require "mobility/plugins/cache" module Mobility module Backends =begin Stores attribute translation as rows on a model-specific translation table (similar to Globalize[]). By default, the table name for a model +Post+ with table +posts+ will be +post_translations+, and the translation class will be +Post::Translation+. The translation class is dynamically created when the backend is initialized on the model class, and subclasses {Mobility::ActiveRecord::ModelTranslation} (for AR models) or inherits {Mobility::Sequel::ModelTranslation} (for Sequel models). The backend expects the translations table (+post_translations+) to have: - a string column named +locale+ to store the locale of the translation - columns for each translated attribute that uses the table (in general, this will be all attributes of the model) - an integer column with name +post_id+ (where +post+ is the name of the model class) If you are using Rails, you can use the +mobility:translations+ generator to create a migration generating this table with: rails generate mobility:translations post title:string content:text Unlike Globalize, attributes need not all be on one table. Mobility supports any number of translation tables for a given model class (all of the structure described above), provided the +association_name+ option is different for each. Some translations can be stored on one translation table, others on another, and Mobility will handle mapping reads/writes to each. The subclass used in this case will be generated from the +association_name+ by singularizing it and converting it to camelcase. For more details, see examples in {Mobility::Backends::ActiveRecord::Table}. ==Backend Options ===+association_name+ Name of association on model. Defaults to +:translations+. If specified, ensure name does not overlap with other methods on model or with the association name used by other backends on model (otherwise one will overwrite the other). ===+table_name+ Name of translations table. By default, if the table used by the model is +posts+, the table name used for translations will be +post_translations+. ===+foreign_key+ Foreign key to use in defining the association on the model. By default, if the model is a +Post+, this will be +post_id+. Generally this does not need to be set. ===+subclass_name+ Subclass to use when dynamically generating translation class for model, by default +:Translation+. Should be a symbol. Generally this does not need to be set. @see Mobility::Backends::ActiveRecord::Table @see Mobility::Backends::Sequel::Table =end module Table extend Backend::OrmDelegator # @return [Symbol] name of the association method attr_reader :association_name # @!macro backend_constructor # @option options [Symbol] association_name Name of association def initialize(model, attribute, options = {}) super @association_name = options[:association_name] end # @!group Backend Accessors # @!macro backend_reader def read(locale, options = {}) translation_for(locale, options).send(attribute) end # @!macro backend_writer def write(locale, value, options = {}) translation_for(locale, options).send("#{attribute}=", value) end # @!endgroup # @!macro backend_iterator def each_locale translations.each { |t| yield t.locale.to_sym } end private def translations model.send(association_name) end def self.included(backend) backend.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods # Apply custom processing for plugin # @param (see Backend::Setup#apply_plugin) # @return (see Backend::Setup#apply_plugin) def apply_plugin(name) if name == :cache include self::Cache true else super end end end # Simple hash cache to memoize translations as a hash so they can be # fetched quickly. module Cache include private def cache model_cache || model.instance_variable_set(:"@__mobility_#{association_name}_cache", {}) end def model_cache model.instance_variable_get(:"@__mobility_#{association_name}_cache") end def clear_cache model_cache && model_cache.clear end end end end end