OverrideRakeTask plugin by Eugene Bolshakov, eugene.bolshakov@gmail.com, http://www.taknado.com This plugin is based on the Matthew Bass's idea described here: http://matthewbass.com/2007/03/07/overriding-existing-rake-tasks/ The installation script is based on the one found in the app_config plugin by Daniel Owsianski, http://jarmark.org/projects/app-config/ When using rake with rails it loads the task in the following order: 1. Default rails tasks (like db:migrate) 2. The tasks in your app's lib/tasks directory 3. The tasks in your vendor/plugins directory This plugin will allow to override rake tasks that were defined earlier. It means that you'll be able to override default rails tasks with lib/tasks & plugins tasks and override the taksks in lib/tasks with the tasks defined in plugins. In order to override a task you need to define it as usual, but using "override_task" method instead of "task": namespace :db do override_task :migrate do ... end end In order to make this work the plugin should be loaded before the tasks and the install script supplied with the plugin adds a line to load itself to the Rakefile. If it won't be able to modify your Rakefile, it will let you know and you'll have to modify it manually.