#!/usr/bin/env ruby require_relative 'html_publish' require_relative 'network_tools' require_relative 'publisher2' require 'logger' require 'optparse' module PubDriver class Pub attr_accessor :ops def initialize( ops = {} ) @ops = {} @ops.merge! ops @log = Logger.new('log.txt') if level = @ops[:debug_level] @log.level = level @log.debug "Set logger to debug." else @log.level = Logger::INFO @log.info "Set logger to info." end end def validate( options, required, values ) missing_msg = "Missing required parameter: '" required.each do |entry| value = values[entry] raise missing_msg + value[:short] + "', or '" + value[:long] + "', which specifies the " + value[:mesg] unless options[entry] end end def publish_locally2 options = get_local_pub_options solr_search_files = [ "search.html", "search.js", "ajax-loader.gif", "help.png" ] parameters = { :solr_base_url => "http://searcher:8983/solr/", :style_sheet => "inputStyles.css", :solr_search_files => solr_search_files, :src_dir => options[:src_dir], :target_dir => options[:solr_dir], :static_dir => options[:static_dir], :debug_level => options[:debug_level], :solr_search_files_dir => options[:solr_search_files_dir], :search_category => options[:search_category] } @log.debug "Params: " + parameters.to_s publisher = Publisher::Markdown.new parameters publisher.process_files end def publish_locally solr_indexer = "" converter = Website::MarkdownConverter.new :indexer_url => solr_indexer converter.go end def validate_local_publish options dir_counts, ext_counts = count_files_in_dir options, [:src_dir, :solr_dir, :static_dir], ['.mmd'] dir_count_printer = lambda { |key,count,hash| p hash[key] + ": [#{count}]" } print_counts dir_counts, dir_count_printer print_counts ext_counts, options end def print_counts hash, printer hash.each do |key,value| printer.call key, value, hash end end def count_files_in_dir options, dirs, extension = [] file_count = {} ext_count = {} dirs.each do |dir| file_count[dir] = Dir.entries(options[dir]).size - 2 next unless extension.size > 0 files_with_extension_count = {} extension.each do |curr_ext| ext_count[curr_ext] = 0 end Dir.entries(options[dir]).each do |file| full_path = File.join options[dir], file next unless File.exists? full_path next if File.directory? full_path extension.each do |curr_ext| if (File.extname file) == curr_ext ext_count[curr_ext] += 1 end end end return [file_count,ext_count] end end def rsync_it ops command = "rsync -avP --stats #{ops[:from_dir]} " command += "#{ops[:as_user]}@" if ops[:as_user] command += "#{ops[:to_host]}:#{ops[:to_dir]} " p "[command]: " + command system command end def publish_remote params vpnTools = NetworkTools::VpnTools.new rsync_ops = {} rsync_ops[:from_dir] = params[:doc] rsync_ops[:as_user] = params[:as_user] if vpnTools.on_vpn @log.debug "On VPN, so sync'ing regular docs AND work docs" rsync_ops[:to_host] = params[:int_host] rsync_ops[:to_dir] = params[:int_docs] rsync_it rsync_ops rsync_ops[:from_dir] = params[:wdoc] rsync_ops[:to_dir] = params[:int_wdocs] rsync_it rsync_ops else @log.debug "On VPN, so only sync'ing regular docs." rsync_ops[:to_host] = params[:ext_host] rsync_ops[:to_dir] = params[:ext_docs] rsync_it rsync_ops end end def get_local_pub_options options = {} src = { :short => '-s', :long => '--src_dir DIR', :mesg => 'Directory of source markdown files.'} solr = { :short => '-w', :long => '--solr_write_dir DIR', :mesg => 'Directory to write solr files.'} stat = { :short => '-t', :long => '--static_html_dir DIR', :mesg => 'Directory to write static html files.'} solr_search = { :short => '-l', :long => '--solr_search_files_dir DIR', :mesg => 'Directory to read solr search files from.'} values = { :src_dir => src, :solr_dir => solr, :static_dir => stat, :ssf => solr_search } optparse = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen' ) do puts opts exit end curr_opt = values[:src_dir] opts.on( curr_opt[:short], curr_opt[:long], curr_opt[:mesg] ) do |dir| @log.debug "Setting source directory for markdown files." raise "Directory not specified! " + curr_opt[:mesg] if dir.nil? raise "Can't find markdown source dir as specified #{dir}" unless File.directory? dir options[:src_dir] = dir end curr_opt = values[:solr_dir] opts.on( curr_opt[:short], curr_opt[:long], curr_opt[:mesg] ) do |dir| raise "Directory not specified! " + curr_opt[:mesg] if dir.nil? FileUtils.mkdir dir unless File.exists? dir options[:solr_dir] = dir end curr_opt = values[:static_dir] opts.on( curr_opt[:short], curr_opt[:long], curr_opt[:mesg] ) do |dir| raise "Directory not specified! " + curr_opt[:mesg] if dir.nil? FileUtils.mkdir dir unless File.exists? dir options[:static_dir] = dir end curr_opt = values[:ssf] opts.on( curr_opt[:short], curr_opt[:long], curr_opt[:mesg] ) do |dir| raise "Directory not specified! " + curr_opt[:mesg] if dir.nil? FileUtils.mkdir dir unless File.exists? dir options[:solr_search_files_dir] = dir end mesg = "Specify the search category: 'public', 'work', etc..." opts.on( '-c', '--index_category CATEGORY', mesg ) do |category| raise "Missing Field: " + mesg if category.nil? options[:search_category] = category end mesg = "Set to 'info' or 'debug'" opts.on( '-d', '--debug_level LEVEL', mesg ) do |level| raise "Debug level not specified! #{mesg}" if level.nil? case level when "info" options[:debug_level] = Logger::INFO @log.level = Logger::INFO when "debug" options[:debug_level] = Logger::DEBUG @log.level = Logger::DEBUG else raise "Debug level not specified properly! #{mesg}" end end end optparse.parse! validate(options, [:src_dir, :solr_dir, :static_dir], values) @ops.merge! options return options end end end