module Gnip class Config def Config.for(arg) config = new updates = case arg when Hash arg when NilClass {} else if arg.respond_to?(:read) YAML.load( else YAML.load( end end config.update(updates) config end def Config.default_path File.join(Gnip.util.homedir, '.gnip.yml') end def Config.default @default ||= ( update_from_env( begin Config.for(default_path) rescue Errno::ENOENT Config.for(nil) end ) ) end def Config.update_from_env config username = ENV['GNIP_USERNAME'] password = ENV['GNIP_PASSWORD'] auth = ENV['GNIP_AUTH'] if(auth and not (username and password)) username, password = auth.split(%r/:/, 2) end uri = ENV['GNIP_URI'] || Gnip.default.uri config.username = username if username config.password = password if password config.uri = uri if uri config end def Config.normalized hash stringified_keys(hash) end def Config.stringified_keys hash hash.keys.inject({|h,k| h.update(k.to_s => hash.fetch(k))} end attr :config def initialize options = {} @config = {} options.each do |key, value| msg = "#{ key }=" if respond_to?(msg) send msg, value else @config[key.to_s] = value end end end alias_method 'to_hash', 'config' def to_yaml(*args, &block) to_hash.to_yaml(*args, &block) end def username= username config['username'] = username.to_s end def username config['username'].to_s end def password= password config['password'] = password.to_s end def password config['password'].to_s end def uri= uri config['uri'] = uri.to_s end def uri URI.parse(config['uri'].to_s) if config['uri'] end def inspect config.inspect end def normalize! config.replace normalized end def normalized hash = config Config.normalized(hash) end def [] key config[key.to_s] end alias_method 'get', '[]' def []= key, val config[key.to_s] = val end alias_method 'set', '[]=' def has_key? key config.has_key? key.to_s end def update hash config.update normalized(hash) self end def method_missing m, *a, &b key, setter = m.to_s.split(/(=)/) if setter val = a.first return(set(key, val)) end if has_key?(key) return(get(key)) end super end end end