require 'hobo_support' ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths |= [ File.dirname(__FILE__) ] ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_once_paths |= [ File.dirname(__FILE__) ] module Hobo # Empty class to represent the boolean type. class Boolean; end end module HoboFields VERSION ='../../VERSION', __FILE__)).strip @@root = File.expand_path('../..', __FILE__) def self.root; @@root; end extend self PLAIN_TYPES = { :boolean => Hobo::Boolean, :date => Date, :datetime => ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, :time => Time, :integer => Integer, :decimal => BigDecimal, :float => Float, :string => String } ALIAS_TYPES = { Fixnum => "integer", Bignum => "integer" } # Provide a lookup for these rather than loading them all preemptively STANDARD_TYPES = { :raw_html => "RawHtmlString", :html => "HtmlString", :raw_markdown => "RawMarkdownString", :markdown => "MarkdownString", :textile => "TextileString", :password => "PasswordString", :text => "Text", :email_address => "EmailAddress", :serialized => "SerializedObject" } @field_types = PLAIN_TYPES.with_indifferent_access @never_wrap_types =[NilClass, Hobo::Boolean, TrueClass, FalseClass]) attr_reader :field_types def to_class(type) if type.is_one_of?(Symbol, String) type = type.to_sym field_types[type] || standard_class(type) else type # assume it's already a class end end def to_name(type) field_types.key(type) || ALIAS_TYPES[type] end def can_wrap?(type, val) col_type = type::COLUMN_TYPE return false if val.blank? && (col_type == :integer || col_type == :float || col_type == :decimal) klass = Object.instance_method(:class).bind(val).call # Make sure we get the *real* class init_method = type.instance_method(:initialize) [-1,1].include?(init_method.arity) && init_method.owner != Object.instance_method(:initialize).owner && !@never_wrap_types.any? { |c| klass <= c } end def never_wrap(type) @never_wrap_types << type end def register_type(name, klass) field_types[name] = klass end def plain_type?(type_name) end def standard_class(name) class_name = STANDARD_TYPES[name] "HoboFields::Types::#{class_name}".constantize if class_name end end require 'hobo_fields/railtie'