require 'glimmer-dsl-tk' require 'cryptopunks' require 'facets' require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'uri' require 'glimmer/data_binding/observer' require 'puts_debuggerer' class CryptopunksGui include Glimmer PALETTES = ['Standard'] + (Palette8bit.constants).map(&:name).map {|palette| palette.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join(' ')}.reject { |palette| palette.include?(' ') }.sort STYLES = ['Normal', 'Led', 'Sketch'] attr_accessor :punk_index, :zoom, :palette, :style, :flip, :mirror def initialize initialize_punks initialize_defaults observe_image_attribute_changes create_gui self.punk_index = 0 end def palette_options PALETTES end def style_options STYLES end def initialize_punks @punk_directory = File.join(Dir.home, '.cryptopunks') FileUtils.mkdir_p(@punk_directory) @punk_file = File.join(@punk_directory, 'punks.png') File.write(@punk_file, Net::HTTP.get(URI(''))) unless File.exist?(@punk_file) @punks = end def initialize_defaults @zoom = 12 @palette = PALETTES.first @style = STYLES.first @mirror = false @flip = false end def observe_image_attribute_changes observer = Glimmer::DataBinding::Observer.proc { generate_image } observer.observe(self, :punk_index) observer.observe(self, :zoom) observer.observe(self, :palette) observer.observe(self, :style) observer.observe(self, :mirror) observer.observe(self, :flip) end def generate_image image_location = File.join(@punk_directory, "punk-#{@punk_index}#{"x#{@zoom}" if @zoom.to_i > 1}#{"-#{@palette.underscore}" if @palette != PALETTES.first}#{"-#{@style.underscore}" if @style != STYLES.first}.png") puts "Writing punk image to #{image_location}" selected_punk = @punks[@punk_index.to_i] selected_punk = selected_punk.change_palette8bit(Palette8bit.const_get(@palette.gsub(' ', '_').upcase.to_sym)) if @palette != PALETTES.first @original_zoom = @zoom if @style != STYLES.first selected_punk = selected_punk.send(@style.underscore) if @style != @previous_style @zoom = 2 if @style == 'Sketch' @zoom = 1 if @style == 'Led' end else @zoom = 12 if @style != @previous_style end selected_punk = selected_punk.mirror if @mirror selected_punk = selected_punk.flip if @flip selected_punk = selected_punk.zoom(@zoom.to_i) @image_label.image = image_location @message_entry.text = image_location @previous_style = @style notify_observers(:zoom) if @zoom != @original_zoom end def create_gui @root = root { title 'CryptoPunks GUI' iconphoto File.expand_path('../icons/cryptopunks-gui.png', __dir__) frame { label { text 'Select Punk Index and Zoom To Mint Cryptopunk' font weight: 'bold' } label { text 'Punk Index:' } spinbox { from 0 to @punks.size - 1 text <=> [self, :punk_index] } label { text 'Zoom:' } spinbox { from 1 to 72 text <=> [self, :zoom] } label { text 'Palette:' } combobox { readonly true text <=> [self, :palette] } label { text 'Style:' } combobox { readonly true text <=> [self, :style] } frame { padding 0 @mirror_checkbutton = checkbutton { grid row: 0, column: 0, column_weight: 0 variable <=> [self, :mirror] } label { grid row: 0, column: 1 text 'Mirror' on('Button-1') do self.mirror = !mirror end } @flip_checkbutton = checkbutton { grid row: 0, column: 2 variable <=> [self, :flip] } label { grid row: 0, column: 3 text 'Flip' on('Button-1') do self.flip = !flip end } } label { text 'Output Location:' } @message_entry = entry { readonly true } @image_label = label { grid row_weight: 1 } } } end end