require 'shell_helpers/export' require 'shell_helpers/sh' require 'shell_helpers/pathname' require 'shellwords' module ShellHelpers module SysUtils extend self # wrap 'stat' def stat_file(file) require 'time' opts=%w(a b B f F g G h i m n N o s u U w x y z) stats=Run.run_simple("stat --format='#{{|o| "%#{o}\n"}.join}' #{file.shellescape}", chomp: :lines) r={} r[:access]=stats[0] r[:blocknumber]=stats[1].to_i r[:blocksize]=stats[2].to_i r[:rawmode]=stats[3] r[:filetype]=stats[4] r[:gid]=stats[5].to_i r[:group]=stats[6] r[:hardlinks]=stats[7].to_i r[:inode]=stats[8].to_i r[:mountpoint]=stats[9] r[:filename]=stats[10] r[:quotedfilename]=stats[11] r[:optimalsize]=stats[12] r[:size]=stats[13].to_i r[:uid]=stats[14].to_i r[:user]=stats[15] r[:birthtime] = begin Time.parse(stats[16]) rescue nil end r[:accesstime] = begin Time.parse(stats[17]) rescue nil end r[:changedtime]= begin Time.parse(stats[18]) rescue nil end r[:statustime] = begin Time.parse(stats[19]) rescue nil end r end # wrap stat --file-system def stat_filesystem(file, up: true) if up file.ascend.each do |f| return stat_filesystem(f, up: false) if f.exist? end end opts=%w(a b c d f i l n s S T) stats=Run.run_simple("stat --file-system --format='#{{|o| "%#{o}\n"}.join}' #{file.shellescape}", chomp: :lines) {|l| l.chomp} r={} r[:userfreeblocks]=stats[0].to_i r[:totalblocks]=stats[1].to_i r[:totalnodes]=stats[2].to_i r[:freenodes]=stats[3].to_i r[:freeblocks]=stats[4].to_i r[:fsid]=stats[5] r[:maxlength]=stats[6].to_i r[:name]=stats[7] r[:blocksize]=stats[8].to_i r[:innerblocksize]=stats[9].to_i r[:fstype]=stats[10] r end def parse_blkid(output) devs={} r=[] convert=lambda do |h| h[:type] && h[:fstype]=h.delete(:type) name=h[:devname] devs[name]=h end output=output.each_line if output.is_a?(String) output.each do |l| l=l.chomp if l.empty? convert.(Export.import_parse(r)) r=[] else r<"/dev/sda2", # :label=>"swap", # :uuid=>"82af0d2f-5ef6-418a-8656-bdfe843f19e1", # :type=>"swap", # :partlabel=>"swap", # :partuuid=>"f4eef373-0803-4701-bd47-b968c44065a6"} def blkid(*args, sudo: false) # get devname, (part)label/uuid, fstype fsoptions=Run.run_simple("blkid -o export #{args.shelljoin}", fail_mode: :empty, chomp: true, sudo: sudo) parse_blkid(fsoptions) end # use lsblk to get infos about devices def lsblk(sudo: false) # get devname, mountpoint, (part)label/uuid, (part/dev/fs)type fsoptions=Run.run_simple("lsblk -l -J -o NAME,MOUNTPOINT,LABEL,UUID,PARTLABEL,PARTUUID,PARTTYPE,TYPE,FSTYPE", fail_mode: :empty, chomp: true, sudo: sudo) require 'json' json=JSON.parse(fsoptions) fs={} json["blockdevices"]&.each do |props| r={} props.each do |k,v| k=k.to_sym k=:devtype if k==:type if k==:name k=:devname v="/dev/#{v}" end r[k]=v unless v.nil? end fs[r[:devname]]=r end fs end # use findmnt to get infos about mount points def findmnt(sudo: false) # get devname, mountpoint, mountoptions, (part)label/uuid, fsroot # only looks at mounted devices (but in comparison to lsblk also show # virtual mounts and bind mounts) fsoptions=SH::Run.run_simple("findmnt --raw -o SOURCE,TARGET,FSTYPE,OPTIONS,LABEL,UUID,PARTLABEL,PARTUUID,FSROOT", fail_mode: :empty, chomp: true, sudo: sudo) fs={} fsoptions.each_line.to_a[1..-1]&.each do |l| #two ' ' means a missing option, so we want to split on / /, not on ' ' source,target,fstype,options,label,uuid,partlabel,partuuid,fsroot=l.chomp.split(/ /) next unless source=~%r(^/dev/) #skip non dev mountpoints options=options.split(',') fs[source]={mountpoint: target, devname: source, fstype: fstype, mountoptions: options, label: label, uuid: uuid, partlabel: partlabel, partuuid: partuuid, fsroot: fsroot} end fs end def fs_infos(mode: :devices) return findmnt if mode == :mount return lsblk.merge(findmnt) if mode == :all # :devname, :devtype, :mountpoint, [:mountoptions], :label, :uuid, :partlabel, :partuuid, :parttype, :fstype, [:fsroot] lsblk end def refresh_blkid_cache"blkid", sudo: true) end # find devices matching props def find_devices(props, method: :all) props=props.clone return [{devname: props[:devname]}] unless props[:devname].nil? # name is both for label and partlabel if props.key?(:name) props[:label] = props[:name] unless props.key?(:label) props[:partlabel] = props[:name] unless props.key?(:partlabel) end if method==:blkid # Warning, since 'blkid' can only test one label, we cannot check # that all parameters are valid # search from most discriminant to less discriminant %i(uuid label partuuid partlabel).each do |key| if (label=props[key]) return parse_blkid(%x/blkid -o export -t #{key.to_s.upcase}=#{label.shellescape}/).values end end # unfortunately `blkid PARTTYPE=...` does not work, so we need to parse # ourselves if props[:parttype] find_devices(props, method: :all) end else fs=fs_infos # here we check all parameters # however, if none are defined, this return true, so we check that at least one is defined return [] unless %i(uuid label partuuid partlabel parttype).any? {|k| props[k]} return do |k| fsprops=fs[k] # the fsinfos should have one of this parameters defined next false unless %i(uuid label partuuid partlabel parttype).any? {|k| fsprops[k]} next false if (disk=props[:disk]) && !fsprops[:devname].start_with?(disk.to_s) %i(uuid label partuuid partlabel parttype).all? do |key| ptype=props[key] ptype=partition_type(ptype) if key==:parttype and ptype.is_a?(Symbol) !ptype or !fsprops[key] or ptype==fsprops[key] end {|k| fs[k]} end return [] end # like find_devices but warn out if the result is of length > 1 def find_device(props) devs=find_devices(props) devs=yield(devs) if block_given? devs=[devs].flatten warn "Device #{props} not found" if devs.empty? warn "Several devices for #{props} found: #{ {|d| d&.fetch(:devname)}}" if devs.length >1 return devs.first&.fetch(:devname) end def mount(paths, mkpath: true, abort_on_error: true, sort: true) paths=paths.values if paths.is_a?(Hash) {|p| p[:mountpoint]} # sort so that the mounts are in correct order paths=paths.sort { |p1, p2|[:mountpoint]) <=>[:mountpoint]) } if sort close=lambda do umount(paths, sort: sort) end paths.each do |path| dev=find_device(path) raise"Device #{path} not found") unless dev options=path[:mountoptions]||[] options=options.split(',') if options.is_a?(String) options<<"subvol=#{path[:subvol].shellescape}" if path[:subvol] #options=options.join(',') if options.is_a?(Array)[:mountpoint]) mntpoint.sudo_mkpath if mkpath cmd="mount #{(fs=path[:fstype]) && "-t #{fs.shellescape}"} #{options.empty? ? "" : "-o #{options.join(',').shellescape}"} #{dev.shellescape} #{mntpoint.shellescape}" abort_on_error ?!(cmd, sudo: true) :, sudo: true) end if block_given? begin yield paths ensure end end return paths, close end def umount(paths, sort: true) paths=paths.values if paths.is_a?(Hash) {|p| p[:mountpoint]} paths=paths.sort { |p1, p2|[:mountpoint]) <=>[:mountpoint]) } if sort paths.reverse.each do |path| mntpoint=path[:mountpoint]"umount #{mntpoint.shellescape}", sudo: true) end end def partition_type(type, mode: :guid) if mode==:symbol %i(boot swap home x86_root x86-64_root arm64_root arm32_root linux).each do |symb| %i(hexa guid).each do |mode| partition_type(symb, mode: mode) == type.downcase and return symb end end end case type when :boot mode == :hexa ? "ef00" : "c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" when :swap mode == :hexa ? "8200" : "0657fd6d-a4ab-43c4-84e5-0933c84b4f4f" when :home mode == :hexa ? "8302" : "933ac7e1-2eb4-4f13-b844-0e14e2aef915" when :x86_root mode == :hexa ? "8303" : "44479540-f297-41b2-9af7-d131d5f0458a" when :"x86-64_root" mode == :hexa ? "8304" : "4f68bce3-e8cd-4db1-96e7-fbcaf984b709" when :arm64_root mode == :hexa ? "8305" : "b921b045-1df0-41c3-af44-4c6f280d3fae" when :arm32_root mode == :hexa ? "8307" : "69dad710-2ce4-4e3c-b16c-21a1d49abed3" when :linux mode == :hexa ? "8300" : "0fc63daf-8483-4772-8e79-3d69d8477de4" end end def partition_infos(device, sudo: false) parts = Run.run_simple("partx -o NR --show #{device.shellescape}", sudo: sudo) { return nil } infos=[] nums=parts.each_line.count - 1 (1..nums).each do |i| infos[i-1]={} part_options=Run.run_simple("sgdisk -i#{i} #{device.shellescape}", chomp: true, sudo: sudo) part_options.match(/^Partition name: '(.*)'/) do |m| infos[i-1][:partlabel]=m[1] end part_options.match(/^Attribute flags: (.*)/) do |m| infos[i-1][:partattributes]=m[1] end part_options.match(/^Partition unique GUID: (.*)/) do |m| infos[i-1][:partuuid]=m[1].downcase end part_options.match(/^Partition GUID code: (\S*)/) do |m| infos[i-1][:parttype]=m[1].downcase end end infos end #options: check => check that no partitions exist first def make_partitions(partitions, check: true, partprobe: true) partitions=partitions.values if partitions.is_a?(Hash) done=[] disk_partitions=partitions.group_by {|p| p[:disk]} disk_partitions.each do |disk, dpartitions| next if disk.nil? if check partinfos=blkid(disk, sudo: true) # gpt partitions: PTUUID="652121ab-7935-403c-8b87-65a149a415ac" PTTYPE="gpt" # dos partitions: PTUUID="17a4a006" PTTYPE="dos" # others: PTTYPE="PMBR" unless partinfos.empty? raise SysError("Disk #{disk} is not empty: #{partinfos}") if check==:raise warn "Disk #{disk} is not empty: #{partinfos}, skipping..." next end end opts=[] dpartitions.each do |partition| next unless %i(partnum partstart partlength partlabel partattributes parttype).any? {|k| partition.key?(k)} num=partition[:partnum]&.to_i || 0 start=partition[:partstart] || 0 length=partition[:partlength] || 0 name=partition[:partlabel] || partition[:name] attributes=partition[:partattributes] type=partition[:parttype] attributes=2 if type==:boot type=partition_type(type, mode: :hexa) if type.is_a?(Symbol) uuid=partition[:partuuid] alignment=partition[:partalignment] opts += ["-n", "#{num}:#{start}:#{length}"] opts += ["-c", "#{num}:#{name}"] if name opts += ["-t", "#{num}:#{type}"] if type opts += ["-u", "#{num}:#{uuid}"] if uuid opts << "--attributes=#{num}:set:#{attributes}" if attributes opts << ["--set-alignment=#{alignment}"] if alignment end unless opts.empty?!("sgdisk #{opts.shelljoin} #{disk.shellescape}", sudo: true) done << disk end end"partprobe #{done.shelljoin}", sudo: true) unless done.empty? or !partprobe done end def zap_partitions(disk) # Zap (destroy) the GPT and MBR data structures and then exit."sgdisk --zap-all #{disk.shellescape}", sudo: true) end def wipefs(disk) # wipe all signatures"wipefs -a #{disk.shellescape}", sudo: true) end def make_fs(fs, check: true) fs=fs.values if fs.is_a?(Hash) fs.each do |partfs| dev=SH.find_device(partfs) if dev and (fstype=partfs[:fstype]) opts=partfs[:fsoptions]||[] bin="mkfs.#{fstype.to_s.shellescape}" bin="mkswap" if fstype.to_s=="swap" label=partfs[:label]||partfs[:name] if label labelkey="-L" labelkey="-n" if fstype.to_s=="vfat" opts+=[labelkey, label] end if check diskinfos=blkid(dev, sudo: true) unless diskinfos.dig(dev,:fstype).nil? raise SysError("Device #{dev} already has a filesystem: #{diskinfos[dev]}") if check==:raise warn "Device #{dev} already has a filesystem: #{diskinfos[dev]}" next end end"#{bin} #{opts.shelljoin} #{dev.shellescape}", sudo: true) end end end def make_raw_image(name, size="1G") raw.touch rawfs=stat_filesystem(raw) raw.chattr("+C") if rawfs[:fstype]=="btrfs""fallocate -l #{size} #{raw.shellescape}") raw end def make_btrfs_subvolume(dir, check: true) if check and raise SysError("Subvolume already exists at #{dir}") if check==:raise warn "Subvolume already exists at #{dir}, skipping..." else"btrfs subvolume create #{dir.shellescape}", sudo: true) dir end end def make_dir_or_subvolume(dir) return :directory if fstype=stat_filesystem(dir, up: true) if fstype[:fstype]=="btrfs" make_btrfs_subvolume(dir) return :subvol else dir.sudo_mkpath return :directory end end def losetup(img) disk = Run.run_simple("losetup -f --show #{img.shellescape}", sudo: true, chomp: true, error_mode: :nil) close=lambda do"losetup -d #{disk.shellescape}", sudo: true) if disk end if block_given? begin yield disk ensure end end return disk, close end end end