module NdrUi # Provides helper methods for the Twitter Bootstrap framework module BootstrapHelper include ::NdrUi::Bootstrap::BreadcrumbsHelper include ::NdrUi::Bootstrap::DropdownHelper include ::NdrUi::Bootstrap::ModalHelper include ::NdrUi::Bootstrap::PanelHelper # Creates an alert box of the given +type+. It supports the following alert box types # :alert, :danger, :info and :success. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_alert_tag(type, message, options = {}) # bootstrap_alert_tag(type, options = {}) do # # message # end # # ==== Options # * dismissible: true - This will set whether or not a close X button # will appear, allowing the alert box to be dismissed by the user. This is only # supported with the Bootstrap layout and defaults to true. # link to open in a popup window. By passing true, a default browser window # will be opened with the URL. You can also specify an array of options # that are passed-thru to JavaScripts method. # * All remaining options are treated as html attributes for the containing div tag. # The class attribute is overwritten by the helper and so will be ignored if specified. # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_alert_tag(:info, 'Check it out!!') %> # # =>
×Check it out!!
# # You can use a block as well if your alert message is hard to fit into the message parameter. # ERb example: # # <%= bootstrap_alert_tag(:info) do %> # Check it out!! # <% end %> # # =>
Check it out!!
# # Ids for css and/or javascript are easy to produce: # # <%= bootstrap_alert_tag(:info, 'Check it out!!', dismissible: false, id: "news") %> # # =>
Check it out!!
# def bootstrap_alert_tag(*args, &block) type = args[0] if block_given? message = capture(&block) options = args[1] || {} return bootstrap_alert_tag(type, message, options) else message = args[1] || '' options = args[2] || {} options.stringify_keys! classes = ['alert'] classes << "alert-#{type}" if type && type != :alert unless options.include?('dismissible') && !options['dismissible'] classes << 'alert-dismissible' options['dismissible'] = true end options['class'] = classes.join(' ') message = button_tag('×'.html_safe, type: 'button', class: 'close', "data-dismiss": 'alert') + message if options.delete('dismissible') content_tag(:div, message, options) end end # Creates an bootstrap label of the given +type+. It supports the following types # :default, :success, :warning, :danger, # :info and :primary. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_label_tag(type, message) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_label_tag(:info, 'Check it out!!') %> # # => Check it out!! # def bootstrap_label_tag(type, message) classes = ['label', "label-#{type}"] content_tag(:span, message, class: classes.join(' ')) end # Creates an bootstrap badge of the given +type+. Bootstrap 3 does not support any types. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_badge_tag(type, count) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_badge_tag(:success, 'Check it out!!') %> # # => Check it out!! <%# Bootstrap 3 %> # # TODO: In bootstrap 4, these will likely need to be implemented using "pill labels", # which will once again allow the `type` argument to colour them. # def bootstrap_badge_tag(_type, count) content_tag(:span, count, class: 'badge') end # Creates a simple bootstrap navigation caret. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_caret_tag # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_caret_tag %> # # => def bootstrap_caret_tag content_tag(:b, '', class: 'caret') end # Creates a simple bootstrap navigation dropdown. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_dropdown_toggle_tag(body) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_dropdown_toggle_tag('Check it out!!') %> # # => Check it # out!! def bootstrap_dropdown_toggle_tag(body) link_to(ERB::Util.html_escape(body) + ' '.html_safe + bootstrap_caret_tag, '#', class: 'dropdown-toggle', 'data-toggle': 'dropdown') end # Creates a simple bootstrap icon. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_icon_tag(type) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_icon_tag(:search) %> # # => def bootstrap_icon_tag(type) content_tag(:span, '', class: "glyphicon glyphicon-#{type}") end # Creates a simple bootstrap icon spinner. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_icon_spinner(type) # # ==== Examples # <%= bootstrap_icon_spinner(:danger) %> # => def bootstrap_icon_spinner(type = :default) spinner = case type when :danger 'indicator-danger.gif' else 'indicator-white.gif' end image_tag(spinner, style: 'width:12px;padding-bottom:2px;', alt: spinner) end # Creates a simple bootstrap tab navigation. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_tab_nav_tag(title, linkto, active = false) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_tab_nav_tag("Fruits", "#fruits", true) %> # # =>
  • Fruits
  • def bootstrap_tab_nav_tag(title, linkto, active = false) content_tag('li', link_to(title, linkto, "data-toggle": 'tab'), active ? { class: 'active' } : {}) end # Convenience wrapper for a bootstrap_list_link_to with badge def bootstrap_list_badge_and_link_to(type, count, name, path) html = content_tag(:div, bootstrap_badge_tag(type, count), class: 'pull-right') + name bootstrap_list_link_to(html, path) end # TODO: list_group_link_to(*args, &block) # Creates a Boostrap abbreviation tag (note: the acronym tag is not valid HTML5). # Also adds the "initialism" class if the abbreviation is all upper case. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_abbreviation_tag(name, abbreviation) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_abbreviation_tag('NPI', 'Nottingham Prognostic Index') %> # # => NPI def bootstrap_abbreviation_tag(name, abbreviation) content_tag(:abbr, name, title: abbreviation, class: (name == name.upcase ? 'initialism' : nil)) end # Identical signature to form_for, but uses NdrUi::BootstrapBuilder. # See ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper for details def bootstrap_form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *args, &proc) options = args.extract_options! options[:html] ||= {} # :horizontal if horizontal = options.delete(:horizontal) # set the form html class for horizontal bootstrap forms options[:html][:class] ||= '' classes = (options[:html][:class].split(' ') << 'form-horizontal').uniq.join(' ') options[:html][:class] = classes end # stimuls controller, default `form_controller` options[:html][:'data-controller'] ||= '' controllers = (options[:html][:'data-controller'].split(' ') << 'form').uniq.join(' ') options[:html][:'data-controller'] = controllers # We switch autocomplete off by default raise 'autocomplete should be defined an html option' if options[:autocomplete] options[:html][:autocomplete] ||= 'off' form_for(record_or_name_or_array, *(args << options.merge(builder: NdrUi::BootstrapBuilder))) do |form| # Put the form builder into horizontal mode (if necessary) form.horizontal_mode = horizontal if horizontal # yield to the provided form block yield(form) end end # Identical signature to form_with, but uses NdrUi::BootstrapBuilder. # See ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper for details def bootstrap_form_with(**options, &block) options[:html] ||= {} options[:builder] = NdrUi::BootstrapBuilder horizontal = options.delete(:horizontal) # :horizontal if horizontal # set the form html class for horizontal bootstrap forms options[:html][:class] ||= '' classes = (options[:html][:class].split(' ') << 'form-horizontal').uniq.join(' ') options[:html][:class] = classes end # stimuls controller, default `form_controller` options[:html][:'data-controller'] ||= '' controllers = (options[:html][:'data-controller'].split(' ') << 'form').uniq.join(' ') options[:html][:'data-controller'] = controllers # We switch autocomplete off by default raise 'autocomplete should be defined an html option' if options[:autocomplete] options[:html][:autocomplete] ||= 'off' form_with(**options) do |form| # Put the form builder into horizontal mode (if necessary) form.horizontal_mode = horizontal if horizontal # yield to the provided form block end end # TODO: bootstrap_pagination_tag(*args, &block) # Creates a Boostrap control group for button. # # ==== Signatures # # button_control_group(controls, options = {}) # button_control_group(options = {}) do # # controls # end # # ==== Examples # # <%= button_control_group("Apples", class: "some_class") %> # # => #
    def button_control_group(*args, &block) return button_control_group(capture(&block), *args) if block_given? options = args.extract_options! options.stringify_keys! if options.delete('horizontal') == false options['class'] = ('form-group' + ' ' + options['class'].to_s).strip content_tag(:div, args.first, options) else bootstrap_horizontal_form_group nil, [3, 9] do options.blank? ? args.first : content_tag(:div, args.first, options) end end end # Creates a Boostrap progress bar. # # ==== Signatures # # bootstrap_progressbar_tag(options) # # ==== Examples # # <%= bootstrap_progressbar_tag(40) %> # # =>
    # # <%= bootstrap_progressbar_tag(40), type: :danger %> # # =>
    # # ==== Browser compatibility # # Bootstrap Progress bars use CSS3 gradients, transitions, and animations to achieve all their # effects. These features are not supported in IE7-9 or older versions of Firefox. # Versions earlier than Internet Explorer 10 and Opera 12 do not support animations. def bootstrap_progressbar_tag(*args) percentage = args[0].to_i options = args[1] || {} options.stringify_keys! options['title'] ||= "#{percentage}%" classes = ['progress'] classes << options.delete('class') classes << 'progress-striped' type = options.delete('type').to_s type = " progress-bar-#{type}" unless type.blank? # Animate the progress bar unless something has broken: classes << 'active' unless type == 'danger' inner = content_tag(:div, '', class: "progress-bar#{type}", style: "width:#{percentage}%") options['class'] = classes.compact.join(' ') content_tag(:div, inner, options) end # TODO: bootstrap_form_div_start_tag # TODO: bootstrap_form_div_end_tag # Supply optional label. Use options[:ratio] for grid split/offset. # The default is [2, 10], where 2 is label columns / offset, and # 10 is content width. If the label is omitted, the content is # offset by the same number of columns instead. # # ==== Examples # bootstrap_horizontal_form_group("The Label", [3, 9]) { 'This is the content' } # # => #
    # #
    This is the content
    # def bootstrap_horizontal_form_group(label = nil, ratio = [2, 10], &block) label, ratio = nil, label if label.is_a?(Array) l, r = ratio[0..1].map(&:to_i) offset = label.nil? ? " col-sm-offset-#{l}" : '' # Main content: content = content_tag(:div, class: "col-sm-#{r}" + offset, &block) # Prepend optional label: unless label.nil? content = content_tag(:label, label, class: "col-sm-#{l} control-label") + content end content_tag(:div, content, class: 'form-group') end # This helper produces a pair of HTML dt, dd tags to display name and value pairs. # If a blank_value_placeholder is not defined then the pair are not shown if the # value is blank. Otherwise the placeholder is shown in the text-muted style. # # ==== Signature # # description_list_name_value_pair(name, value, blank_value_placeholder = nil) # # ==== Examples # # <%= description_list_name_value_pair("Pear", "Value") %> # # =>
    # # <%= description_list_name_value_pair("Pear", nil, "[none]") %> # # =>
    # def description_list_name_value_pair(name, value, blank_value_placeholder = nil) # SECURE: TPG 2013-08-07: The output is sanitised by content_tag return unless value.present? || blank_value_placeholder.present? content_tag(:dt, name) + content_tag(:dd, value || content_tag(:span, blank_value_placeholder, class: 'text-muted')) end # Creates a Boostrap button toolbar. # # ==== Signatures # # button_toolbar(&block) # # ==== Examples # # <%= button_toolbar { link_to('Hello World', '#') } %> # # =>
    Hello World
    # def button_toolbar(&block) content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: 'btn-toolbar') end # Creates a Boostrap button group. # # ==== Signatures # # button_group(&block) # # ==== Examples # # <%= button_group { link_to('Hello World', '#') } %> # # =>
    Hello World
    # def button_group(&block) content_tag(:div, capture(&block), class: 'btn-group') end # Creates a Boostrap 'Details' link. # # ==== Signatures # # details_link(path, options = {}) # # ==== Examples # # <%= details_link('#') %> # # => # # # def details_link(path, options = {}) return unless options[:skip_authorization] || ndr_can?(:read, path) link_to_with_icon({ icon: 'share-alt', title: 'Details', path: path }.merge(options)) end # Creates a Boostrap 'Edit' link. # # ==== Signatures # # edit_link(path, options = {}) # # ==== Examples # # <%= edit_link(#) %> # # => # # # def edit_link(path, options = {}) return unless options[:skip_authorization] || ndr_can?(:edit, path) path = edit_polymorphic_path(path) if path.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) link_to_with_icon({ icon: 'pencil', title: 'Edit', path: path }.merge(options)) end # Creates a Boostrap 'Delete' link. # # ==== Signatures # # delete_link(path, options = {}) # # ==== Examples # # <%= delete_link('#') %> # # => # # ' def delete_link(path, options = {}) return unless options[:skip_authorization] || ndr_can?(:delete, path) defaults = { icon: 'trash icon-white', title: 'Delete', path: path, class: 'btn btn-xs btn-danger', method: :delete, 'data-confirm': I18n.translate(:'ndr_ui.confirm_delete', locale: options[:locale]) } link_to_with_icon(defaults.merge(options)) end # Creates a Boostrap inline menu, with show/edit/delete links. # If possibly, conditionally checks permissions # # ==== Signatures # # inline_controls_for(object, options = {}) # # ==== Examples # # # creates: [ [delete] ] [ [edit] [details] ] # <%= inline_controls_for(@post) %> # def inline_controls_for(object, options = {}) groups = [] groups << delete_link(object) main_group = [edit_link(object, options), details_link(object, options)] groups << safe_join(main_group) if main_group.any? groups.compact!! { |group| button_group { group } } button_toolbar { safe_join(groups) } if groups.any? end # Creates a Boostrap link with icon. # # ==== Signatures # # link_to_with_icon(options) # # ==== Examples # # <%= link_to_with_icon( { icon: 'trash icon-white', title: 'Delete', path: '#' } ) %> # # => # # ' def link_to_with_icon(options = {}) options[:class] ||= 'btn btn-default btn-xs' icon = bootstrap_icon_tag(options.delete(:icon)) content = options.delete(:text) ? icon + ' ' + options[:title] : icon link_to content, options.delete(:path), options end # TODO: bootstrap_will_paginate(collection = nil, options = {}) private # If an authorisation provider (i.e. CanCan) exists, use it: def ndr_can?(action, subject, *extra_args) return true unless respond_to?(:can?) unless subject.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Base) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<~MSG) Attempting to authorise a non-resource object causes authorisation to be skipped. In future, this behaviour may change; please use a resource where possible. MSG return true end can?(action, subject, *extra_args) end end end