module Spreadsheet ## # Methods for Encoding-conversions. You should not need to use any of these. module Encodings if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' def ascii string string.encode 'ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE' end def client string, internal='UTF-16LE' string.encode Spreadsheet.client_encoding end def internal string, internal='UTF-16LE' string.encode internal end else require 'iconv' @@utf8_utf16 ='UTF-16LE', 'UTF8') @@utf16_ascii ='ASCII//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', 'UTF-16LE') @@utf16_utf8 ='UTF8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', 'UTF-16LE') @@iconvs = {} def ascii string @@utf16_ascii.iconv string rescue string.gsub /[^\x20-\x7e]+/, '' end def client string, internal='UTF-16LE' key = [Spreadsheet.client_encoding, internal] iconv = @@iconvs[key] ||=, internal) iconv.iconv string end def internal string, internal='UTF-16LE' key = [internal, Spreadsheet.client_encoding] iconv = @@iconvs[key] ||=, Spreadsheet.client_encoding) iconv.iconv string end end rescue LoadError warn "You don't have Iconv support compiled in your Ruby. Spreadsheet may not work as expected" def ascii string string.gsub /[^\x20-\x7e]+/, '' end def client string, internal='UTF-16LE' string.delete "\0" end def internal string, internal='UTF-16LE' string.split('').zip(, 0.chr)).join end end end