h1. Xero API wrapper h2. Introduction This library is designed to help ruby / rails based applications communicate with the publicly available API for Xero. If you are unfamiliar with the API, you should first read the documentation, located here "http://blog.xero.com/developer/":http://blog.xero.com/developer/ h2. Prerequisites To use the Xero API you must have a Xero API Key. If you don't know what this is, and don't know how to get one, this library is probably not for you. h2. Usage
    require 'xero_gateway'
    gateway = XeroGateway::Gateway.new(
      :api_key => "YOUR_XERO_API_KEY",
      :xero_url => "THE URL FOR THE XERO API (test or live)"
h2. Implemented interface methods h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/contact (get_contact_by_id) Gets a contact record for a specific Xero organisation

	result = gateway.get_contact_by_id(contact_id)
	contact = result.contact if result.success?
h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/contact (get_contact_by_number) Gets a contact record for a specific Xero organisation

h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/contacts (get_contacts) Gets all contact records for a particular Xero customer.

	gateway.get_contacts(:type => :all, :sort => :name, :direction => :desc)
h3. PUT /api.xro/1.0/contact Saves a contact record for a particular Xero customer.

    contact = XeroGateway::Contact.new
	contact.name = "The contacts name"
    contact.email = "whoever@something.com"
    contact.phone.number = "555 123 4567"
    contact.address.line_1 = "LINE 1 OF THE ADDRESS"
    contact.address.line_2 = "LINE 2 OF THE ADDRESS"
    contact.address.city = "WELLINGTON"
    contact.address.region = "WELLINGTON"
    contact.address.country = "NEW ZEALAND"
    contact.address.post_code = "6021"
h3. POST /api.xro/1.0/contact Updates an existing contact record.

    contact_retrieved_from_xero.email = "something_new@something.com"
h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/invoice (get_invoice_by_id) Gets an invoice record for a specific Xero organisation

h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/invoice (get_invoice_by_number) Gets an invoice record for a specific Xero organisation

h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/invoices (get_invoices) Gets all invoice records for a particular Xero customer.

	gateway.get_invoices(1.month.ago) # modified since 1 month ago
h3. PUT /api.xro/1.0/invoice Inserts an invoice for a specific organization in Xero (Currently only adding new invoices is allowed). Invoice and line item totals are calculated automatically.

    invoice = XeroGateway::Invoice.new({
      :invoice_type => "ACCREC",
      :due_date => 1.month.from_now,
      :invoice_number => "YOUR INVOICE NUMBER",
      :tax_inclusive => true,
      :includes_tax => false
    invoice.contact = XeroGateway::Contact.new(:name => "THE NAME OF THE CONTACT")
    invoice.contact.phone.number = "12345"
    invoice.contact.address.line_1 = "LINE 1 OF THE ADDRESS"    
    invoice.line_items << XeroGateway::LineItem.new(
      :description => "THE DESCRIPTION OF THE LINE ITEM",
      :unit_amount => 1000,
      :tax_amount => 125,
      :tracking_category => "THE TRACKING CATEGORY FOR THE LINE ITEM",
      :tracking_option => "THE TRACKING OPTION FOR THE LINE ITEM"
h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/accounts Gets all accounts for a specific organization in Xero.

For more advanced (and cached) access to the accounts list, use the following.

	accounts_list = gateway.get_accounts_list
	# Finds account with code of '200'
	sales_account = accounts_list.find_by_code(200)
	# Finds all EXPENSE accounts
	all_expense_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_type('EXPENSE') 
	# Finds all accounts with tax_type == 'OUTPUT'
	# For a list of valid tax types see XeroGateway::Account::TAX_TYPE
	all_output_tax_accounts = accounts_list.find_all_by_tax_type('OUTPUT')
h3. GET /api.xro/1.0/tracking Gets all tracking categories and their options for a specific organization in Xero.
