=== 0.3.5 2013-01-13 * Deprecate retrieve and all methods and replaced them with find and where respectively. * Add payment method model. * Objects' properties are now accessible via methods of the same of name === 0.3.6 2013-01-17 * Fix cert path. === 0.3.7 2013-01-27 * Add api_version= method. === 0.4.0 2014-04-16 * Add payout and payee models with specs. * Add webhook logs for events. * Ameliorate convert_to_conekta_object logic. === 0.4.1 2014-04-16 * Remove active support and add custom methods in util file. === 0.4.2 2014-04-28 * Fix Payout specs. === 0.4.3 2014-05-25 * Add locale and message_to_purchaser.