# encoding: utf-8
# Prawn comes with support for most of the common page sizes so you'll only need
# to provide specific values if your intended format is not supported. To see a
# list with all supported sizes take a look at: https://github.com/prawnpdf/prawn/blob/master/lib/prawn/document/page_geometry.rb
# To define the size use :page_size
when creating new documents
# and :size
when starting new pages. The default page size for new
# documents is LETTER (612.00 x 792.00).
# You may also define the orientation of the page to be either portrait
# (default) or landscape. Use :page_layout
when creating new
# documents and :layout
when starting new pages.
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
%w[.. example_helper]))
:page_size => "EXECUTIVE",
:page_layout => :landscape
) do
text "EXECUTIVE landscape page."
custom_size = [275, 326]
["A4", "TABLOID", "B7", custom_size ].each do |size|
start_new_page(:size => size, :layout => :portrait)
text "#{size} portrait page."
start_new_page(:size => size, :layout => :landscape)
text "#{size} landscape page."