# Quick Start ## Requirements **SkyWalking Ruby agent requires SkyWalking 8.0+ and Ruby 3.0+** ## Installing the gem The Ruby agent's gem is available from [RubyGems](https://rubygems.org/) as `skywalking`, we recommend you install and manage the skywalking gem dependency with [Bundler](http://bundler.io/), add the following line to your `Gemfile`, then run `bundle install` to install the gem. ~~~ruby # Gemfile source "https://rubygems.org" gem "skywalking" ~~~ Besides, you can also make installation as simple as `gem install skywalking`. ## Getting started with Rails You need to manually add `Skywalking.start` under config/initializers directory. Optionally the command `bundle exec rails generate skywalking:start`, will create a config file `config/initializers/skywalking.rb`, and then you can configure the start parameters. ## Getting started with Sinatra You can list `gem 'skywalking'` after sinatra in your Gemfile and use `Bundler.require` during initialization or calling `require 'skywalking'` after sinatra gem is loaded, that is, skywalking gem needs to be after the other gems you require (e.g. redis, elasticsearch), like the following code: ~~~ruby require 'redis' require 'sinatra' require 'skywalking' Skywalking.start get '/sw' do "Hello, SkyWalking!" end ~~~ ## Configuration You can configure the SkyWalking Ruby agent in various ways, the Ruby agent follows this order of precedence for configuration: - Defaults (please see [DEFAULTS](https://github.com/apache/skywalking-ruby/blob/main/lib/skywalking/configuration.rb#L21)) - Arguments to `Skywalking.start` - Configuration file (e.g. `conifg/skywalking.yml`) - Environment variables The following is an example of configuration at start: ~~~ruby Skywalking.start( service_name: 'sw-srv', instance_name: 'sw-inst', collector_backend_services: 'oap:11800' ) ~~~ The following is an example of a configuration file: ~~~yaml common: &defaults service_name: Ruby-Agent-Common log_level: debug development: <<: *defaults service_name: Ruby-Agent-Development test: <<: *defaults service_name: Ruby-Agent-Test production: <<: *defaults service_name: Ruby-Agent-Production ~~~ The following lists all the configuration options: | key | environment key | default value | description | |---------------------------------|------------------------------------------|----------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | service_name | SW_AGENT_SERVICE_NAME | Your_ApplicationName | The name of the service which showed in UI. | | instance_name | SW_AGENT_INSTANCE_NAME | Your_InstanceName | To obtain the environment variable key for the instance name, if it cannot be obtained, an instance name will be automatically generated. | | namespace | SW_AGENT_NAMESPACE | Not set | Namespace represents a subnet, such as kubernetes namespace, or 172.10.. | | environment | SW_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT | Not set | The name of the environment this service is deployed in | | collector_backend_services | SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_BACKEND_SERVICES | | Collector SkyWalking trace receiver service addresses. | | config_file | SW_AGENT_CONFIG_FILE | Not set | The absolute path to the configuration file, if empty, it will automatically search for config/skywalking.yml in the root directory. | | log_file_name | SW_AGENT_LOG_FILE_NAME | skywalking | The name of the log file. | | log_file_path | SW_AGENT_LOG_FILE_PATH | Not set | The path to the log file. | | log_level | SW_AGENT_LOG_LEVEL | info | The log level. | | disable_plugins | SW_AGENT_DISABLE_PLUGINS | Not set | The plugins to disable. | | report_protocol | SW_AGENT_REPORT_PROTOCOL | grpc | The protocol to use for reporting. | | re_ignore_operation | SW_AGENT_RE_IGNORE_OPERATION | Not set | Ignore specific URL paths. | | instance_properties_json | SW_AGENT_INSTANCE_PROPERTIES_JSON | Not set | A custom JSON string to be reported as service instance properties, e.g. `{"key": "value"}`. | | collector_heartbeat_period | SW_AGENT_COLLECTOR_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD | 30 | he agent will send heartbeat to OAP every `collector_heartbeat_period` seconds. | | properties_report_period_factor | SW_AGENT_PROPERTIES_REPORT_PERIOD_FACTOR | 10 | The agent will report service instance properties every `collector_heartbeat_period * properties_report_period_factor` seconds. | | max_queue_size | SW_AGENT_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE | 10000 | The maximum queue size for reporting data. |