# Staccato Ruby library to track into the official Google Analytics Measurement Protocol https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/ **NOTE:** The Measurement Protocol is part of Universal Analytics, which is currently available in public beta. Data from the measurement protocol will only be processed in Universal Analytics enabled properties. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/staccato.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/staccato) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/tpitale/staccato.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/tpitale/staccato) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/tpitale/staccato.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/tpitale/staccato) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'staccato' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install staccato ## Usage ## ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') # REQUIRED, your Google Analytics Tracking ID ``` `#tracker` optionally takes a second param for the `client_id` value. By default, the `client_id` is set to a random UUID with `SecureRandom.uuid` ### Track some data ### ```ruby # Track a Pageview (all values optional) tracker.pageview(path: '/page-path', hostname: 'mysite.com', title: 'A Page!') # Track an Event (all values optional) tracker.event(category: 'video', action: 'play', label: 'cars', value: 1) # Track social activity (all values REQUIRED) tracker.social(action: 'like', network: 'facebook', target: '/something') # Track exceptions (all values optional) tracker.exception(description: 'RuntimeException', fatal: true) # Track timing (all values optional, but should include time) tracker.timing(category: 'runtime', variable: 'db', label: 'query', time: 50) # time in milliseconds tracker.timing(category: 'runtime', variable: 'db', label: 'query') do some_code_here end # Track transaction (transaction_id REQUIRED) tracker.transaction({ transaction_id: 12345, affiliation: 'clothing', revenue: 17.98, shipping: 2.00, tax: 2.50, currency: 'EUR' }) # Track transaction item (matching transaction_id and item name REQUIRED) tracker.transaction_item({ transaction_id: 12345, name: 'Shirt', price: 8.99, quantity: 2, code: 'afhcka1230', variation: 'red', currency: 'EUR' }) ``` ### "Global" Options ### Any of the options on the parameters list (https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters) that are accepted on ALL hit types can be set as options on any of the hits. ```ruby tracker.pageview(path: '/video/1235', flash_version: 'v1.2.3') ``` Flash Version is a global option in the example above. **Note:** There are a few options that if used will override global options: * document_path: overriden by `path` in pageviews * document_hostname: overriden by `hostname` in pageviews * document_title: overriden by `title` in pageviews These are holdovers from the original design, where `pageview` is a hit type that can take any/all of the optional parameters. `path`, `hostname`, and `title` are slightly nicer to use on `pageview`. The complete list at this time: ```ruby Staccato::Hit::GLOBAL_OPTIONS.keys # => [:anonymize_ip, :queue_time, :cache_buster, :user_id, :user_ip, :user_agent, :referrer, :campaign_name, :campaign_source, :campaign_medium, :campaign_keyword, :campaign_content, :campaign_id, :adwords_id, :display_ads_id, :screen_resolution, :viewport_size, :screen_colors, :user_language, :java_enabled, :flash_version, :document_location, :document_encoding, :document_hostname, :document_path, :document_title, :link_id, :application_name, :application_version, :application_id, :application_installer_id, :experiment_id, :experiment_variant, :product_action, :product_action_list, :promotion_action, :geographical_id] ``` Boolean options like `anonymize_ip` will be converted from `true`/`false` into `1`/`0` as per the tracking API docs. #### Custom Dimensions and Metrics #### ```ruby hit = Staccato::Pageview.new(tracker, hostname: 'mysite.com', path: '/sports-page-5', title: 'Sports Page #5') hit.add_custom_dimension(19, 'Sports') hit.add_custom_metric(2, 5) hit.track! ``` The first argument is the slot position. Custom dimensions and metrics have 20 slots or 200 if you're "Premium" account. The second argument is the value. For dimensions, that's a text value. For metrics it is an integer. #### Non-Interactive Hit #### ```ruby # Track a Non-Interactive Hit tracker.event(category: 'video', action: 'play', non_interactive: true) ``` Non-Interactive events are useful for tracking things like emails sent, or other events that are not directly the result of a user's interaction. The option `non_interactive` is accepted for all methods on `tracker`. #### Session Control #### ```ruby # start a session tracker.pageview(path: '/blog', start_session: true) # end a session tracker.pageview(path: '/blog', end_session: true) ``` Other options are acceptable to start and end a session: `session_start`, `session_end`, and `stop_session`. #### Content Experiment #### ```ruby # Tracking an Experiment # useful for tracking A/B or Multivariate testing tracker.pageview({ path: '/blog', experiment_id: 'a7a8d91df', experiment_variant: 'a' }) ``` ## Tracker Hit Defaults ## Global parameters can be set as defaults on the tracker, and will be used for all hits (unless overwritten by parameters set directly on a hit). The following example creates a tracker with a default hostname. The two pageviews will track the default hostname and the page path passed in. ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y', client_id, {document_hostname: 'example.com'}) tracker.pageview(path: '/videos/123') tracker.pageview(path: '/videos/987') ``` ## Additional Measurements ## Additional Measurements can be added to any Hit type, but most commonly used with pageviews or events. The current set of measurements is for handling [Enhanced Ecommerce](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/devguide#enhancedecom) measurements. I've grouped these into ImpressionList, Product, ProductImpression, Promotion, Transaction, Checkout, and CheckoutOption (w/ ImpressionList). Each can be added and combined – per Google's documentation – onto an existing Hit. **Note:** Certain Measurements require an `index`. This is an integer (usually) between 1 and 200 inclusive. **Note:** Certain Measurements require a `product_action` to be set. This is a global option, and should be set on the original hit. The `product_action` can be any one of: * `detail` * `click` * `add` * `remove` * `checkout` * `checkout_option` * `purchase` * `refund` ### Transaction w/ Product ### Using a pageview to track a transaction with a product (using the 'purchase' as the `product_action`: ```ruby pageview = tracker.build_pageview(path: '/receipt', hostname: 'mystore.com', title: 'Your Receipt', product_action: 'purchase') pageview.add_measurement(:transaction, { transaction_id: 'T12345', affiliation: 'Your Store', revenue: 37.39, tax: 2.85, shipping: 5.34, currency: 'USD', coupon_code: 'SUMMERSALE' }) pageview.add_measurement(:product, { index: 1, # this is our first product, value may be 1-200 id: 'P12345', name: 'T-Shirt', category: 'Apparel', brand: 'Your Brand', variant: 'Purple', quantity: 2, position: 1, price: 14.60, coupon_code: 'ILUVTEES' }) pageview.track! ``` ### Transaction Refund ### The combination of `product_action: 'refund'` and `transaction` measurement setting a matching `id` to a previous transaction. ```ruby event = tracker.build_event(category: 'order', action: 'refund', non_interactive: true, product_action: 'refund') event.add_measurement(:transaction, id: 'T12345') event.track! ``` ### Transaction & Product Refund ### The combination of `product_action: 'refund'` and `transaction` measurement setting a matching `id` to a previous transaction. You can also specify a product (or products, using `index`) with a `quantity` (for partial refunds) to refund. ```ruby event = tracker.build_event(category: 'order', action: 'refund', non_interactive: true, product_action: 'refund') event.add_measurement(:transaction, id: 'T12345') event.add_measurement(:product, index: 1, id: 'P12345', quantity: 1) event.track! ``` ### Promotion Impression ### ```ruby pageview = tracker.build_pageview(path: '/search', hostname: 'mystore.com', title: 'Search Results') pageview.add_measurement(:promotion, { index: 1, id: 'PROMO_1234', name: 'Summer Sale', creative: 'summer_sale_banner', position: 'banner_1' }) pageview.track! ``` ### Promotion Click ### Promotion also supports a `promotion_action`, similar to `product_action`. This is another global option on `Hit`. ```ruby event = tracker.build_event(category: 'promotions', action: 'click', label: 'internal', promotion_action: 'click') event.add_measurement(:promotion, { index: 1, id: 'PROMO_1234', name: 'Summer Sale', creative: 'summer_sale_banner', position: 'banner_1' }) event.track! ``` ### Product Click ### ```ruby event = tracker.build_event(category: 'search', action: 'click', label: 'results', product_action: 'click', product_action_list: 'Search Results') event.add_measurement(:product, { index: 1, id: 'P12345', name: 'T-Shirt', category: 'Apparel', brand: 'Your Brand', variant: 'Purple', quantity: 2, position: 1, price: 14.60, coupon_code: 'ILUVTEES' }) event.track! ``` ### Checkout ### ```ruby pageview = tracker.build_pageview(path: '/checkout', hostname: 'mystore.com', title: 'Complete Your Checkout', product_action: 'checkout') pageview.add_measurement(:product, { index: 1, # this is our first product, value may be 1-200 id: 'P12345', name: 'T-Shirt', category: 'Apparel', brand: 'Your Brand', variant: 'Purple', quantity: 2, position: 1, price: 14.60, coupon_code: 'ILUVTEES' }) pageview.add_measurement(:checkout, { step: 1, step_option: 'Visa' }) pageview.track! ``` ### Checkout Option ### ```ruby event = tracker.build_event(category: 'checkout', action: 'option', non_interactive: true, product_action: 'checkout_option') event.add_measurement(:checkout_options, { step: 2, step_option: 'Fedex' }) event.track! ``` ### Impression List & Product Impression ### ```ruby pageview = tracker.build_pageview(path: '/home', hostname: 'mystore.com', title: 'Home Page') pageview.add_measurement(:impression_list, index: 1, name: 'Search Results') pageview.add_measurement(:product_impression, { index: 1, list_index: 1, # match the impression_list above id: 'P12345', name: 'T-Shirt', category: 'Apparel', brand: 'Your Brand', variant: 'Purple', position: 1, price: 14.60 }) pageview.add_measurement(:impression_list, index: 2, name: 'Recommendations') pageview.add_measurement(:product_impression, { index: 1, list_index: 2, name: 'Yellow Tee' }) pageview.add_measurement(:product_impression, { index: 2, list_index: 2, name: 'Red Tee' }) pageview.track! ``` ### Screenview (as in mobile) ### ```ruby tracker.screenview({ screen_name: 'user1' }) ## Google Documentation ## https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/devguide https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/reference https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/protocol/v1/parameters ## HTTP Adapters ## Staccato provides a number of basic adapters to different ruby http libraries. By default, Staccato uses `net/http` when you create a new tracker. If you are using Faraday or [The Ruby HTTP library](https://github.com/httprb/http.rb) Staccato provides adapters. ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = Staccato::Adapter::Faraday.new(Stacatto.ga_collection_uri) do |faraday| # further faraday configuration here end end ``` You can also make your own Adapters by implementing any class that responds to `post` with a hash of params/data to be posted. The default adapters all accept the URI in the initializer, but this is not a requirement for yours. One such example might be for a new `net/http` adapter which accepts more options for configuring the connection: ```ruby class CustomAdapter attr_reader :uri def initialize(uri, options={}) @uri = uri @options = options end def post(data) Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri).tap do |request| request.read_timeout = @options.fetch(:read_timeout, 90) request.form_data = data execute(request) end end private def execute(request) Net::HTTP.new(uri.hostname, uri.port).start do |http| http.open_timeout = @options.fetch(:open_timeout, 90) http.request(request) end end end ``` Which would be used like: ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = CustomAdapter.new(Stacatto.ga_collection_uri, read_timeout: 1, open_time: 1) end ``` ### Validation Adapter ### The validation adapter sends hits to the debug endpoint, which responds with information about the validity of the hit. ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = Staccato::Adapter::Validate.new end ``` By default, the staccato `default_adapter` is used to send validation hits, but a different adapter can be used (e.g. `Faraday` or `Net::HTTP`). ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = Staccato::Adapter::Validate.new(Staccato::Adapter::HTTP) end ``` ### UDP Adapter for Staccato::Proxy ### If you're using [Staccato::Proxy](https://github.com/tpitale/staccato-proxy), you can point Staccato at it using the UDP adapter. ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = Staccato::Adapter::UDP.new(URI('udp://')) end ``` Be sure to set the ip or host and port to wherever you have configured Staccato::Proxy to run. ### Logger Adapter for Local Development/Debugging ### If you're running in development and simply want to make sure Staccato is being called where you expect it to be. Or, if you want to compare the parameters staccato sends with the Google Analytics documentation. ```ruby tracker = Staccato.tracker('UA-XXXX-Y') do |c| c.adapter = Staccato::Adapter::Logger.new(Stacatto.ga_collection_uri, Logger.new(STDOUT), lambda {|params| JSON.dump(params)}) end ``` If you would prefer to log to a file (default is STDOUT), you can pass in an instance of a Logger (from Ruby's stdlib) or anything that responds to `debug`. If you would like to format the params hash as something other than `k=v` in your logs, you can pass in anything that responds to `call` and format as a string. The default should be consumable by Splunk and other logging software. ## Contributing ## 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request