import { growl } from "alchemy_admin/growler" import pleaseWaitOverlay from "alchemy_admin/please_wait_overlay" import { createHtmlElement } from "alchemy_admin/utils/dom_helpers" import { translate } from "alchemy_admin/i18n" class ConfirmDialog { constructor(message, options = {}) { const DEFAULTS = { size: "300x100", title: translate("Please confirm"), ok_label: translate("Yes"), cancel_label: translate("No"), on_ok() {} } options = { ...DEFAULTS, ...options } this.message = message this.options = options this.#build() this.#bindEvents() } open() { requestAnimationFrame(() => { }) } #build() { const width = this.options.size.split("x")[0] this.dialog = createHtmlElement(` ${this.message} `) document.body.append(this.dialog) } #bindEvents() { this.cancelButton.addEventListener("click", (evt) => { evt.preventDefault() this.dialog.hide() }) this.okButton.addEventListener("click", (evt) => { evt.preventDefault() this.options.on_ok() this.dialog.hide() }) // Prevent the dialog from closing when the user clicks on the overlay this.dialog.addEventListener("sl-request-close", (event) => { if (event.detail.source === "overlay") { event.preventDefault() } }) // Remove the dialog from the DOM after it has been hidden this.dialog.addEventListener("sl-after-hide", () => { this.dialog.remove() }) } get cancelButton() { return this.dialog.querySelector("button[type=reset]") } get okButton() { return this.dialog.querySelector("button[type=submit]") } } // Opens a confirm dialog // // Arguments: // // message - The message that will be displayed to the user (String) // // Options: // // title: '' - The title of the overlay window (String) // cancel_label: '' - The label of the cancel button (String) // ok_label: '' - The label of the ok button (String) // on_ok: null - The function to invoke on confirmation (Function) // export function openConfirmDialog(message, options = {}) { const dialog = new ConfirmDialog(message, options) return dialog } // Opens a confirm to delete dialog // // Arguments: // // url - The url to the server delete action. Uses DELETE as HTTP method. (String) // opts - An options object (Object) // // Options: // // title: '' - The title of the confirmation window (String) // message: '' - The message that will be displayed to the user (String) // ok_label: '' - The label for the ok button (String) // cancel_label: '' - The label for the cancel button (String) // export function confirmToDeleteDialog(url, opts = {}) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const options = { on_ok() { pleaseWaitOverlay() $.ajax({ url, type: "DELETE", error(xhr, _status, error) { const type = xhr.status === 403 ? "warning" : "error" growl(xhr.responseText || error, type) reject(error) }, complete(response) { pleaseWaitOverlay(false) resolve(response) } }) } } openConfirmDialog(opts.message, { ...options, ...opts }) }) }