require 'puppet/util/windows' module Puppet::Util::Windows module SID require 'ffi' extend FFI::Library # missing from Windows::Error ERROR_NONE_MAPPED = 1332 ERROR_INVALID_SID_STRUCTURE = 1337 # Well Known SIDs Null = 'S-1-0' Nobody = 'S-1-0-0' World = 'S-1-1' Everyone = 'S-1-1-0' Local = 'S-1-2' Creator = 'S-1-3' CreatorOwner = 'S-1-3-0' CreatorGroup = 'S-1-3-1' CreatorOwnerServer = 'S-1-3-2' CreatorGroupServer = 'S-1-3-3' NonUnique = 'S-1-4' Nt = 'S-1-5' Dialup = 'S-1-5-1' Network = 'S-1-5-2' Batch = 'S-1-5-3' Interactive = 'S-1-5-4' Service = 'S-1-5-6' Anonymous = 'S-1-5-7' Proxy = 'S-1-5-8' EnterpriseDomainControllers = 'S-1-5-9' PrincipalSelf = 'S-1-5-10' AuthenticatedUsers = 'S-1-5-11' RestrictedCode = 'S-1-5-12' TerminalServerUsers = 'S-1-5-13' LocalSystem = 'S-1-5-18' NtLocal = 'S-1-5-19' NtNetwork = 'S-1-5-20' BuiltinAdministrators = 'S-1-5-32-544' BuiltinUsers = 'S-1-5-32-545' Guests = 'S-1-5-32-546' PowerUsers = 'S-1-5-32-547' AccountOperators = 'S-1-5-32-548' ServerOperators = 'S-1-5-32-549' PrintOperators = 'S-1-5-32-550' BackupOperators = 'S-1-5-32-551' Replicators = 'S-1-5-32-552' AllAppPackages = 'S-1-15-2-1' # Convert an account name, e.g. 'Administrators' into a SID string, # e.g. 'S-1-5-32-544'. The name can be specified as 'Administrators', # 'BUILTIN\Administrators', or 'S-1-5-32-544', and will return the # SID. Returns nil if the account doesn't exist. def name_to_sid(name) sid = name_to_principal(name) sid ? sid.sid : nil end module_function :name_to_sid # Convert an account name, e.g. 'Administrators' into a Principal::SID object, # e.g. 'S-1-5-32-544'. The name can be specified as 'Administrators', # 'BUILTIN\Administrators', or 'S-1-5-32-544', and will return the # SID object. Returns nil if the account doesn't exist. # This method returns a SID::Principal with the account, domain, SID, etc def name_to_principal(name, allow_unresolved = false) # Apparently, we accept a symbol.. name = name.to_s.strip if name # if name is a SID string, convert it to raw bytes for use with lookup_account_sid raw_sid_bytes = nil begin string_to_sid_ptr(name) do |sid_ptr| raw_sid_bytes = sid_ptr.read_array_of_uchar(get_length_sid(sid_ptr)) end rescue => e Puppet.debug("Could not retrieve raw SID bytes from '#{name}': #{e.message}") end raw_sid_bytes ? Principal.lookup_account_sid(raw_sid_bytes) : Principal.lookup_account_name(name) rescue => e Puppet.debug("#{e.message}") (allow_unresolved && raw_sid_bytes) ? unresolved_principal(name, raw_sid_bytes) : nil end module_function :name_to_principal class << self; alias name_to_sid_object name_to_principal; end # Converts an octet string array of bytes to a SID::Principal object, # e.g. [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 18, 0, 0, 0] is the representation for # S-1-5-18, the local 'SYSTEM' account. # Raises an Error for nil or non-array input. # This method returns a SID::Principal with the account, domain, SID, etc def octet_string_to_principal(bytes) if !bytes || !bytes.respond_to?('pack') || bytes.empty? raise"Octet string must be an array of bytes")) end Principal.lookup_account_sid(bytes) end module_function :octet_string_to_principal class << self; alias octet_string_to_sid_object octet_string_to_principal; end # Converts a COM instance of IAdsUser or IAdsGroup to a SID::Principal object, # Raises an Error for nil or an object without an objectSID / Name property. # This method returns a SID::Principal with the account, domain, SID, etc # This method will return instances even when the SID is unresolvable, as # may be the case when domain users have been added to local groups, but # removed from the domain def ads_to_principal(ads_object) if !ads_object || !ads_object.respond_to?(:ole_respond_to?) || !ads_object.ole_respond_to?(:objectSID) || !ads_object.ole_respond_to?(:Name) raise"ads_object must be an IAdsUser or IAdsGroup instance") end octet_string_to_principal(ads_object.objectSID) rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e # if the error is not a lookup / mapping problem, immediately re-raise raise if e.code != ERROR_NONE_MAPPED # if the Name property isn't formatted like a SID, OR if !valid_sid?(ads_object.Name) || # if the objectSID doesn't match the Name property, also raise ((converted = octet_string_to_sid_string(ads_object.objectSID)) != ads_object.Name) raise"ads_object Name: #{ads_object.Name} invalid or does not match objectSID: #{ads_object.objectSID} (#{converted})", e) end unresolved_principal(ads_object.Name, ads_object.objectSID) end module_function :ads_to_principal # Convert a SID string, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544" to a name, # e.g. 'BUILTIN\Administrators'. Returns nil if an account # for that SID does not exist. def sid_to_name(value) sid_bytes = [] begin string_to_sid_ptr(value) do |ptr| sid_bytes = ptr.read_array_of_uchar(get_length_sid(ptr)) end rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e raise if e.code != ERROR_INVALID_SID_STRUCTURE end Principal.lookup_account_sid(sid_bytes).domain_account rescue nil end module_function :sid_to_name # - 68 bytes, 184 characters in a string MAXIMUM_SID_STRING_LENGTH = 184 # Convert a SID pointer to a SID string, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544". def sid_ptr_to_string(psid) if ! psid.kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) || IsValidSid(psid) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise"Invalid SID")) end sid_string = nil, 1) do |buffer_ptr| if ConvertSidToStringSidW(psid, buffer_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise"Failed to convert binary SID")) end buffer_ptr.read_win32_local_pointer do |wide_string_ptr| if wide_string_ptr.null? raise"ConvertSidToStringSidW failed to allocate buffer for sid")) end sid_string = wide_string_ptr.read_arbitrary_wide_string_up_to(MAXIMUM_SID_STRING_LENGTH) end end sid_string end module_function :sid_ptr_to_string # Convert a SID string, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544" to a pointer (containing the # address of the binary SID structure). The returned value can be used in # Win32 APIs that expect a PSID, e.g. IsValidSid. The account for this # SID may or may not exist. def string_to_sid_ptr(string_sid, &block) FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string_to_wide_string(string_sid) do |lpcwstr|, 1) do |sid_ptr_ptr| if ConvertStringSidToSidW(lpcwstr, sid_ptr_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise"Failed to convert string SID: %{string_sid}") % { string_sid: string_sid }) end sid_ptr_ptr.read_win32_local_pointer do |sid_ptr| yield sid_ptr end end end # yielded sid_ptr has already had LocalFree called, nothing to return nil end module_function :string_to_sid_ptr # Return true if the string is a valid SID, e.g. "S-1-5-32-544", false otherwise. def valid_sid?(string_sid) valid = false begin string_to_sid_ptr(string_sid) { |ptr| valid = ! ptr.nil? && ! ptr.null? } rescue Puppet::Util::Windows::Error => e raise if e.code != ERROR_INVALID_SID_STRUCTURE end valid end module_function :valid_sid? def get_length_sid(sid_ptr) # MSDN states IsValidSid should be called on pointer first if ! sid_ptr.kind_of?(FFI::Pointer) || IsValidSid(sid_ptr) == FFI::WIN32_FALSE raise"Invalid SID")) end GetLengthSid(sid_ptr) end module_function :get_length_sid def octet_string_to_sid_string(sid_bytes) sid_string = nil, sid_bytes.length) do |sid_ptr| sid_ptr.write_array_of_uchar(sid_bytes) sid_string = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.sid_ptr_to_string(sid_ptr) end sid_string end module_function :octet_string_to_sid_string # @api private def self.unresolved_principal(name, sid_bytes) name, # account sid_bytes, # sid_bytes name, # sid string nil, #domain # # Indicates that the type of object could not be determined. For example, no object with that SID exists. :SidTypeUnknown) end ffi_convention :stdcall # # BOOL WINAPI IsValidSid( # _In_ PSID pSid # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :IsValidSid, [:pointer], :win32_bool # # BOOL ConvertSidToStringSid( # _In_ PSID Sid, # _Out_ LPTSTR *StringSid # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :ConvertSidToStringSidW, [:pointer, :pointer], :win32_bool # # BOOL WINAPI ConvertStringSidToSid( # _In_ LPCTSTR StringSid, # _Out_ PSID *Sid # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :ConvertStringSidToSidW, [:lpcwstr, :pointer], :win32_bool # # DWORD WINAPI GetLengthSid( # _In_ PSID pSid # ); ffi_lib :advapi32 attach_function_private :GetLengthSid, [:pointer], :dword end end