows # @!method profile(**opts) # Find image profiles. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Array<] First non-zero pixel in column, First non-zero pixel in row # @!method measure(h, v, **opts) # Measure a set of patches on a color chart. # @param h [Integer] Number of patches across chart # @param v [Integer] Number of patches down chart # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :left Left edge of extract area # @option opts [Integer] :top Top edge of extract area # @option opts [Integer] :width Width of extract area # @option opts [Integer] :height Height of extract area # @return [Vips::Image] Output array of statistics # @!method getpoint(x, y, **opts) # Read a point from an image. # @param x [Integer] Point to read # @param y [Integer] Point to read # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Array] Array of output values # @!method find_trim(**opts) # Search an image for non-edge areas. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :threshold Object threshold # @option opts [Array] :background Color for background pixels # @return [Array<] Left edge of image, Top edge of extract area, Width of extract area, Height of extract area # @!method copy(**opts) # Copy an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :width Image width in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :height Image height in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :bands Number of bands in image # @option opts [Vips::BandFormat] :format Pixel format in image # @option opts [Vips::Coding] :coding Pixel coding # @option opts [Vips::Interpretation] :interpretation Pixel interpretation # @option opts [Float] :xres Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Float] :yres Vertical resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Integer] :xoffset Horizontal offset of origin # @option opts [Integer] :yoffset Vertical offset of origin # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method tilecache(**opts) # Cache an image as a set of tiles. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :tile_width Tile width in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :max_tiles Maximum number of tiles to cache # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Expected access pattern # @option opts [Boolean] :threaded Allow threaded access # @option opts [Boolean] :persistent Keep cache between evaluations # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method linecache(**opts) # Cache an image as a set of lines. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Expected access pattern # @option opts [Boolean] :threaded Allow threaded access # @option opts [Boolean] :persistent Keep cache between evaluations # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sequential(**opts) # Check sequential access. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method cache(**opts) # Cache an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :max_tiles Maximum number of tiles to cache # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_width Tile width in pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method embed(x, y, width, height, **opts) # Embed an image in a larger image. # @param x [Integer] Left edge of input in output # @param y [Integer] Top edge of input in output # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Extend] :extend How to generate the extra pixels # @option opts [Array] :background Color for background pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method gravity(direction, width, height, **opts) # Place an image within a larger image with a certain gravity. # @param direction [Vips::CompassDirection] direction to place image within width/height # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Extend] :extend How to generate the extra pixels # @option opts [Array] :background Color for background pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method flip(direction, **opts) # Flip an image. # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Direction to flip image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method insert(sub, x, y, **opts) # Insert image @sub into @main at @x, @y. # @param sub [Vips::Image] Sub-image to insert into main image # @param x [Integer] Left edge of sub in main # @param y [Integer] Top edge of sub in main # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :expand Expand output to hold all of both inputs # @option opts [Array] :background Color for new pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method join(in2, direction, **opts) # Join a pair of images. # @param in2 [Vips::Image] Second input image # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Join left-right or up-down # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :expand Expand output to hold all of both inputs # @option opts [Integer] :shim Pixels between images # @option opts [Array] :background Colour for new pixels # @option opts [Vips::Align] :align Align on the low, centre or high coordinate edge # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.arrayjoin(im, **opts) # Join an array of images. # @param im [Array] Array of input images # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :across Number of images across grid # @option opts [Integer] :shim Pixels between images # @option opts [Array] :background Colour for new pixels # @option opts [Vips::Align] :halign Align on the left, centre or right # @option opts [Vips::Align] :valign Align on the top, centre or bottom # @option opts [Integer] :hspacing Horizontal spacing between images # @option opts [Integer] :vspacing Vertical spacing between images # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method extract_area(left, top, width, height, **opts) # Extract an area from an image. # @param left [Integer] Left edge of extract area # @param top [Integer] Top edge of extract area # @param width [Integer] Width of extract area # @param height [Integer] Height of extract area # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method extract_area(left, top, width, height, **opts) # Extract an area from an image. # @param left [Integer] Left edge of extract area # @param top [Integer] Top edge of extract area # @param width [Integer] Width of extract area # @param height [Integer] Height of extract area # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method smartcrop(width, height, **opts) # Extract an area from an image. # @param width [Integer] Width of extract area # @param height [Integer] Height of extract area # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interesting] :interesting How to measure interestingness # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method extract_band(band, **opts) # Extract band from an image. # @param band [Integer] Band to extract # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :n Number of bands to extract # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method bandjoin_const(c, **opts) # Append a constant band to an image. # @param c [Array] Array of constants to add # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.bandrank(im, **opts) # Band-wise rank of a set of images. # @param im [Array] Array of input images # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :index Select this band element from sorted list # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method bandmean(**opts) # Band-wise average. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method bandbool(boolean, **opts) # Boolean operation across image bands. # @param boolean [Vips::OperationBoolean] boolean to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method replicate(across, down, **opts) # Replicate an image. # @param across [Integer] Repeat this many times horizontally # @param down [Integer] Repeat this many times vertically # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method cast(format, **opts) # Cast an image. # @param format [Vips::BandFormat] Format to cast to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :shift Shift integer values up and down # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method rot(angle, **opts) # Rotate an image. # @param angle [Vips::Angle] Angle to rotate image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method rot45(**opts) # Rotate an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Angle45] :angle Angle to rotate image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method autorot(**opts) # Autorotate image by exif tag. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Angle] :angle Output Angle image was rotated by # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method recomb(m, **opts) # Linear recombination with matrix. # @param m [Vips::Image] matrix of coefficients # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method bandfold(**opts) # Fold up x axis into bands. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :factor Fold by this factor # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method bandunfold(**opts) # Unfold image bands into x axis. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :factor Unfold by this factor # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method flatten(**opts) # Flatten alpha out of an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Float] :max_alpha Maximum value of alpha channel # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method premultiply(**opts) # Premultiply image alpha. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :max_alpha Maximum value of alpha channel # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method unpremultiply(**opts) # Unpremultiply image alpha. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :max_alpha Maximum value of alpha channel # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method grid(tile_height, across, down, **opts) # Grid an image. # @param tile_height [Integer] chop into tiles this high # @param across [Integer] number of tiles across # @param down [Integer] number of tiles down # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method transpose3d(**opts) # Transpose3d an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Height of each input page # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method wrap(**opts) # Wrap image origin. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :x Left edge of input in output # @option opts [Integer] :y Top edge of input in output # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method zoom(xfac, yfac, **opts) # Zoom an image. # @param xfac [Integer] Horizontal zoom factor # @param yfac [Integer] Vertical zoom factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method subsample(xfac, yfac, **opts) # Subsample an image. # @param xfac [Integer] Horizontal subsample factor # @param yfac [Integer] Vertical subsample factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :point Point sample # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method msb(**opts) # Pick most-significant byte from an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :band Band to msb # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method byteswap(**opts) # Byteswap an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method falsecolour(**opts) # False-color an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method gamma(**opts) # Gamma an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :exponent Gamma factor # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method composite2(overlay, mode, **opts) # Blend a pair of images with a blend mode. # @param overlay [Vips::Image] Overlay image # @param mode [Vips::BlendMode] VipsBlendMode to join with # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :x x position of overlay # @option opts [Integer] :y y position of overlay # @option opts [Vips::Interpretation] :compositing_space Composite images in this colour space # @option opts [Boolean] :premultiplied Images have premultiplied alpha # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method, height, **opts) # Make a black image. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :bands Number of bands in image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.gaussnoise(width, height, **opts) # Make a gaussnoise image. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :sigma Standard deviation of pixels in generated image # @option opts [Float] :mean Mean of pixels in generated image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.text(text, **opts) # Make a text image. # @param text [String] Text to render # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :font Font to render with # @option opts [Integer] :width Maximum image width in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :height Maximum image height in pixels # @option opts [Vips::Align] :align Align on the low, centre or high edge # @option opts [Integer] :dpi DPI to render at # @option opts [Boolean] :justify Justify lines # @option opts [Integer] :spacing Line spacing # @option opts [String] :fontfile Load this font file # @option opts [Integer] :autofit_dpi Output DPI selected by autofit # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method, height, **opts) # Make an image where pixel values are coordinates. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :csize Size of third dimension # @option opts [Integer] :dsize Size of fourth dimension # @option opts [Integer] :esize Size of fifth dimension # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.gaussmat(sigma, min_ampl, **opts) # Make a gaussian image. # @param sigma [Float] Sigma of Gaussian # @param min_ampl [Float] Minimum amplitude of Gaussian # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :separable Generate separable Gaussian # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Generate with this precision # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.logmat(sigma, min_ampl, **opts) # Make a laplacian of gaussian image. # @param sigma [Float] Radius of Logmatian # @param min_ampl [Float] Minimum amplitude of Logmatian # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :separable Generate separable Logmatian # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Generate with this precision # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.eye(width, height, **opts) # Make an image showing the eye's spatial response. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Float] :factor Maximum spatial frequency # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.grey(width, height, **opts) # Make a grey ramp image. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method, height, **opts) # Make a zone plate. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.sines(width, height, **opts) # Make a 2d sine wave. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Float] :hfreq Horizontal spatial frequency # @option opts [Float] :vfreq Vertical spatial frequency # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_ideal(width, height, frequency_cutoff, **opts) # Make an ideal filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_ideal_ring(width, height, frequency_cutoff, ringwidth, **opts) # Make an ideal ring filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param ringwidth [Float] Ringwidth # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_ideal_band(width, height, frequency_cutoff_x, frequency_cutoff_y, radius, **opts) # Make an ideal band filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff_x [Float] Frequency cutoff x # @param frequency_cutoff_y [Float] Frequency cutoff y # @param radius [Float] radius of circle # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_butterworth(width, height, order, frequency_cutoff, amplitude_cutoff, **opts) # Make a butterworth filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param order [Float] Filter order # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_butterworth_ring(width, height, order, frequency_cutoff, amplitude_cutoff, ringwidth, **opts) # Make a butterworth ring filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param order [Float] Filter order # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param ringwidth [Float] Ringwidth # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_butterworth_band(width, height, order, frequency_cutoff_x, frequency_cutoff_y, radius, amplitude_cutoff, **opts) # Make a butterworth_band filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param order [Float] Filter order # @param frequency_cutoff_x [Float] Frequency cutoff x # @param frequency_cutoff_y [Float] Frequency cutoff y # @param radius [Float] radius of circle # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_gaussian(width, height, frequency_cutoff, amplitude_cutoff, **opts) # Make a gaussian filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_gaussian_ring(width, height, frequency_cutoff, amplitude_cutoff, ringwidth, **opts) # Make a gaussian ring filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff [Float] Frequency cutoff # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param ringwidth [Float] Ringwidth # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_gaussian_band(width, height, frequency_cutoff_x, frequency_cutoff_y, radius, amplitude_cutoff, **opts) # Make a gaussian filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param frequency_cutoff_x [Float] Frequency cutoff x # @param frequency_cutoff_y [Float] Frequency cutoff y # @param radius [Float] radius of circle # @param amplitude_cutoff [Float] Amplitude cutoff # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.mask_fractal(width, height, fractal_dimension, **opts) # Make fractal filter. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param fractal_dimension [Float] Fractal dimension # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @option opts [Boolean] :nodc Remove DC component # @option opts [Boolean] :reject Invert the sense of the filter # @option opts [Boolean] :optical Rotate quadrants to optical space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method buildlut(**opts) # Build a look-up table. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method invertlut(**opts) # Build an inverted look-up table. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :size LUT size to generate # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.tonelut(**opts) # Build a look-up table. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :in_max Size of LUT to build # @option opts [Integer] :out_max Maximum value in output LUT # @option opts [Float] :Lb Lowest value in output # @option opts [Float] :Lw Highest value in output # @option opts [Float] :Ps Position of shadow # @option opts [Float] :Pm Position of mid-tones # @option opts [Float] :Ph Position of highlights # @option opts [Float] :S Adjust shadows by this much # @option opts [Float] :M Adjust mid-tones by this much # @option opts [Float] :H Adjust highlights by this much # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.identity(**opts) # Make a 1d image where pixel values are indexes. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :bands Number of bands in LUT # @option opts [Boolean] :ushort Create a 16-bit LUT # @option opts [Integer] :size Size of 16-bit LUT # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.fractsurf(width, height, fractal_dimension, **opts) # Make a fractal surface. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param fractal_dimension [Float] Fractal dimension # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.worley(width, height, **opts) # Make a worley noise image. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :cell_size Size of Worley cells # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.perlin(width, height, **opts) # Make a perlin noise image. # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :cell_size Size of Perlin cells # @option opts [Boolean] :uchar Output an unsigned char image # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.csvload(filename, **opts) # Load csv from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :skip Skip this many lines at the start of the file # @option opts [Integer] :lines Read this many lines from the file # @option opts [String] :whitespace Set of whitespace characters # @option opts [String] :separator Set of separator characters # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.matrixload(filename, **opts) # Load matrix from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.rawload(filename, width, height, bands, **opts) # Load raw data from a file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param width [Integer] Image width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Image height in pixels # @param bands [Integer] Number of bands in image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [guint64] :offset Offset in bytes from start of file # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.vipsload(filename, **opts) # Load vips from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.analyzeload(filename, **opts) # Load an analyze6 image. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.ppmload(filename, **opts) # Load ppm from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.radload(filename, **opts) # Load a radiance image from a file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.pdfload(filename, **opts) # Load pdf with libpoppler. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Float] :dpi Render at this DPI # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale output by this factor # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.pdfload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load pdf with libpoppler. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Float] :dpi Render at this DPI # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale output by this factor # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.svgload(filename, **opts) # Load svg with rsvg. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :dpi Render at this DPI # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale output by this factor # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.svgload(filename, **opts) # Load svg with rsvg. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :dpi Render at this DPI # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale output by this factor # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.svgload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load svg with rsvg. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :dpi Render at this DPI # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale output by this factor # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.gifload(filename, **opts) # Load gif with giflib. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.gifload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load gif with giflib. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.pngload(filename, **opts) # Load png from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.pngload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load png from buffer. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.matload(filename, **opts) # Load mat from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.jpegload(filename, **opts) # Load jpeg from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :shrink Shrink factor on load # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using exif orientation # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.jpegload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load jpeg from buffer. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :shrink Shrink factor on load # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using exif orientation # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.webpload(filename, **opts) # Load webp from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale factor on load # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.webpload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load webp from buffer. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale factor on load # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.tiffload(filename, **opts) # Load tiff from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the image # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using orientation tag # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.tiffload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load tiff from buffer. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the image # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using orientation tag # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.openslideload(filename, **opts) # Load file with openslide. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :attach_associated Attach all asssociated images # @option opts [Integer] :level Load this level from the file # @option opts [Boolean] :autocrop Crop to image bounds # @option opts [String] :associated Load this associated image # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.magickload(filename, **opts) # Load file with imagemagick. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :density Canvas resolution for rendering vector formats like SVG # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.magickload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load buffer with imagemagick. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :density Canvas resolution for rendering vector formats like SVG # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.fitsload(filename, **opts) # Load a fits image. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.openexrload(filename, **opts) # Load an openexr image. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.niftiload(filename, **opts) # Load a nifti image. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.heifload(filename, **opts) # Load a heif image. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :thumbnail Fetch thumbnail image # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using exif orientation # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method self.heifload_buffer(buffer, **opts) # Load a heif image. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page Load this page from the file # @option opts [Integer] :n Load this many pages # @option opts [Boolean] :thumbnail Fetch thumbnail image # @option opts [Boolean] :autorotate Rotate image using exif orientation # @option opts [Boolean] :memory Force open via memory # @option opts [Vips::Access] :access Required access pattern for this file # @option opts [Boolean] :fail Fail on first error # @option opts [Vips::ForeignFlags] :flags Output Flags for this file # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method csvsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to csv file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :separator Separator characters # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method matrixsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to matrix file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method matrixprint(**opts) # Print matrix. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method rawsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to raw file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method rawsave_fd(fd, **opts) # Write raw image to file descriptor. # @param fd [Integer] File descriptor to write to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method vipssave(filename, **opts) # Save image to vips file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method ppmsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to ppm file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :ascii save as ascii # @option opts [Boolean] :squash save as one bit # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method radsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to radiance file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method radsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to radiance buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method dzsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to deepzoom file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :basename Base name to save to # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzLayout] :layout Directory layout # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :suffix Filename suffix for tiles # @option opts [Integer] :overlap Tile overlap in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_size Tile size in pixels # @option opts [Boolean] :centre Center image in tile # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzDepth] :depth Pyramid depth # @option opts [Vips::Angle] :angle Rotate image during save # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzContainer] :container Pyramid container type # @option opts [Boolean] :properties Write a properties file to the output directory # @option opts [Integer] :compression ZIP deflate compression level # @option opts [Vips::RegionShrink] :region_shrink Method to shrink regions # @option opts [Integer] :skip_blanks Skip tiles which are nearly equal to the background # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method dzsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to dz buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :basename Base name to save to # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzLayout] :layout Directory layout # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :suffix Filename suffix for tiles # @option opts [Integer] :overlap Tile overlap in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_size Tile size in pixels # @option opts [Boolean] :centre Center image in tile # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzDepth] :depth Pyramid depth # @option opts [Vips::Angle] :angle Rotate image during save # @option opts [Vips::ForeignDzContainer] :container Pyramid container type # @option opts [Boolean] :properties Write a properties file to the output directory # @option opts [Integer] :compression ZIP deflate compression level # @option opts [Vips::RegionShrink] :region_shrink Method to shrink regions # @option opts [Integer] :skip_blanks Skip tiles which are nearly equal to the background # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method pngsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to png file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :compression Compression factor # @option opts [Boolean] :interlace Interlace image # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Vips::ForeignPngFilter] :filter libpng row filter flag(s) # @option opts [Boolean] :palette Quantise to 8bpp palette # @option opts [Integer] :colours Max number of palette colours # @option opts [Integer] :Q Quantisation quality # @option opts [Float] :dither Amount of dithering # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method pngsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to png buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :compression Compression factor # @option opts [Boolean] :interlace Interlace image # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Vips::ForeignPngFilter] :filter libpng row filter flag(s) # @option opts [Boolean] :palette Quantise to 8bpp palette # @option opts [Integer] :colours Max number of palette colours # @option opts [Integer] :Q Quantisation quality # @option opts [Float] :dither Amount of dithering # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method jpegsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to jpeg file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_coding Compute optimal Huffman coding tables # @option opts [Boolean] :interlace Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg # @option opts [Boolean] :no_subsample Disable chroma subsample # @option opts [Boolean] :trellis_quant Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block # @option opts [Boolean] :overshoot_deringing Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_scans Split the spectrum of DCT coefficients into separate scans # @option opts [Integer] :quant_table Use predefined quantization table with given index # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method jpegsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to jpeg buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_coding Compute optimal Huffman coding tables # @option opts [Boolean] :interlace Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg # @option opts [Boolean] :no_subsample Disable chroma subsample # @option opts [Boolean] :trellis_quant Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block # @option opts [Boolean] :overshoot_deringing Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_scans Split the spectrum of DCT coefficients into separate scans # @option opts [Integer] :quant_table Use predefined quantization table with given index # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method jpegsave_mime(**opts) # Save image to jpeg mime. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_coding Compute optimal Huffman coding tables # @option opts [Boolean] :interlace Generate an interlaced (progressive) jpeg # @option opts [Boolean] :no_subsample Disable chroma subsample # @option opts [Boolean] :trellis_quant Apply trellis quantisation to each 8x8 block # @option opts [Boolean] :overshoot_deringing Apply overshooting to samples with extreme values # @option opts [Boolean] :optimize_scans Split the spectrum of DCT coefficients into separate scans # @option opts [Integer] :quant_table Use predefined quantization table with given index # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method webpsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to webp file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Boolean] :lossless enable lossless compression # @option opts [Vips::ForeignWebpPreset] :preset Preset for lossy compression # @option opts [Boolean] :smart_subsample Enable high quality chroma subsampling # @option opts [Boolean] :near_lossless Enable preprocessing in lossless mode (uses Q) # @option opts [Integer] :alpha_q Change alpha plane fidelity for lossy compression # @option opts [Boolean] :min_size Optimise for minium size # @option opts [Integer] :kmin Minimum number of frames between key frames # @option opts [Integer] :kmax Maximum number of frames between key frames # @option opts [Integer] :reduction_effort Level of CPU effort to reduce file size # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method webpsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to webp buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Boolean] :lossless enable lossless compression # @option opts [Vips::ForeignWebpPreset] :preset Preset for lossy compression # @option opts [Boolean] :smart_subsample Enable high quality chroma subsampling # @option opts [Boolean] :near_lossless Enable preprocessing in lossless mode (uses Q) # @option opts [Integer] :alpha_q Change alpha plane fidelity for lossy compression # @option opts [Boolean] :min_size Optimise for minium size # @option opts [Integer] :kmin Minimum number of frames between key frames # @option opts [Integer] :kmax Maximum number of frames between key frames # @option opts [Integer] :reduction_effort Level of CPU effort to reduce file size # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method tiffsave(filename, **opts) # Save image to tiff file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffCompression] :compression Compression for this file # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffPredictor] :predictor Compression prediction # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Boolean] :tile Write a tiled tiff # @option opts [Integer] :tile_width Tile width in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @option opts [Boolean] :pyramid Write a pyramidal tiff # @option opts [Boolean] :miniswhite Use 0 for white in 1-bit images # @option opts [Boolean] :squash Squash images down to 1 bit # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffResunit] :resunit Resolution unit # @option opts [Float] :xres Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Float] :yres Vertical resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Boolean] :bigtiff Write a bigtiff image # @option opts [Boolean] :properties Write a properties document to IMAGEDESCRIPTION # @option opts [Vips::RegionShrink] :region_shrink Method to shrink regions # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method tiffsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to tiff buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffCompression] :compression Compression for this file # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffPredictor] :predictor Compression prediction # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [String] :profile ICC profile to embed # @option opts [Boolean] :tile Write a tiled tiff # @option opts [Integer] :tile_width Tile width in pixels # @option opts [Integer] :tile_height Tile height in pixels # @option opts [Boolean] :pyramid Write a pyramidal tiff # @option opts [Boolean] :miniswhite Use 0 for white in 1-bit images # @option opts [Boolean] :squash Squash images down to 1 bit # @option opts [Vips::ForeignTiffResunit] :resunit Resolution unit # @option opts [Float] :xres Horizontal resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Float] :yres Vertical resolution in pixels/mm # @option opts [Boolean] :bigtiff Write a bigtiff image # @option opts [Boolean] :properties Write a properties document to IMAGEDESCRIPTION # @option opts [Vips::RegionShrink] :region_shrink Method to shrink regions # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method magicksave(filename, **opts) # Save file with imagemagick. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :format Format to save in # @option opts [Integer] :quality Quality to use # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method magicksave_buffer(**opts) # Save image to magick buffer. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :format Format to save in # @option opts [Integer] :quality Quality to use # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method fitssave(filename, **opts) # Save image to fits file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method niftisave(filename, **opts) # Save image to nifti file. # @param filename [String] Filename to save to # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method heifsave(filename, **opts) # Save image in heif format. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Boolean] :lossless Enable lossless compression # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method heifsave(filename, **opts) # Save image in heif format. # @param filename [String] Filename to load from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Boolean] :lossless Enable lossless compression # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [nil] # @!method heifsave_buffer(**opts) # Save image in heif format. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :page_height Set page height for multipage save # @option opts [Integer] :Q Q factor # @option opts [Boolean] :lossless Enable lossless compression # @option opts [Boolean] :strip Strip all metadata from image # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @return [VipsBlob] Buffer to save to # @!method self.thumbnail(filename, width, **opts) # Generate thumbnail from file. # @param filename [String] Filename to read from # @param width [Integer] Size to this width # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :height Size to this height # @option opts [Vips::Size] :size Only upsize, only downsize, or both # @option opts [Boolean] :no_rotate Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright # @option opts [Vips::Interesting] :crop Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop # @option opts [Boolean] :linear Reduce in linear light # @option opts [String] :import_profile Fallback import profile # @option opts [String] :export_profile Fallback export profile # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.thumbnail_buffer(buffer, width, **opts) # Generate thumbnail from buffer. # @param buffer [VipsBlob] Buffer to load from # @param width [Integer] Size to this width # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [String] :option_string Options that are passed on to the underlying loader # @option opts [Integer] :height Size to this height # @option opts [Vips::Size] :size Only upsize, only downsize, or both # @option opts [Boolean] :no_rotate Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright # @option opts [Vips::Interesting] :crop Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop # @option opts [Boolean] :linear Reduce in linear light # @option opts [String] :import_profile Fallback import profile # @option opts [String] :export_profile Fallback export profile # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method thumbnail_image(width, **opts) # Generate thumbnail from image. # @param width [Integer] Size to this width # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :height Size to this height # @option opts [Vips::Size] :size Only upsize, only downsize, or both # @option opts [Boolean] :no_rotate Don't use orientation tags to rotate image upright # @option opts [Vips::Interesting] :crop Reduce to fill target rectangle, then crop # @option opts [Boolean] :linear Reduce in linear light # @option opts [String] :import_profile Fallback import profile # @option opts [String] :export_profile Fallback export profile # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method mapim(index, **opts) # Resample with a map image. # @param index [Vips::Image] Index pixels with this # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method shrink(hshrink, vshrink, **opts) # Shrink an image. # @param hshrink [Float] Horizontal shrink factor # @param vshrink [Float] Vertical shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method shrinkh(hshrink, **opts) # Shrink an image horizontally. # @param hshrink [Integer] Horizontal shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method shrinkv(vshrink, **opts) # Shrink an image vertically. # @param vshrink [Integer] Vertical shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method reduceh(hshrink, **opts) # Shrink an image horizontally. # @param hshrink [Float] Horizontal shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Kernel] :kernel Resampling kernel # @option opts [Boolean] :centre Use centre sampling convention # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method reducev(vshrink, **opts) # Shrink an image vertically. # @param vshrink [Float] Vertical shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Kernel] :kernel Resampling kernel # @option opts [Boolean] :centre Use centre sampling convention # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method reduce(hshrink, vshrink, **opts) # Reduce an image. # @param hshrink [Float] Horizontal shrink factor # @param vshrink [Float] Vertical shrink factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Kernel] :kernel Resampling kernel # @option opts [Boolean] :centre Use centre sampling convention # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method quadratic(coeff, **opts) # Resample an image with a quadratic transform. # @param coeff [Vips::Image] Coefficient matrix # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate values with this # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method affine(matrix, **opts) # Affine transform of an image. # @param matrix [Array] Transformation matrix # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @option opts [Array] :oarea Area of output to generate # @option opts [Float] :odx Horizontal output displacement # @option opts [Float] :ody Vertical output displacement # @option opts [Float] :idx Horizontal input displacement # @option opts [Float] :idy Vertical input displacement # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Vips::Extend] :extend How to generate the extra pixels # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method similarity(**opts) # Similarity transform of an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :scale Scale by this factor # @option opts [Float] :angle Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Float] :odx Horizontal output displacement # @option opts [Float] :ody Vertical output displacement # @option opts [Float] :idx Horizontal input displacement # @option opts [Float] :idy Vertical input displacement # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method rotate(angle, **opts) # Rotate an image by a number of degrees. # @param angle [Float] Rotate anticlockwise by this many degrees # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @option opts [Array] :background Background value # @option opts [Float] :odx Horizontal output displacement # @option opts [Float] :ody Vertical output displacement # @option opts [Float] :idx Horizontal input displacement # @option opts [Float] :idy Vertical input displacement # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method resize(scale, **opts) # Resize an image. # @param scale [Float] Scale image by this factor # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Kernel] :kernel Resampling kernel # @option opts [Float] :vscale Vertical scale image by this factor # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method colourspace(space, **opts) # Convert to a new colorspace. # @param space [Vips::Interpretation] Destination color space # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Interpretation] :source_space Source color space # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method Lab2XYZ(**opts) # Transform cielab to xyz. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Array] :temp Color temperature # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method XYZ2Lab(**opts) # Transform xyz to lab. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Array] :temp Colour temperature # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method Lab2LCh(**opts) # Transform lab to lch. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LCh2Lab(**opts) # Transform lch to lab. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LCh2CMC(**opts) # Transform lch to cmc. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method CMC2LCh(**opts) # Transform lch to cmc. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method XYZ2Yxy(**opts) # Transform xyz to yxy. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method Yxy2XYZ(**opts) # Transform yxy to xyz. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method scRGB2XYZ(**opts) # Transform scrgb to xyz. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method XYZ2scRGB(**opts) # Transform xyz to scrgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LabQ2Lab(**opts) # Unpack a labq image to float lab. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method Lab2LabQ(**opts) # Transform float lab to labq coding. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LabQ2LabS(**opts) # Unpack a labq image to short lab. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LabS2LabQ(**opts) # Transform short lab to labq coding. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LabS2Lab(**opts) # Transform signed short lab to float. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method Lab2LabS(**opts) # Transform float lab to signed short. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method rad2float(**opts) # Unpack radiance coding to float rgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method float2rad(**opts) # Transform float rgb to radiance coding. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method LabQ2sRGB(**opts) # Convert a labq image to srgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sRGB2HSV(**opts) # Transform srgb to hsv. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method HSV2sRGB(**opts) # Transform hsv to srgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method icc_import(**opts) # Import from device with icc profile. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::PCS] :pcs Set Profile Connection Space # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @option opts [Boolean] :embedded Use embedded input profile, if available # @option opts [String] :input_profile Filename to load input profile from # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method icc_export(**opts) # Output to device with icc profile. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::PCS] :pcs Set Profile Connection Space # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @option opts [String] :output_profile Filename to load output profile from # @option opts [Integer] :depth Output device space depth in bits # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method icc_transform(output_profile, **opts) # Transform between devices with icc profiles. # @param output_profile [String] Filename to load output profile from # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::PCS] :pcs Set Profile Connection Space # @option opts [Vips::Intent] :intent Rendering intent # @option opts [Boolean] :embedded Use embedded input profile, if available # @option opts [String] :input_profile Filename to load input profile from # @option opts [Integer] :depth Output device space depth in bits # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method dE76(right, **opts) # Calculate de76. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand input image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method dE00(right, **opts) # Calculate de00. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand input image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method dECMC(right, **opts) # Calculate decmc. # @param right [Vips::Image] Right-hand input image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sRGB2scRGB(**opts) # Convert an srgb image to scrgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method scRGB2BW(**opts) # Convert scrgb to bw. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :depth Output device space depth in bits # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method scRGB2sRGB(**opts) # Convert an scrgb image to srgb. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :depth Output device space depth in bits # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method CMYK2XYZ(**opts) # Transform cmyk to xyz. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method XYZ2CMYK(**opts) # Transform xyz to cmyk. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method self.profile_load(name, **opts) # Load named icc profile. # @param name [String] Profile name # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [VipsBlob] Loaded profile # @!method maplut(lut, **opts) # Map an image though a lut. # @param lut [Vips::Image] Look-up table image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :band apply one-band lut to this band of in # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method percent(percent, **opts) # Find threshold for percent of pixels. # @param percent [Float] Percent of pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Integer] Threshold above which lie percent of pixels # @!method stdif(width, height, **opts) # Statistical difference. # @param width [Integer] Window width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Window height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :s0 New deviation # @option opts [Float] :b Weight of new deviation # @option opts [Float] :m0 New mean # @option opts [Float] :a Weight of new mean # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_cum(**opts) # Form cumulative histogram. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_match(ref, **opts) # Match two histograms. # @param ref [Vips::Image] Reference histogram # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_norm(**opts) # Normalise histogram. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_equal(**opts) # Histogram equalisation. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :band Equalise with this band # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_plot(**opts) # Plot histogram. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_local(width, height, **opts) # Local histogram equalisation. # @param width [Integer] Window width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Window height in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :max_slope Maximum slope (CLAHE) # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method hist_ismonotonic(**opts) # Test for monotonicity. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Boolean] true if in is monotonic # @!method hist_entropy(**opts) # Estimate image entropy. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Float] Output value # @!method conv(mask, **opts) # Convolution operation. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Convolve with this precision # @option opts [Integer] :layers Use this many layers in approximation # @option opts [Integer] :cluster Cluster lines closer than this in approximation # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method conva(mask, **opts) # Approximate integer convolution. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :layers Use this many layers in approximation # @option opts [Integer] :cluster Cluster lines closer than this in approximation # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method convf(mask, **opts) # Float convolution operation. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method convi(mask, **opts) # Int convolution operation. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method compass(mask, **opts) # Convolve with rotating mask. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :times Rotate and convolve this many times # @option opts [Vips::Angle45] :angle Rotate mask by this much between convolutions # @option opts [Vips::Combine] :combine Combine convolution results like this # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Convolve with this precision # @option opts [Integer] :layers Use this many layers in approximation # @option opts [Integer] :cluster Cluster lines closer than this in approximation # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method convsep(mask, **opts) # Seperable convolution operation. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Convolve with this precision # @option opts [Integer] :layers Use this many layers in approximation # @option opts [Integer] :cluster Cluster lines closer than this in approximation # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method convasep(mask, **opts) # Approximate separable integer convolution. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :layers Use this many layers in approximation # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method fastcor(ref, **opts) # Fast correlation. # @param ref [Vips::Image] Input reference image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method spcor(ref, **opts) # Spatial correlation. # @param ref [Vips::Image] Input reference image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sharpen(**opts) # Unsharp masking for print. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :sigma Sigma of Gaussian # @option opts [Float] :x1 Flat/jaggy threshold # @option opts [Float] :y2 Maximum brightening # @option opts [Float] :y3 Maximum darkening # @option opts [Float] :m1 Slope for flat areas # @option opts [Float] :m2 Slope for jaggy areas # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method gaussblur(sigma, **opts) # Gaussian blur. # @param sigma [Float] Sigma of Gaussian # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :min_ampl Minimum amplitude of Gaussian # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Convolve with this precision # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method canny(**opts) # Canny edge detector. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :sigma Sigma of Gaussian # @option opts [Vips::Precision] :precision Convolve with this precision # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method sobel(**opts) # Sobel edge detector. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method fwfft(**opts) # Forward fft. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method invfft(**opts) # Inverse fft. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :real Output only the real part of the transform # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method freqmult(mask, **opts) # Frequency-domain filtering. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input mask image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method spectrum(**opts) # Make displayable power spectrum. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method phasecor(in2, **opts) # Calculate phase correlation. # @param in2 [Vips::Image] Second input image # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method morph(mask, morph, **opts) # Morphology operation. # @param mask [Vips::Image] Input matrix image # @param morph [Vips::OperationMorphology] Morphological operation to perform # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method rank(width, height, index, **opts) # Rank filter. # @param width [Integer] Window width in pixels # @param height [Integer] Window height in pixels # @param index [Integer] Select pixel at index # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method countlines(direction, **opts) # Count lines in an image. # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Countlines left-right or up-down # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Float] Number of lines # @!method labelregions(**opts) # Label regions in an image. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :segments Output Number of discrete contigious regions # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Mask of region labels, Hash of optional output items # @!method fill_nearest(**opts) # Fill image zeros with nearest non-zero pixel. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Image] :distance Output Distance to nearest non-zero pixel # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Value of nearest non-zero pixel, Hash of optional output items # @!method draw_rect(ink, left, top, width, height, **opts) # Paint a rectangle on an image. # @param ink [Array] Color for pixels # @param left [Integer] Rect to fill # @param top [Integer] Rect to fill # @param width [Integer] Rect to fill # @param height [Integer] Rect to fill # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :fill Draw a solid object # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method draw_mask(ink, mask, x, y, **opts) # Draw a mask on an image. # @param ink [Array] Color for pixels # @param mask [Vips::Image] Mask of pixels to draw # @param x [Integer] Draw mask here # @param y [Integer] Draw mask here # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method draw_line(ink, x1, y1, x2, y2, **opts) # Draw a line on an image. # @param ink [Array] Color for pixels # @param x1 [Integer] Start of draw_line # @param y1 [Integer] Start of draw_line # @param x2 [Integer] End of draw_line # @param y2 [Integer] End of draw_line # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method draw_circle(ink, cx, cy, radius, **opts) # Draw a circle on an image. # @param ink [Array] Color for pixels # @param cx [Integer] Centre of draw_circle # @param cy [Integer] Centre of draw_circle # @param radius [Integer] Radius in pixels # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Boolean] :fill Draw a solid object # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method draw_flood(ink, x, y, **opts) # Flood-fill an area. # @param ink [Array] Color for pixels # @param x [Integer] DrawFlood start point # @param y [Integer] DrawFlood start point # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::Image] :test Test pixels in this image # @option opts [Boolean] :equal DrawFlood while equal to edge # @option opts [Integer] :left Output Left edge of modified area # @option opts [Integer] :top Output top edge of modified area # @option opts [Integer] :width Output width of modified area # @option opts [Integer] :height Output height of modified area # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Image to draw on, Hash of optional output items # @!method draw_image(sub, x, y, **opts) # Paint an image into another image. # @param sub [Vips::Image] Sub-image to insert into main image # @param x [Integer] Draw image here # @param y [Integer] Draw image here # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Vips::CombineMode] :mode Combining mode # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method draw_smudge(left, top, width, height, **opts) # Blur a rectangle on an image. # @param left [Integer] Rect to fill # @param top [Integer] Rect to fill # @param width [Integer] Rect to fill # @param height [Integer] Rect to fill # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @return [Vips::Image] Image to draw on # @!method merge(sec, direction, dx, dy, **opts) # Merge two images. # @param sec [Vips::Image] Secondary image # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Horizontal or vertcial merge # @param dx [Integer] Horizontal displacement from sec to ref # @param dy [Integer] Vertical displacement from sec to ref # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :mblend Maximum blend size # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method mosaic(sec, direction, xref, yref, xsec, ysec, **opts) # Mosaic two images. # @param sec [Vips::Image] Secondary image # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Horizontal or vertcial mosaic # @param xref [Integer] Position of reference tie-point # @param yref [Integer] Position of reference tie-point # @param xsec [Integer] Position of secondary tie-point # @param ysec [Integer] Position of secondary tie-point # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :hwindow Half window size # @option opts [Integer] :harea Half area size # @option opts [Integer] :mblend Maximum blend size # @option opts [Integer] :bandno Band to search for features on # @option opts [Integer] :dx0 Output Detected integer offset # @option opts [Integer] :dy0 Output Detected integer offset # @option opts [Float] :scale1 Output Detected scale # @option opts [Float] :angle1 Output Detected rotation # @option opts [Float] :dy1 Output Detected first-order displacement # @option opts [Float] :dx1 Output Detected first-order displacement # @return [Vips::Image, Hash Object>] Output image, Hash of optional output items # @!method mosaic1(sec, direction, xr1, yr1, xs1, ys1, xr2, yr2, xs2, ys2, **opts) # First-order mosaic of two images. # @param sec [Vips::Image] Secondary image # @param direction [Vips::Direction] Horizontal or vertcial mosaic # @param xr1 [Integer] Position of first reference tie-point # @param yr1 [Integer] Position of first reference tie-point # @param xs1 [Integer] Position of first secondary tie-point # @param ys1 [Integer] Position of first secondary tie-point # @param xr2 [Integer] Position of second reference tie-point # @param yr2 [Integer] Position of second reference tie-point # @param xs2 [Integer] Position of second secondary tie-point # @param ys2 [Integer] Position of second secondary tie-point # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :hwindow Half window size # @option opts [Integer] :harea Half area size # @option opts [Boolean] :search Search to improve tie-points # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @option opts [Integer] :mblend Maximum blend size # @option opts [Integer] :bandno Band to search for features on # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method match(sec, xr1, yr1, xs1, ys1, xr2, yr2, xs2, ys2, **opts) # First-order match of two images. # @param sec [Vips::Image] Secondary image # @param xr1 [Integer] Position of first reference tie-point # @param yr1 [Integer] Position of first reference tie-point # @param xs1 [Integer] Position of first secondary tie-point # @param ys1 [Integer] Position of first secondary tie-point # @param xr2 [Integer] Position of second reference tie-point # @param yr2 [Integer] Position of second reference tie-point # @param xs2 [Integer] Position of second secondary tie-point # @param ys2 [Integer] Position of second secondary tie-point # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Integer] :hwindow Half window size # @option opts [Integer] :harea Half area size # @option opts [Boolean] :search Search to improve tie-points # @option opts [Vips::Interpolate] :interpolate Interpolate pixels with this # @return [Vips::Image] Output image # @!method globalbalance(**opts) # Global balance an image mosaic. # @param opts [Hash] Set of options # @option opts [Float] :gamma Image gamma # @option opts [Boolean] :int_output Integer output # @return [Vips::Image] Output image end end