module Markaby FORM_TAGS = [ :form, :input, :select, :textarea ] SELF_CLOSING_TAGS = [ :base, :meta, :link, :hr, :br, :param, :img, :area, :input, :col ] NO_PROXY = [ :hr, :br ] # Common sets of attributes. AttrCore = [:id, :class, :style, :title] AttrI18n = [:lang, 'xml:lang'.intern, :dir] AttrEvents = [:onclick, :ondblclick, :onmousedown, :onmouseup, :onmouseover, :onmousemove, :onmouseout, :onkeypress, :onkeydown, :onkeyup] AttrFocus = [:accesskey, :tabindex, :onfocus, :onblur] AttrHAlign = [:align, :char, :charoff] AttrVAlign = [:valign] Attrs = AttrCore + AttrI18n + AttrEvents # All the tags and attributes from XHTML 1.0 Strict class XHTMLStrict class << self attr_accessor :tags, :tagset, :forms, :self_closing, :doctype end @doctype = ["-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN", "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"] @tagset = { :html => AttrI18n + [:id, :xmlns], :head => AttrI18n + [:id, :profile], :title => AttrI18n + [:id], :base => [:href, :id], :meta => AttrI18n + [:id, :http, :name, :content, :scheme, 'http-equiv'.intern], :link => Attrs + [:charset, :href, :hreflang, :type, :rel, :rev, :media], :style => AttrI18n + [:id, :type, :media, :title, 'xml:space'.intern], :script => [:id, :charset, :type, :src, :defer, 'xml:space'.intern], :noscript => Attrs, :body => Attrs + [:onload, :onunload], :div => Attrs, :p => Attrs, :ul => Attrs, :ol => Attrs, :li => Attrs, :dl => Attrs, :dt => Attrs, :dd => Attrs, :address => Attrs, :hr => Attrs, :pre => Attrs + ['xml:space'.intern], :blockquote => Attrs + [:cite], :ins => Attrs + [:cite, :datetime], :del => Attrs + [:cite, :datetime], :a => Attrs + AttrFocus + [:charset, :type, :name, :href, :hreflang, :rel, :rev, :shape, :coords], :span => Attrs, :bdo => AttrCore + AttrEvents + [:lang, 'xml:lang'.intern, :dir], :br => AttrCore, :em => Attrs, :strong => Attrs, :dfn => Attrs, :code => Attrs, :samp => Attrs, :kbd => Attrs, :var => Attrs, :cite => Attrs, :abbr => Attrs, :acronym => Attrs, :q => Attrs + [:cite], :sub => Attrs, :sup => Attrs, :tt => Attrs, :i => Attrs, :b => Attrs, :big => Attrs, :small => Attrs, :object => Attrs + [:declare, :classid, :codebase, :data, :type, :codetype, :archive, :standby, :height, :width, :usemap, :name, :tabindex], :param => [:id, :name, :value, :valuetype, :type], :img => Attrs + [:src, :alt, :longdesc, :height, :width, :usemap, :ismap], :map => AttrI18n + AttrEvents + [:id, :class, :style, :title, :name], :area => Attrs + AttrFocus + [:shape, :coords, :href, :nohref, :alt], :form => Attrs + [:action, :method, :enctype, :onsubmit, :onreset, :accept, :accept], :label => Attrs + [:for, :accesskey, :onfocus, :onblur], :input => Attrs + AttrFocus + [:type, :name, :value, :checked, :disabled, :readonly, :size, :maxlength, :src, :alt, :usemap, :onselect, :onchange, :accept], :select => Attrs + [:name, :size, :multiple, :disabled, :tabindex, :onfocus, :onblur, :onchange], :optgroup => Attrs + [:disabled, :label], :option => Attrs + [:selected, :disabled, :label, :value], :textarea => Attrs + AttrFocus + [:name, :rows, :cols, :disabled, :readonly, :onselect, :onchange], :fieldset => Attrs, :legend => Attrs + [:accesskey], :button => Attrs + AttrFocus + [:name, :value, :type, :disabled], :table => Attrs + [:summary, :width, :border, :frame, :rules, :cellspacing, :cellpadding], :caption => Attrs, :colgroup => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:span, :width], :col => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:span, :width], :thead => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, :tfoot => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, :tbody => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, :tr => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign, :th => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:abbr, :axis, :headers, :scope, :rowspan, :colspan], :td => Attrs + AttrHAlign + AttrVAlign + [:abbr, :axis, :headers, :scope, :rowspan, :colspan], :h1 => Attrs, :h2 => Attrs, :h3 => Attrs, :h4 => Attrs, :h5 => Attrs, :h6 => Attrs } @tags = @tagset.keys @forms = @tags & FORM_TAGS @self_closing = @tags & SELF_CLOSING_TAGS end # Additional tags found in XHTML 1.0 Transitional class XHTMLTransitional class << self attr_accessor :tags, :tagset, :forms, :self_closing, :doctype end @doctype = ["-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN", "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"] @tagset = XHTMLStrict.tagset.merge \ :strike => Attrs, :center => Attrs, :dir => Attrs + [:compact], :noframes => Attrs, :basefont => [:id, :size, :color, :face], :u => Attrs, :menu => Attrs + [:compact], :iframe => AttrCore + [:longdesc, :name, :src, :frameborder, :marginwidth, :marginheight, :scrolling, :align, :height, :width], :font => AttrCore + AttrI18n + [:size, :color, :face], :s => Attrs, :applet => AttrCore + [:codebase, :archive, :code, :object, :alt, :name, :width, :height, :align, :hspace, :vspace], :isindex => AttrCore + AttrI18n + [:prompt] # Additional attributes found in XHTML 1.0 Transitional { :script => [:language], :a => [:target], :td => [:bgcolor, :nowrap, :width, :height], :p => [:align], :h5 => [:align], :h3 => [:align], :li => [:type, :value], :div => [:align], :pre => [:width], :body => [:background, :bgcolor, :text, :link, :vlink, :alink], :ol => [:type, :compact, :start], :h4 => [:align], :h2 => [:align], :object => [:align, :border, :hspace, :vspace], :img => [:name, :align, :border, :hspace, :vspace], :link => [:target], :legend => [:align], :dl => [:compact], :input => [:align], :h6 => [:align], :hr => [:align, :noshade, :size, :width], :base => [:target], :ul => [:type, :compact], :br => [:clear], :form => [:name, :target], :area => [:target], :h1 => [:align] }.each do |k, v| @tagset[k] += v end @tags = @tagset.keys @forms = @tags & FORM_TAGS @self_closing = @tags & SELF_CLOSING_TAGS end end