require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper.rb') describe 'a volute' do before(:each) do Volute.clear! @invoice = volute do object.comment = [ attribute, previous_value, value ] end end it 'should not be applied when #instance_variable_set is used' do @invoice.instance_variable_set(:@paid, true) @invoice.paid.should == true @invoice.comment.should == nil end it 'should not be applied when #vset is used' do @invoice.vset(:paid, true) @invoice.comment.should == nil end describe 'with no arguments' do it 'should be applied for any change' do @invoice.paid = true @invoice.paid.should == true @invoice.comment.should == [ 'paid', nil, true ] end end end describe 'a class without a volute' do before(:each) do Volute.clear! @invoice = end it 'should get as usual' do @invoice.paid.should == nil end it 'should set as usual' do (@invoice.paid = false).should == false @invoice.paid.should == false end end