# Index Batch Actions By default, the index view includes a way to quickly delete records from the listing, as well as an API for you to easily create your own "Batch Action" for handling a request to operate on multiple records at once. ## Provided Batch Action The `batch_action` API provides one default batch action for use in your application immediately, for deleting multiple records at once. You are able to disable this action if you desire (see below). ## Creating Your Own Batch Actions To create your own batch action, use the `batch_action` method. You are provided an array of record IDs to operate on. The array should contain at least one ID. ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :flag do |selection| Post.find(selection).each do |post| post.flag! :hot end end end ### Disabling Batch Actions You can disable batch actions at the application or namespace level in `config/initializers/active_admin.rb`: ActiveAdmin.setup do |config| # Disable all batch actions config.batch_actions = false # Or disable for a given namespace config.namespace :admin do |admin| admin.batch_actions = false end end You can disable batch actions on any given resource using: ActiveAdmin.register Post do config.batch_actions = false end ### Modifying a Previously Registered Batch Action If you wanted to modify the behavior of the provided "Delete" batch action, you can override by: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :destroy, :if => proc { can?( :destroy, Post ) } do |selection| redirect_to collection_path, :alert => "Didn't really delete these!" end end ### Removing a Batch Action You can also remove batch actions by simply passing false as the second parameter: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :destroy, false end ### Conditional Display of Batch Action You can control whether or not the batch action is available via the `:if` option. Provide a boolean or a proc, which is executed in context of the view. ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :flag, :if => proc { false } do |selection| # This action won't ever be displayed end end ### Batch Action Priority in Menu You can also change the order of batch actions, by providing a value for the :priority param: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :destroy, :priority => 1 do |selection| # Do some deleting in here... end end ### Batch Action I18n of Labels By default, the name of the batch action will be used to lookup a label for the menu. It will lookup in `active_admin.batch_actions.labels.#{your_batch_action_name}`. For example: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :publish do |selection| # do some publishing... end end Can be translated with: # config/locales/en.yml en: active_admin: batch_actions: labels: publish: "Publish" ### Batch Action Confirmation You can also request that the user confirm the action, before the action is performed: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :destroy, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete all of these?" do |selection| # Do some deleting... end end ### Customizing Table Columns To include the column with checkboxes in after overriding the list of columns for the `index` block in the *Table* listing, use the following helper as seen below: ActiveAdmin.register Post do batch_action :flag do |selection| Post.find(selection).each { |p| p.flag! } redirect_to collection_path, :notice => "Posts flagged!" end index do selectable_column column :title default_actions end end ### Support for Other Index Types You can easily use `batch_action` in the other index views, *Grid*, *Block*, and *Blog*; however, these views will require more custom styling to fit your application needs. ActiveAdmin.register Post do # By default, the "Delete" batch action is provided # Index as Grid index as: :grid do |post| resource_selection_cell post h2 auto_link( post ) end # Index as Blog requires nothing special # Index as Block index as: :block do |post| div for: post do resource_selection_cell post end end end