require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') describe '#track' do before { init_lastfm } it 'should return an instance of Lastfm::Track' do @lastfm.track.should be_an_instance_of(Lastfm::MethodCategory::Track) end describe '#add_tags' do it 'should add tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.addTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :tags => 'aaa,bbb,ccc' }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.add_tags('foo artist', 'foo track', 'aaa,bbb,ccc').should be_true end end describe '#ban' do it 'should ban' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.ban', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.ban('foo artist', 'foo track').should be_true end end describe '#get_info' do it 'should get info' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getInfo', { :artist => 'Cher', :track => 'Believe', :username => 'youpy', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_info')) track = @lastfm.track.get_info('Cher', 'Believe', 'youpy') track['name'].should == 'Believe' track['album']['image'].size.should == 4 track['album']['image'].first['size'].should == 'small' track['album']['image'].first['content'].should == '' track['toptags']['tag'].size.should == 5 track['toptags']['tag'].first['name'].should == 'pop' end it 'should get xml with force array option' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getInfo', { :artist => 'Cher', :track => 'Believe', :username => 'youpy', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_info_force_array')) track = @lastfm.track.get_info('Cher', 'Believe', 'youpy') track['album']['image'].size.should == 1 track['album']['image'].first['size'].should == 'small' track['album']['image'].first['content'].should == '' track['toptags']['tag'].size.should == 1 track['toptags']['tag'].first['name'].should == 'pop' end end describe '#get_correction' do it 'should get correction' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getCorrection', { :artist => 'White Stripes', :track => 'One More Cup of Coffee', :username => 'wainekerr', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_correction')) correction = @lastfm.track.get_correction('White Stripes', 'One More Cup of Coffee', 'wainekerr') correction['track']['name'].should == 'One More Cup of Coffee' correction['track']['artist']['name'].should == 'The White Stripes' correction['track']['url'].should == '' end end describe '#get_similar' do it 'should get similar' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getSimilar', { :artist => 'Cher', :track => 'Believe', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_similar')) tracks = @lastfm.track.get_similar('Cher', 'Believe') tracks.size.should == 5 tracks.first['name'].should == 'Strong Enough' tracks.first['image'][1]['content'].should == '' tracks[1]['image'][0]['content'].should == '' end end describe '#get_tags' do it 'should get tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :get, true, true).and_return(make_response('track_get_tags')) tags = @lastfm.track.get_tags('foo artist', 'foo track') tags.size.should == 2 tags[0]['name'].should == 'swedish' tags[0]['url'].should == '' end end describe '#get_top_fans' do it 'should get top fans' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTopFans', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_top_fans')) users = @lastfm.track.get_top_fans('foo artist', 'foo track') users.size.should == 2 users[0]['name'].should == 'Through0glass' end end describe '#get_top_tags' do it 'should get top tags' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.getTopTags', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }).and_return(make_response('track_get_top_tags')) tags = @lastfm.track.get_top_tags('foo artist', 'foo track') tags.size.should == 2 tags[0]['name'].should == 'alternative' tags[0]['count'].should == '100' tags[0]['url'].should == '' end end describe '#love' do it 'should love' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response)'foo artist', 'foo track').should be_true end end describe '#remove_tag' do it 'should remove tag' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.removeTag', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :tag => 'aaa' }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.remove_tag('foo artist', 'foo track', 'aaa').should be_true end end describe '#search' do it 'should search' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('', { :artist => nil, :track => 'Believe', :limit => 10, :page => 3, }).and_return(make_response('track_search')) tracks ='Believe', nil, 10, 3) tracks['results']['for'].should == 'Believe' tracks['results']['totalResults'].should == '40540' tracks['results']['trackmatches']['track'].size.should == 2 tracks['results']['trackmatches']['track'][0]['name'].should == 'Make Me Believe' end end describe '#share' do it 'should share' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.share', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :message => 'this is a message', :recipient => '', }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.share('foo artist', 'foo track', '', 'this is a message').should be_true end end describe '#scrobble' do it 'should scrobble' do time = @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.scrobble', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :album => 'foo album', :mbid => '0383dadf-2a4e-4d10-a46a-e9e041da8eb3', :timestamp => time, :trackNumber => 1, :duration => nil, :albumArtist => nil, }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.scrobble('foo artist', 'foo track', time, 'foo album', 1, '0383dadf-2a4e-4d10-a46a-e9e041da8eb3', nil, nil) end end describe '#update_now_playing' do it 'should update now playing' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.updateNowPlaying', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', :album => 'foo album', :mbid => '0383dadf-2a4e-4d10-a46a-e9e041da8eb3', :trackNumber => 1, :duration => nil, :albumArtist => nil, }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.update_now_playing('foo artist', 'foo track', 'foo album', 1, '0383dadf-2a4e-4d10-a46a-e9e041da8eb3', nil, nil) end end describe '#unlove' do it 'should unlove' do @lastfm.should_receive(:request).with('track.unlove', { :artist => 'foo artist', :track => 'foo track', }, :post, true, true).and_return(@ok_response) @lastfm.track.unlove('foo artist', 'foo track').should be_true end end end