.element-spacing .assets-logo-iugu-ux %h1 Containers .container %p.no-bottom-margin A container .container.small-padding %p.no-bottom-margin A container with small padding .container.no-padding %p.no-bottom-margin A container without padding .container .container.no-bottom-margin %p.no-bottom-margin A container inside a container .container.no-padding .header %p.no-bottom-margin With header .padding %p.no-bottom-margin A container inside a container .footer %p.no-bottom-margin With Footer .container .container.covered.no-bottom-margin Text inside a covered container %h1 Buttons .container %a.button.small{ :href => "#" } Small Button %a.button{ :href => "#" } Normal Button %a.no-bottom-margin.button.large{ :href => "#" } Large Button .container .container.covered.no-bottom-margin.small-padding %a.button.dark.small.full-width.no-bottom-margin{ :href => "#" } Small Button .container .group %a.button.small.full-width{ :href => "#" } Small Button %a.button.small.full-width{ :href => "#" } Small Button %a.button.small.disabled.full-width{ :href => "#" } Small Button %a.button.small.full-width{ :href => "#" } Small Button .container .group.horizontal_stacking %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button.disabled{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button.active{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } %div.assets-star-icon.no-space   %a.button{ :href => "#" } A .group.horizontal_stacking %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A .container .group.horizontal_stacking{ :style => "width: 100%" } %a.button.large.active{ :href => "#", :style => "width: 50%" } A %a.button.large{ :href => "#", :style => "width: 50%" } A .container .group.vertical_stacking %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button.disabled{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button.active{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A %a.button{ :href => "#" } A .container .group.vertical_stacking %a.button.large.tal{ :href => "#" } .assets-star-icon ABC .right.badge 135 %a.button.large.tal.disabled{ :href => "#" } A %a.button.large.tal{ :href => "#" } A .container .badge patrick .badge joao da silva