About ===================================== open flash chart 2 plugin for rails applications This library was ported from the open flash chart project's php code to be used with Ruby on Rails. Visit the open flash chart project here - http://teethgrinder.co.uk/open-flash-chart-2/ NOTE: sample application is using haml gem install haml If You use rails older that 2.3 probably you have to uncomment method to_json (vendor/plugins/open_flash_chart/lib/open_flash_chart.rb line 14) and add gem 'json' in enviroment.rb otherwise plugin will not work propertly Details ===================================== Go to http://openflashchart2.heroku.com/ for details Help ===================================== Looking for help? try: home page: http://openflashchart2.heroku.com/infos or email to me: lisukorin [at] gmail [dot] com, don't forget write 'open flash chart' in subject or my mail client will treat your message as spam.