# It must stand in your RAILS_ROOT/config/initializer folder and be named papermill.rb, because it is explicitely early-loaded by Papermill
module Papermill
# All options here already are defaults.
unless defined?(OPTIONS)
#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Papermill association parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
# You can override these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition.
# Associated PapermillAsset subclass (must be an STI subclass of PapermillAsset)
# :class_name => "PapermillAsset",
#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ form-helper parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
# You can override all these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition, or in form-helper calls.
# Helper can generates inline css styling that adapt to your gallery/images placeholder. You can use it to scaffold, then copy the lines you need in your application css and set it to false.
# :inline_css => true,
# SwfUpload will only let the user upload images.
# :images_only => false,
# Dashboard is only for galleries
# You can remove/change order of HTML elements.
# See below for dashboard
# :form_helper_elements => [:upload_button, :container, :dashboard],
# Dashboard elements
# You can remove/change order of HTML elements. You can add :mass_thumbnail_reset to add a link to reset all thumbnails, although you shouldn't need it.
# :dashboard => [:mass_edit, :mass_delete ],
# Attributes editable at once for all assets in a gallery
# :mass_editable_fields => ["title", "copyright", "description"],
# Attributes you can edit in the form. You can use :type (string or text) and :label (any string)
# if you have more complex needs, you should override app/views/papermill/_form.html.erb in your application.
# :editable_fields => [
# {:title => {:type => "string"}},
# {:alt => {:type => "string"}},
# {:copyright => {:type => "string"}},
# {:description => {:type => "text" }},
# ],
# FormHelper gallery options
# If :inline_css is true, css will be generated automatically and added through @content_for_papermill_inline_css (papermill_stylesheet_tag includes it)
# Great for quick admin scaffolding.
:gallery => {
# override calculated gallery width. Ex: "auto"
# :width => nil,
# override calculated gallery height
# :height => nil,
# Number of columns and lines in a gallery
# :columns => 8,
# :lines => 2,
# vertical/horizontal padding/margin around each thumbnails
# :vpadding => 0,
# :hpadding => 0,
# :vmargin => 1,
# :hmargin => 1,
# border around thumbnails
# :border_thickness => 2
# FormHelper thumbnail's information.
# Set :width OR :height to nil to use aspect_ratio value. Remember that 4/3 == 1 => Use : 4.0/3
# You can override computed ImageMagick transformation strings that defaults to "#{:width}x#{:height}>" by setting a value to :style
# Needed if you set :aliases_only to true
:thumbnail => {
# :width => 100,
# :height => 100,
# :aspect_ratio => nil,
# :style => nil
# If you plan to use the original images in one place in one specific size, you can pass targetted_geometry,
# to incitate the user to crop the image himself (double-click on the image when editing) with the right parameters,
# instead of letting ImageMagick do his magick bluntly at render-time.
# :targetted_geometry => nil,
# Options passed on to SWFUpload.
# To remove an option when overriding, set it to nil.
:swfupload => {
# :flash_url => "'/swfupload/swfupload.swf'",
# :button_image_url => "'/papermill/images/upload-blank.png'",
# :button_width => 61,
# :button_height => 22,
# :button_text => %{'#{I18n.t("papermill.upload-button-wording")}'},
# :button_text_style => %{'.button-text { font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; }'},
# :button_text_top_padding => 4,
# :button_text_left_padding => 4,
# :debug => false,
# :prevent_swf_caching => true,
# :file_size_limit => "'10 MB'"
#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ thumbnails style parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
# You can override all these parameters here, or in your papermill associations definition, or in thumbnail styling hashes.
# Activate with '©' at the end of your geometry string or pass :copyright => true|"my_copyright" in alias definition or geometry hash
# Papermill will use, in that order of priority :
# * copyright found in geometry string AFTER the @
# * alternatively :copyright in alias/definition hash
# * asset's copyright column (if found)
# * associated :copyright definition in your Assetable association definition
# * below's :copyright definition
# Set this definition to a default copyright name if you want one (You'll still need to postfix your geometry string with © or pass {:watermark => true} in your alias/geometry hash to use it)
# :copyright => nil,
# Textilize, truncate, transform... your copyright before its ImageMagick integration
# :copyright_text_transform => Proc.new {|c| c },
# Watermark ImageMagick command string.
# * %s gets interpolated with above transformed copyright string
# * DO NOT change the background color!, change the bordercolor instead. (because background color adds to bordercolor I set it to totally transparent)
# * for both fill (=foreground color) and bordercolor (=background color), the last two octals control alpha (transparency). FF is opaque, 00 is transparent.
# * remove -bordercolor if you don't want any background
# * add +antialias to REMOVE antialiasing (after '-font Arial-Bold', for example)
# * font-size is pointsize
# * type 'identify -list font' to get a list of the fonts you can use (ImageMagick will default to Arial/Times if it can't find it)
# * use -gravity and -geometry for positionning, -geometry +x+y is relative to -gravity's corner/zone
# * parenthesis are there to isolate the label creation from the compositing (blending) part.
# * don't touch things you don't understand, you'll save yourself some time
# :copyright_im_command => %{ \\( -font Arial-Bold -pointsize 9 -fill '#FFFFFFE0' -border 3 -bordercolor '#50550080' -background '#00000000' label:' %s ' \\) -gravity South-West -geometry +0+0 -composite },
# Activate with "-wm" at the end of your geometry string BEFORE copyright ('©'), or alternatively with :watermark => in your alias/inline hash
# If you pass an image_path to :watermark, it will override below :
# you can use a relative path from your public directory (see :public_root), a complete path, or an URI
# :watermark => "/images/rails.png",
# default :watermarking command for image_magick. %s gets interpolated with above image path.
# :watermark_im_command => %{- | composite \\( %s -resize 100% \\) - -dissolve 20% -gravity center -geometry +0+0 },
#@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Application-wide parameters @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
# Default named_scope name for catch-all :papermill declaration
# :base_association_name => :assets,
# Do you want papermill_assets to touch your assetable when CRUDed? (true|false|updated_at_field_name)
# :touch => false,
# Set to true to require aliases in all url/path, disabling the
# Don't forget to give an alias value to options[:thumbnail][:style] if true!
# :alias_only => false,
# Needed if :alias_only
# Aliases are available application wide for all your assets. You can pass them instead of a geometry_string or a geometry hash
:aliases => {
# :mini_crop => "100x100#",
# :cant_touch_this => {
# :geometry => "400x>",
# :copyright => "You sire, can't touch this",
# :watermark => "http://westsidewill.com/newblog/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/MC-Hammer.jpg"
# }
# To prevent generation of thumbnails and guessing of assets location through URL hacking
# e.g. if you want to protect access to non-copyrighted original files,
# or don't want users to browse images by guessing the sequence of ids,
# an encrypted hash can be generated for each geometry string/alias and added to path/url.
# Use your imagination for :url_key_generator, really.
# Please note that all previous assets paths will be lost if you add/remove or change the :url_key generation.
# :use_url_key => false,
# :url_key_salt => "change-me-to-your-favorite-pet's-name",
# :url_key_generator => Proc.new { |style, asset| Digest::SHA512.hexdigest("#{style}#{asset.id}#{Papermill::options[:url_key_salt]}")[0..10] },
# added before path/url. Your front webserver will need to be able to find your assets
# :papermill_path_prefix => ":rails_root/public/system/papermill",
# :papermill_url_prefix => "/system/papermill",
# you can set it to false if you don't plan to have too many assets. (dangerous)
# :use_id_partition => true,
# If you use those defaults, the first asset will end-up in RAILS_ROOT/public/system/papermill/000/000/001/original/my_first_asset_name.ext
# You'll access it with my_domain.com/system/papermill/000/000/001/original/my_first_asset_name.ext
# You can add authorization support. The code is eval'ed directly in the controller (don't ask why, the answer is full of 'unloadable', 'ApplicationController has been removed from the module tree but is still active', etc.)
# :authorize_create => "true",
# :authorize_multiple_modification => "true",
# :authorize_update_and_destroy => "true",
# For example, this is my own setup.
# adapt the authorization part (can_edit(Assetable)) to your own authorization solution
# :authorize_create => %{
# unless @assetable.nil? || current_user.can_edit?(@assetable)
# render :update do |page|
# page << %{notify("Wrong credentials", "You can't create an asset here", "error");}
# page.remove params[:Fileid]
# page.show "papermill_asset_" + @old_asset.id.to_s if @old_asset
# end
# false
# end
# },
# :authorize_update_and_destroy => %{
# unless @asset.try(:assetable).nil? || current_user.can_edit?(@asset.assetable)
# render :update do |page|
# page << %{notify("Wrong credentials", "You can't edit or destroy assets here", "error");}
# end
# false
# end
# },
# :authorize_multiple_modification => %{
# authorized = true
# @assets && @assets.each do |asset|
# authorized = authorized && current_user.can_edit?(asset.assetable)
# end
# unless authorized
# render :update do |page|
# page << %{notify("Wrong credentials", "You can't do edit or destroy assets here", "error");}
# end
# false
# end
# }