require 'json-schema' # Provides the Sendgrid Web API Adapter, refer to module MailCannon::Adapter::SendgridWeb include MailCannon::Adapter module InstanceMethods def send! begin validate_envelope! response = send_multiple_emails self.after_sent(successfully_sent?(response)) return successfully_sent?(response) rescue Exception => e if e.message == "[\"Permission denied, wrong credentials\"]" raise MailCannon::Adapter::AuthException else raise e end end end def send_bulk! self.send! # send! does bulk too! end def auth_pair default_auth = {'username'=>ENV['SENDGRID_USERNAME'],'password'=>ENV['SENDGRID_PASSWORD']} begin self.auth || self.envelope_bag.auth || default_auth rescue Exception => e logger.warn "Unable to read auth config from Envelope or Bag, using default auth options from ENV" return default_auth end end end def self.included(receiver) receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods end private def api_client['username'],self.auth_pair['password']) end def validate_envelope! raise "Invalid Document! #{self.errors.messages}" unless self.valid? end def prepare_xsmtpapi! validate_envelope! self.xsmtpapi = {} if self.xsmtpapi.nil? self.xsmtpapi['sub']={} unless self.xsmtpapi['sub'] self.xsmtpapi = self.xsmtpapi.deep_merge(build_xsmtpapi({'to'=>},{'sub'=>self.substitutions})) validate_xsmtpapi!! end def build_to_subs(placeholder, to_key) selected_hash_array = [] {|h| selected_hash_array.push h[to_key]||h[to_key.to_sym]||''} {'sub'=>{"#{placeholder}"=>selected_hash_array}} end def build_name_subs placeholder = MailCannon.config['default_name_placeholder'] || '%name%' build_to_subs(placeholder, 'name') end def build_email_subs placeholder = MailCannon.config['default_email_placeholder'] || '%email%' build_to_subs(placeholder, 'email') end def build_unique_args unique_args = {} if MailCannon.config['add_envelope_id_to_unique_args'] unique_args.merge!({'envelope_id'=>}) end if MailCannon.config['add_envelope_bag_id_to_unique_args'] && self.envelope_bag unique_args.merge!({'envelope_bag_id'=>}) end unique_args end def build_xsmtpapi(recipients,subs) xsmtpapi = self.xsmtpapi || {} recipients.symbolize_keys! to = extract_values(recipients[:to],:email) xsmtpapi.merge!({'to' => to}) if to xsmtpapi = merge_subs_hash(xsmtpapi,subs) xsmtpapi = merge_subs_hash(xsmtpapi,build_name_subs) xsmtpapi = merge_subs_hash(xsmtpapi,build_email_subs) xsmtpapi.merge!({'unique_args' => build_unique_args }) return xsmtpapi end def extract_values(values,key) extract=[] values.each do |h| h.symbolize_keys! extract.push h[key] end extract end def merge_subs_hash(xsmtpapi,subs) if subs!=nil && subs.is_a?(Hash) xsmtpapi.deep_merge(subs) else xsmtpapi end end def validate_xsmtpapi! return true if>1 if xsmtpapi['sub'] xsmtpapi['sub'].each do |sub| raise 'sub[Array] must match to[Array] size!' unless sub.size==xsmtpapi['to'].size end end end =begin schema = { "type" => "object", "required" => ["to"], "properties" => { "to" => {"type" => "array", "default" => []} } } JSON::Validator.validate!(schema, self.xsmtpapi) =end end def send_multiple_emails prepare_xsmtpapi! api_client.mail.send( :to => self.from, :subject => self.subject, :text => self.mail.text, :html => self.mail.html, :from => self.from, :fromname => self.from_name, :bcc => self.bcc, :replyto => self.reply_to, :"x-smtpapi" => self.xsmtpapi.to_json ) end def successfully_sent?(response) if response['message']=='success' true else false end end end